You don’t know what “plot device” is. You can’t be a plot device when you’re not even in the plot itself.
At this point i think 9.1 is end of June at best, so if thats any indication 9.2 will be January or extremely watered down…
I fear they’ll try to cut the losses and will deliver the second subpar-expansion in a row… and i’m not sure if WoW can handle it after BfA
The difference is that Thrall will have his reunion with Draka and Baine will keep doing Baine stuff (i.e. being useless), but Jaina doesn’t have a reunion with anyone, not with her father, not even with Kael’thas who is a protagonist, and she is totally wasted as a character in Shadowlands.
I’m sure Blizzard will find a way to push her into some story, they always do.
Jaina, as much as it pains me, is a huge crowd pleaser, and kind of the Alliance Counterpart to Sylvanas (with a huge crowd of raving fanboys) so they’ll manage to give her some story in 9.1.
Indeed, very much so. I really hope we see something more with Zul’jin than him standing somwere random in Revendreth (and you can only reach him with one covenant).
Its a wonder 99% of Azeroth’s dead are not landed in Revendreth for various reasons
I mean take Zul’jin for example, you have to look realy hard for him to find that old Troll!
So Daelin and all the other big names could be in Revendreth too… just locked away in a crypt, as part of their “rehabilitation” or reduced to those generic soulshaped… souls in Bastion, waiting to beceom an Aspirant, forgetting their past and form
Tho’ Daelin probably landed in Maldraxxus, tossed in to the Arena and died in the first two second and now he is some Construct’s left tes ticle all we know… not everyone (actually very few) ends up more than Construc fodder/grinded down Anima/ resoruce in Maldraxxus…
Totally agree
Time travell and Afterlife is the two things any expanison (or really, any genre ) should avoid like the plague!
Afterlife things- especially when it lift the veil of mistery and replaces Faith with Knowledge and Facts - basically butcher any society
Why anyone after SL would care such trivial thing than… you know, life, when knows, yeah, after you die, a Kyrian grabs you, a giant droid judges you and depending of your life, you will spend an eternity as
A vampire’s palything untill you are rehabilitated and could become such a vampire
A blue boyscout, who clears itself from the burden of the memories of its past life an become a ferrymen of sort
Either glorified munch or a spirit in a chosen form chillin’ in a forsest, or you know, reincarnate if you want
Tossed in to an eternal battlefield of Scourge wannabees and either you are fail or become stronger and spend an eternity as a soldier, defending the Shadowlands
Minor afterlives like da Other Side with Bwonsamdi are also there, in theory, but hey guys, these are the Big Four…
Wants to be a vampire? Be the baddest of the bad!
Squriell? Be a treehugger
A soldier for eternity, possibly a lich? No problemo mi amigo, you know what you have to do?
Or forget the whole enchilada and became a winged ferryman? Serve others and hope for the best
After SL every and all civilisation and relegion on Azeroth should become a Death Cult, where life is pretty meaningless, just a few necesarry things you have to do, to land on the choosen afterlife of yours, rigging the System
And its not a secret at all, common folks are wandered to Oribos, so the cat is out of the bag…
They managed to ruin basically everything with SL lorewise and and I saw it, most of the RPers are ignoring the expansion (there are exeptions sure) and for a good reason!
Just want to say, and I’ll try and dig up the source, but Ol’ Emma and such bieng in Oribos is a gameplay, not a lore decision. It is apparently pretty hard to reach it with it bieng above Icecrown and the Scourge rampaging.
This is correct. Jaina is used to be the good character in every story with enough power in hands as story needs. All BFA was that and SL will be too. Horde version is Thrall. I hate booth of them
That’s simply untrue, since she had a beautiful character arc in BfA involving her family and not her powers, in fact she had to be rescued during that arc and it was still beautiful.
It’s simply the fact that Blizzard can’t be bothered to write a reunion between Jaina and Daelin, even though they had no problem writing a reunion between Thrall and Draka. And let’s be real, 99% of the players would rather see Jaina meet her father again (since her father was a complex character), rather than Thrall meeting his generic mom again (like seriously who even cares about Draka? She’s an extremely bland character).
Or that he was just a bit bland as a character, a bargain basement Garithos.
Not seen Mankrik’s wife there either. Or Tiffin Wrynn, or Crusader Bridenbrad, or …lots of other people more interesting than Daelin.
Maybe because people are getting sick of the Proudmoore and Windrunner show.
Sorry, I thought you were asking about Daelin? He was a named Red Shirt, nothing more.
I think you misused words there. Instead of whiny babies, try 'Grown up’s who are tired of a two dimensional character with no real definable attributes to their personality apart from ‘Me Mage Super Strong, Can Do Everything’ She’s the Alliance’s version of Sylvanas. She has thirsty fans, she makes no sense, and she is frankly a sexist piece of writing that needs consigning to the bin. “Daughter of the Sea?” She can get in the damned sea, along with all the other uninteresting damned invertebrates.
