i’ll preface by saying i haven’t been subbed for most of the xpac for life reasons, so i’ve missed a lot & probably won’t catch up until, like, 10.0 at this point - which is a shame because Shadowlands seems to have been a quality xpac which was universally well received by the WoW community.
bearing that in mind, i watched the jailer death cinematic on Youtube and… what?
i thought he was Nipple-Satan, but when he dies he turns into some kind of cosmic artist’s mannequin? does that mean the other afterlife weirdos are also blender animation armatures in skin-suits? does that also mean Elune is one of those?
There is another boss fight, in the Sepulcher, where you fight prototype versions of the other Eternal Ones. The Player Characters simply beat the special juice out of him to the point her reverted to a First One construct.
oh okay, so he’s another afterlife robot then? does that mean Elune is also an afterlife robot, since she’s the Winter Queen’s sister and i assume the Queen is also an afterlife robot? if Lady Moonberry is also a robot i will be very sad
also it implies the WoW afterlife is basically just a place you can physically go to and it is filled with theme parks and robots. which is madness. why would anyone want to spend eternity in Bimmy McDeathknight’s Super Stink-Land
Every once of the 6 Cosmic force realms has a Zereth, which manufactured the Force’s “Pantheon”. The Winter Queen and Elune are somehow bound together, as they embody the cycle of death and rebirth, in the juxtiposition of the two opposite cosmic forces. Altho elune is supposedly a rebel to the Life force so who knows what the hell is going on there…
Jailer reverted back to his primordial state, He and other Eternal ones are mere constructs, Basicaly AI Beings. It actualy makes you think if what they use is even magic or some form of super advanced tech.
It doesn’t really matter if he was created as a robot, that still doesn’t explain at all why he would revert to one, once you hit him hard enough. But the Devs really wanted to drive their point home, so that’s what it looks like, just like Anduin just changes armor and hair color, once the domination breaks, just because. They are clearly prioritizing “visual storytelling” over the narrative itself here.
But apart from that… as stupid as it is, the “robot” thing doesn’t really change anything. I mean, in the end, where is the functional difference between creating a sentient robot and creating a sentient animal? It’s really just a difference of style here. And I can agree that “we’re all robots” doesn’t fit the fantasy of WoW, but I don’t really see it changing anything, either.
Introducing the creators of the creators of the creators ad infinitum is a silly idea independent of that, though.
it’s hyperspace ballistics gel and make-up, which have been specially formulated for maximum nippularity.
and with that we have solved the Shadowlands story. now we can leave the Shadowlands forever and never talk about them again and pretend they don’t exist.
and Bolvar and Sylvanas stay there as well because euw.
He made the alliance miserable. And for that he deserves an award. I hope Tyrande and Alleria die soon. That will piss off many alliance players and make them stop playing which is my goal.
These are definitions more fitting for the dwarven Council of the Three Hammers in my opinion…because they have showed to not be very bright (except for Moira) and they are subservient to the Humans of Stormwind anyway for the internal politics of Ironforge (especially when there was Varian, but even today). Overall I agree councils are less effective than single leaders in time of wars, but who knows, in the case of a new faction war Thrall or a new Warchief could indeed be put in charge again. Thrall and Baine specifically said that, like the word says, a Warchief is not needed anymore in times of peace, but logically at least in times of war the position could return to lead the Horde.
It depends…if the Alliance was really in a much stronger position, they would be able to end the Horde and there wouldn’t be a peace treaty / armistice right now. Unless they are cowards even in a stronger position and Turalyon is quite a pacifist similar to Anduin after all I guess
Overall I would say the factions are stronger in the continent where their main capital Stormwind / Orgrimmar are. The Alliance did some progress in Arathi, Gilneas and Lordaeron too but unless Tyrande plants the seed in Kalimdor building a new Night Elf capital tree city there ( I mean in the mainland of Kalimdor and not on a far island again), I would say Kalimdor is virtually conquered by the Horde in that case. There’s no way in the long run the Night Elves would be able to supply and keep control of their few territories there with their reduced numbers and especially if their main capital and seat of power is planted elsewhere in another continent / island. Rokhan and Zekhan did say at this point the Night Elves are just willingly throwing away their last lives attacking the Horde in Ashenvale and Azshara without the support of the rest of the Alliance after all…
everyone is bad except Moira, she is the only good one. but Horde leaders are still big nerds.
after the Alliance won the war & imposed nerd leaders on Horde the Alliance bosses decided that it’s time for Peacecraft, just in time for everyone to get kidnapped and fight the space mannequins which is what we’re all busy with at the moment.
