I don't see Daelin anywhere in Revendreth/Maw

I speculate that Daelin underwent Kul Tiran burial rites. This is often a case where those who revere the Tidemother as their deity have their soul go through the Shrine of the Storm and rest with the Tidemother to be dispersed so that even in death a Kul Tiran may serve Kul Tiras.

This speculation could be disrupted by the argument that we see Kul Tiran people in the Shadowlands BUT we need to take into account Drustvar, where the people there worship the light and in the case of Thornspeakers nature rather than the Tidemother.

This would imply that the only people who get the afterlife they believed in were the Kul’tirans and everyone else goes to the shadowlands, no matter what they thought.
I really don’t think so to be honest.

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I think the Tauren actually go to the spirit plane as well due to their spirit walkers, the Draenei (used to) go to the Auchindoun and the Trolls go to Bwomsamdi. It’s entirely believable that a lot of these ways of going to different afterlives powered by manmade facilities, magic or godly intervention are entirely possible ways of avoiding the maw. Yes, there are various characters you see in the Maw and other places of these races, but they’re often characters who were missed or simply didn’t go with the general flow of society and therefore didn’t get those burial rites. Of course Trolls go to the Other Side due to Bwomsamdi along, but it’s been made clear that even he misses some, especially with recent assaults on his temples.

We do indeed see that Cairne and his wife go to the Tauren Afterlife, rather than one of the four/five potential ones shown in the Expansion. This is entirely plausible, as they are not the -only- Afterlives, just a few out of myriad possibilities.

We know this due to the Tauren Heritage Armour quest, where they both turn up and speak to Baine, as spirits. (Also, side note…Never try the Tauren Heritage Armour quest as a newly dinged character of that level! Eeesh! At least get some Benthic kit first! It is however…so worth it…that armour swoons )

This is an interesting perspective and since we know that the Shadowlands has infinite afterlives, it might be that one of those afterlives is devoted to those souls who were very connected to the ocean/the sea, like the Kul Tirans. But I found this theory on WoWpedia, what is your answer to this?

She may be Queen Azshara, or rather Azshara may have been impersonating the Tidemother since the tidesages claim that the Tidemother’s voice changed recently, causing the corruption of Lord Stormsong and others. Her new whispers are not to be listened to. Interestingly, Azshara’s elementals are named exactly as the three wards protecting the Shrine of the Storm.

Do you think that the Tidemother is a legitimate Goddess, or is she just a “fake deity” that Azshara impersonated to corrupt Lord Stormsong and his Tidesages? Kul Tiras is also very close to Nazjatar, which is why I’m suspicious.

But I’m also willing to accept that the Tidemother is a legitimate Goddess who guides Kul Tiran souls to their afterlife (a realm centred around the sea), it’s just that the Tidemother in general is a very mysterious figure.

Ummmm idk where you got that but Nazjatar is no where close to Kul Tiras. It’s actually in between the Maelstrom and the Broken Isles which are far from Kul Tiras as well.

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