I guess that confirms that Daelin Proudmoore indeed did nothing wrong
Or if you’ve seen Daelin anywhere in Shadowlands you’re free to disprove me.
I guess that confirms that Daelin Proudmoore indeed did nothing wrong
Or if you’ve seen Daelin anywhere in Shadowlands you’re free to disprove me.
That’s the only mention of him I am aware of, so far.
Not sure what happened to it later. Given that “nothing escapes the Maw”, perhaps at that time his souls was not there.
gl hf
Yeah but that’s a Legion quest, they retconned like half of the established lore between Legion and Shadowlands. Back in Legion the Shadowlands were just a ghostly version of Azeroth/generic shadowy forest.
And Yes, Daelin is not even mentioned in Shadowlands. Funny how Jaina goes to the Shadowlands and doesn’t even bother to mention Daelin. What a complete waste of the best character in Warcraft, I don’t know why Blizzard even bothered to bring Jaina along if they’re just going to have her waste time in Oribos all day long.
Well, she is going to appear in last fight of the upcoming raid. What else one could hope for? (/s) Daelin? Kael? Seek for info about what was going on with Derek? Nah.
Not that Tyrande would ever have to do anything with the place / bossfight. Totally the place for Jaina. Priorities™ a la blizz.
gl hf
As a supporting/tertiary character.
I’d happily trade her appearance in the final raid, for her meeting Daelin again.
that doesnt mean much i mean we have not seen Garithos either.
at any rate for all we know one or both could be a Venthyr now.
You don’t know what you’re aaking for!
If he’s gonna appear, it will be to apologize to the Horde and say that Jaina was right al along!
But we have seen Benedictus Voss, who did nothing wrong. All he did was to fight against the undead, in a name of the Light, and in a name of the Lordaeron.
Scarlet High Priest Benedictus Voss Found in Shadowlands - Wowhead News
And yet, he is in the Maw. Which is pretty strange, knowing that Garrosh(person who did much worse things) is only in Revendreth…
He might have been sent to the Maw because Revendreth hates the Light, and that man was a fanatic of the Light.
The Arbiter definitely isn’t an impartial judge.
There was something odd about his interactions with Lilian. So, there is a possibility that he used her as a tool and then killed at one point. And tried again.
But still, we have Garrosh, who was in Revendreth, so it might be possible, that Benedictus was there too, and was cast into the Maw by totally not evil Denathrius.
gl hf
About Garithos: It’s like Blizzard is trying to retcon Garithos, think about it. He’s literally never been mentioned anywhere in WoW. So that’s not surprising.
This is not the case with Daelin. And after an expansion like BfA, centred around the Proudmoore Family drama, I’d expect Jaina to have a reunion with her father after so many years. Especially since this expansion is LITERALLY ABOUT THE AFTERLIFE.
Id say its more likly that he refused to attone for his sins, remmember revendreth is the last spot before the maw and if you dont attone you go to the maw.
It is curious that he has not been seen (yet) but he may appear later, i am wondering if he will be involved in more dealings with the Drust given their desire to capture Jaina it might have more to do with that angle rather than the maw.
But as i said it has also been a very long time since he died so he might return but as something else like a venthier or Kyrian.
Also thank you for reminding me that Jaina hasn’t had a single interaction with Kael’Thas in Shadowlands.
Seriously what’s the point of including Jaina in this expansion? What they are doing to her is simply disrespectful. Looks like Blizzard listened to the whiny babies who complained all throughout BfA that Jaina was everywhere (it’s almost like Jaina was literally the poster child of BfA LOL!). So now in Shadowlands Jaina is treated as a janitor in Oribos and nothing more, such disrespectful writing for an old and beloved character like Jaina.
Good one. Shaodwlands is rather strange though. You can wipe out worlds and still belong in to Revendreth…
To be a plot device, like most things and characters are?
gl hf
How is she a plot device lol… She’s literally doing nothing. A plot device would imply that she’s relevant, but she’s not relevant, she’s literally just AFK in Oribos.
Same way as most other things and characters? E.g. Baine, etc.
That’s how their style feels, be it Jaina, using night elves as a tool to change the horde to suit the dev preference, or ruining Nightwatch / Darkshire and just dropping the story line abruptly, etc.
They take a plot element, and just hold it in place for indefinite amount of time which leads just to frustration afaia. That’s about it.
Currently she is in her “placed there doing nothing” phase.
gl hf
everybody we saved from Torghast is afk in Oribos, propably because their story continues in 2023 with 9.0.75 or something like that
(sry, i’m salty from waiting half a year for new content… first time for me since i paused during Pandaria and WoD)
I have a feeling, we won’t get 9.2 this year. Unless it would be a patch with radically cut amount of content.
gl hf
At this point i think 9.1 is end of June at best, so if thats any indication 9.2 will be January or extremely watered down…
I fear they’ll try to cut the losses and will deliver the second subpar-expansion in a row… and i’m not sure if WoW can handle it after BfA