Gonna need a citation for that percentage there…
Daelin was not a complex character…I mean he was a character, but there was nothing of complexity to him. What precisely did you think was so intellectually stimulating about his presentation in the games?
The same could be said about Kael’thas
He was fundamentally good and wanted only the best for his people The road to hell is paved with good intentions
Hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works as they say…
Daelin at the end was hatefull, fanatical and became Ahab with the Orcs his White Whale…
Still thinks he landed in Maldraxxus and failed to survive the Arena at Day 1
He’s not evil, just definitely not more of a good guy than half of Warcraft characters, and that necessarily reduces our ability to be empathetic and get outraged by the perspective of him, “of all people”, ending up in Revendreth
Not questioning the fact that the whole Arbiter system is unfair beyond measure though. Of course it is
I mean, speak for yourself lol, just because you can’t sympathize with him doesn’t mean others can’t. Plus I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not, there are literally world destroyers in Revendreth, the “worst” thing Daelin did was invade a tiny island in the middle of the ocean.
He’s stuck in the transition from the original naaru vision / story to the “new and better” one from the current dev team.
In comparison to how the current story is handled, that it a decent character.
His character worked in the context of W3. Not so much with the “redesign” attempted by the current devs.
Depends on the devs, I’d say. I think the Arbiter will be disgarded discarded as something outdated / bad as the story goes on. Or something that requires some “human potential” to fix, just like the devs thought that Uther “teaching” ancient kyrians would not look idiotic.
But if there would not be dev bias involved, both the Purpose and the Arbiter could’ve been something compelling.
I had always imagined the afterlife would be extravagant and beautiful–a realm all my own where I could dote and be doted on.
Imagine my surprise when I arrived in a necrotic wasteland more barren than Outland and more hostile than the crushing depths…
Imagine my surprise when I liked it.
This fight for dominance is more exhilarating than any luxuries could ever be.
He wasn’t really evil as such, he just didn’t necessarily think things through as fully as he should have, he did make a few major tactical errors which led to his fate, the major one being to pick a fight he didn’t need to pick. It was pretty apparent that Thrall’s Horde was not the same as the original Horde, because like, y’know, he was already chilling with Jaina, along with Rokhan, Rexxar and Chen. So Daelin picked the fight, Jaina realised he was just going to get every living human in Theramore killed, so with heavy heart did what she did. Even in the very final battle, Thrall is begging Daelin to stop the fighting, that the Horde -is- different under his Chieftaincy. Daelin is blinded by his hatred (I mean understandably, Orcis controlled Dragons did incinerate Derek into ashes), Daelin refuses to listen to his appeal to reason, and ultimately is cut down by Rexxar.
The greatest tragedy is, that Thrall was telling the -Truth-. The instant Daelin was killed, the battle was over, and the Horde withdrew from Theramore. As much like treachery as many saw Jaina’s actions, she had indeed saved the city, and it’s populace, from certain destruction.
Attitudes outside of Kul Tiras were equally sceptical of his actions. Other nations looking at it with either “Love to come and help, but a little busy over here” To “What the heck did you go and do that for? You know we’re already stretched over here, you could have waited till we sorted the current crisis for Light’s sake Man!” To “What the hell did you go and do that for? If they want to run away and live in a blasted desert on the backside of the world, then let them! Especially as they -were- running! You could have just done -nothing- and still won, what the heck were you thinking?”
Basically none of the other nations came to Kul Tiras’ aid, it being seen as largely a problem that didn’t need to happen, that it’s ruler had brought upon himself.
(The Above is all from his Wowpedia entry, Wowpedia, unlike Wiki’s cannot be edited by just anyone, and includes source references to the canon article/novel/in game occurence that shows it to be canon lore.)
So he wasn’t -Evil- He just wasn’t necessarily the sharpest tool in the box.
Damn. You nailed it with one line, after I went on that whole source-based ramble. Yeah, the Ahab and the White Whale analogy is pretty much spot on.
She is? Oh man, that’s cool. I was just thinking of random dead people. Aww, that’s kinda-nice, in the same way as you help them get together as young children in WoD if you play Horde.
I thought I’d spotted most of the easter egg type characters, right down to the ‘Enemy at the Gates’ male and female snipers, again in Maldraxxus…
Hah, true facts that…true facts, more’s the pity.
Ehh, he lacked complexity, but then, they seem to have mostly angst ridden people with the narrative capacity of a sixteen year old goth poet writing for them and calling it ‘all going to plan’ these days, so really, the standard hasn’t changed much, the bar was already pretty low even when Daelin was a living character.
Anyway, I was more being sarcastic because to see Daelin being described as ‘The best character in the setting’ was just hilarious…