I don't know what this thread even is anymore

People can lose weight by eating Mcdonalds. It just takes the method of calorie intake and how you can burn it off.

Which is very strange considering the extremely homophobic pandaren who made the thread

Wait wait wait. Extremely homophobic? Now I am the one who’s gonna need to see some proofs, I wasn’t aware of this.

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Are they gaining enough vitamins and other nutrients in the process of eating said though?

Just take up chainsmoking.


Look, i’ve spelled it out for you.

And I’m Matt Walsh, bro, nice to meet you. Now, let’s watch my new documentary “What is a San’layn”.

Amputating limbs is the fastest way I’ve found to lose weight.

Okay, and I’m extremely homophobic because…?

Yeah but that sounds like having to eat just once per day there and spending at the very least 1-2H on the treadmill to burn that off.


Have you tried just sucking some of the unwanted weight out?
Not lipo though.

Not really. Dude managed to balance it out by also adding the McDonalds salad and fruit options, as well as replacing car driving with walking.

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Oh god now even distantspeak is cubing up

It’s me, I’m causing it.

you’re certainly as delusional as any of the toilet paper americans.

Never, I’m always great :sunglasses:

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I am not a sector of the christian religious right, nor am I part of an active anti-LGBT movement from Hungary or Uganda. You haven’t spelled out anything, you’ve linked to a wikipedia article completely unrelated to me. I want concrete proof of me being extremely homophobic. That’s a pretty serious accusation, and it requires some pretty serious proof. Give me the logs here.

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:flushed: in 10 characters


I thought grimdark was a 2012 thing…

You guys eat salads a Mickey D?!!

My God. What sort of punishement must befall upon such a soul.
Also no, I’m not walking 40KM to work. But I have restricted myself to eat fast-food once or twice per week and no more so that’s that.

Is chorizo in Tortilla forbidden or a strike of genius?