I don't know what this thread even is anymore

If true why does it taste baller?
(Though I am an avid fan of fish and meat)

Do I want to be overweight or brain damaged? In this economy?

We’re in deep snow. Christmas came early.


MSG is a pretty addictive substance on par with the cabbage of the gods.

idk I don’t think i ever swap my forum tag, save for when I swap my main.

I have been posting more or less consistently with Ata here for +4 or 5 years now. Ever since early BFA.

Just wait until everything you eat is just corn… All of it.

Then these people are spreading lies saying it actually is happening in the game, and not just once, but every day!! And in the middle of Orgrimmar! Where children are watching!

They would never be able to show this proof because it’s only just happening in their rumours. But, then again, judging by the Speed’s posts, they had never even seen the guild in the game, so what kind of proof can they show? They are simply using the cheap vulpera cliche and stereotypes.

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That or the other white substance known to be addictive (For obvious reasons I cannot name it without eating an incredibly disgusting forum vacation)

It makes everything better.

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oi mate you got anything against the gay agenda?

Bro I fuggen wish. If they didn’t infest every single event and area with the slightest player-base on the server I could give less of a damn who they are.

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It’s just very hard to avoid these days.

Idk how people going into a diet completely dodging everything sugar or sweet succeed but it must be a pain.

I chipped a tooth but the dentist won’t see me before Wednesday :frowning:

Alright, calm down ben shapiro.

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I imagine if there were proof of any in-game wrongdoing it would have been posted in here already. Instead, all that’s been posted are screencaps of totally different platforms where NSFW content is permissible.

We can voice anger/concern/whatever about stuff that’s acted out in-game, but it has to be substantiated or it just comes across as malicious hearsay. Nobody’s the devil just because they like kink stuff on Twitter and it’s no reason whatsoever to lynch mob them.

If there is proof, please do post it.


A diet completely cutting out anything is usually not very healthy, unless there’s a specific allergy involved. Balance is key.

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Jaime pull up that video of a grizzly bear eating nothing but sugar for 4 years

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https:/ /ih0.redbubble.net/image.1362384068.3466/raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa:ca443f4786.jpg

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Vulpera are the cheap and easy target to bash, much like Pandaren and Worgen were. Which is very strange considering the extremely homophobic pandaren who made the thread and Obahar going wild before.

Self-reflection? Zero.

Columbian Premium.

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