I don't know what this thread even is anymore

Dust Scavengers are an amazing and wholesome guild. They are lovely people and I don’t want to see anyone here spreading nasty rumours about them.

Vulperas in general attract the attention of a lot of moralists who are spotting some… questionable adult RP in WoW on a regular basis, according to them. And judging by their claims, I personally assume they just like to discuss this drama and play the role of “holy angels of virtue” while making these scandals up themselves just so that they could have something to gossip about.

I know some Vulpera players identify as furries irl, but other than that I don’t think they are any different from others. The mystical ERP rumours are either imaginary or involve content from private sources that were never meant to be public.


Someone remind me, is Dust Scavengers the one with the cub erp, or the one with the slave erp?

They literally have it linked on their very public twitters. You’re just outright lying and I’d link the proof if it wasn’t against ToS

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My congratulations to the two main Vulpera guilds on the server having a wedding and merging together!

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
I mean some folks here play elves.

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That’s fair, its a bit internal since they are three guilds in a trenchcoat kind of thing.

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Glad we got the resident contrarian troglodyte steering the thread back to the original topic.

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I think it’s a psyop to make certain individuals/group look worse by association.


look, i’m pretty new to how the forums work. Can you get your post hidden by mass flags, restored by admins, and then hidden by mass flags again? Because I think that might’ve just happened.

Maybe the mods looked at the post again, or maybe your name.

Yeah, because you can have 2-3-4-5 terminally online gremlins (or just gremlins with an agenda) to log on alts and flag your post 30 times between themselves more than once.

In this case it ca be the Dust Scavengers, the Dust Scavengers-adjacent furries or just anti-PCU trolls (because you mentioned the Dustpaw Caravan) brigading your post.

Maybe, but the automated message said that it was community flags, and that staff are notified

They don’t like it when someone shines a flashlight, not a spotlight, just a flashlight upon them. So I suppose some individuals mass flagged your OP to get this thread locked.

Well, I don’t think Blizzard has more than one guy staffing the AD forums, and he seemingly didn’t see a problem with the post the first time it got mass flagged. Just gotta wait for him to come back to work tomorrow.

Considering while I was checking the thread early this morning I watched it grey out in real time and then get marked as ‘hidden, this thread can only be seen by those with a link to it’ means someone must have linked it to a buddy later on today to get traction going again.

Really makes the noggin get joggin.

These folks are probably the only (or one of the very few) guilds on the Horde side that actually unite all players there in the capital city and hold comfy fireplace meetings with storytelling, games, and positive vibes. The things that people usually refer to while accusing them are some private Discord conversations or social networks that have nothing to do with WoW or roleplaying in WoW.

Dust Scavengers are a ray of sunshine in the Horde, which some people are trying to throw shade on. Terrible, terrible.


I’m getting Uldum RP flashbacks


Anyone remember the forum trick to posting links?

Paste in a URL, select it in the text box and hit Ctrl+e or select Preformatted Text from the toolbar.

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Where is Kheena? Is she safe? Is she alright?

(This is a joke)

Re: Vaxir: As probably the only resident forum poster here alongside Acrona and Kaitylinn who has actually met the person IRL during one of the Helsinki meets, they seemed like a perfectly normal individual. Had some sick cybergoth boots on which everyone was a fan of (alongside Kaitylin’s drip).

Then again that’s how most people are in my experience.


OK but can you conceive in your mind that anyone can warrant scrutiny and wariness especially upon a questionable past? Surely you can’t be this much of a contrarian. Moreover what you directly link onto your TRP profile counts as well, you can’t say I do not project an image and preconceived notions if I have a X link displaying my muscle bound Vulpera in nothing but his knickers with a prominent bulge y’know (Which I’m not accusing anyone of). That’s not how the human mind works.