Essentially the only way to go on if you want to continue with retail…
WoW, a medieval high fantasy genre with magic and elves, has spent a lot of time in the recent expansion playing with spaceships, lazors, and robots… Let that sink in…
As much as I hate Shadowlands, this one is actually true
Everything in our Universe is made of energy (including matter)
Mater is just another form of energy
Creating a pure energy being or creating a being of mater funamentally is not diferent
The point is, they created a being and it had free will, it was not pre-programed
Zovaal and the Pantheon of Death having a “manekin” or construct body that was infused with their spirit is not really different than the Titans to be sentinent planets or World Souls. Their body was real enough for example for Aman-thul to pick up and tear out Y’Shaarj
And any mage or shaman who summoned an elemental or made a magical golem or anything that made out of pure magic could tell you, they are basically the same and could hurt you, a lot. Some of them inteligent, with free will, some of them not.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science.
Not sure if this one is really true as an in-universe rule though…for example I think Gnomish and Goblin techs are overall more advanced than the Blood Elves and Nightborne’s tech for example, but still we can easily tell that the elven tech is heavily influenced by magic (and based on it) , unlike the Goblin and Gnomish counterparts ( and the Gnomish tech is more reliable than the Goblin one but still not as magical as the elven tech overall) . So the magical element in tech is still something that it’s different and should be kept distinct from pure tech itself. A Blood Elf Blood Golem empowered by Anima magic works very differently from a Dwarven Golem, or even an Arcane Golem for example.
Otherwise why would Garrosh choose to destroy Theramore with a mana bomb enhanced by the Focusing Iris (and even just a “normal” mana bomb is already considered Sin’dorei magical tech in origin since TBC), rather than just a very big and powerful Goblin nuke like the one seen in Stonetalon against the druidic tree school of the Night Elves?
Even someone like Garrosh (who surely didn’t really hold Blood Elves in high regard since the beginning of his period as Warchief anyway) probably felt that for the complete destruction of Theramore and the mass murder of Alliance troops stationed there, the elven magical tech was superior (more powerful) and more reliable than the Goblin tech even in their main field of explosions anyway…not too mention the radioactive magical contamination of the land that persists even today…
I think Clark’s Law is true for every universe ,but that is just my humble oppinion
Anyhow, the Devs “know” - at last I give them of the benefit of the doubt - what was the wole story, when they designed Castle Nathria, where we beat Sire Denathrius and basically killed him/beat out his cosmis stuff, like with the Jailer, but instead reverting back to his original form, his spirit/essence was cought by his sword… wich shows at least in my eyes, having a “construct” body and be immaterial spirit not necesarily mutually exclusive, energy=matter, technology=magic; if it was technology that made him. Having a manekin oroginal body that was infused with energies and “soul” not necesarily means he was a robot and had an AI, just he and the others were created, but not out flesh and bone, nor steal and circuits, but… actually god knows what those vessels are. But ultimately it doesn’t matter what are those vessels and was created by will or in a factory, it WAS created it HAD a “soul” and it wasn’t pre-programed, was sentinent and had free will. At the end of the day, everything is just energy or one of its forms, including matter, and obeying the laws of the given universe, be it “magical rules” or quantum physics, thus the Clark Law any sufficiently advanced technology is indistingusihable from magic and the addendum any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science have a room here
My point is, Shadowlands could be expalined by these and have its own logic and why it could work
I don’t necesarily agree with this, or like it, but it is indeed possible and “logical”
The turth is, I hate Shadolwlands and the whole lore around it with burning passion, but that fact don’t prevent me to see it objectively and accept such explanations (and really even as an RPer, while I can ignore the whole expansion, sadly, untilly it is removed from canon, like the WoW d20 RPG, it is considered canon so… even with ignoring it, it wont go away, so might as well try to understand and accept it. But still ignore it as long as possible)
Every day I wish he gets fired. At least from his position. The guy literally destroyed the lore and characters with his nonsense to a reversible state. He has no talent, just a fanfiction writer who wants to take over the old lore and replace it with his ideas and visions. Maldraxxus and the Undying army are basically Daunser version of the Plaguelands and the Scourge, and so on with the other stuff.