Blizz please don’t make content in the expansion obsolete every time you release a new patch.
Look at bfa , there’s no reason to do past content. Unless you’re tmog or mount hunting.
When 8.3 came out I was thrown so much catch up gear + a legendary cloak. I thought to myself why was I running m+ on my chars ? ( my only way to gear atm)
I remember in TBC when sunwell came out , kara , ZA , older raids where still relevant. Dungeons were still relevant thanks to badges.
I don’t want to log in patch 9.2 and be reminded everything I did 4-5 months previously in 9.0 was for absolute naught.
Let me love my main again , I have so many alts because gear is so easy to obtain and I know next patch it’s ( my gear) going to mean nothing + mob scaling. I just never had that sense of urgency to be the best I could be on one character like I used to.
Do you guys want to be uptoo par for every new raid each time a content patch drops ? Do you guys want your time and effort put in to be meaningless ? What’s wrong being a little bit behind with your alts ? What’s wrong making dungeons and older raids somewhat relevant. You can still get upgrades from new reputations and currencies , instead of it been thrown at you. As you would throw seeds to the pigeons.
I want to hear your feedback on this ? I am just an old player or do you guys feel the same ?
Eternal Palace mythic drops BiS trinkets for several classes. Yes this includes Ny’alotha mythic.
Ashvanes coral is literally taking a massive dump on anything Ny’alotha has to offer. And there is a reason why communities are selling Azshara Mythic loot stacks for the Warforged Trinket (yes, EP loot can still warforge or titanforge til 455) because the Font trinket also happens to be BiS for alot of people.
put old LFR 5 ilvl below the current LFR and thats fine. Putting them closer towards normal is a nono. Rather do normal (which is equally braindead. Actually N’Zoth is easier on normal than on LFR. This includes both factions)
Old raids will never be relevant past their debut patch unless we get silly things like the Razor Coral that are absurdly powerful even into the next tier. That’s perfectly fine.
Dungeons won’t become obsolete so long as Mythic+ sticks around.
What I don’t like about each new patch is the old zones being made obsolete. Kul Tiras and Zandalar are amazing zones, but after 8.2 you did barely anything in them anymore. 8.1 was my favourite patch in this entire expansion because it fleshed out the zones more using faction assaults.
I would’ve loved it if 8.2 had escalated the assaults into full on faction occupation of certain zones, and kept content focused on the two continents the whole expansion was based on in the first place.
TLDR: I sincerely hope they drop the whole thing where each patch forces in a new zone which everyone will be funnelled into for all relevant content.
TBF this started in Legion. With Argus there was no reason to muck about in old content. With all the gear you could buy, as well as the free leggo ring for killing Argus in LFR.
While I agree with you, most players seemingly don’t want to go back to these zones.
Many new players complained about pathfinder being locked to these old zones reputations partly because of the timegating but also because it’s not “current content”.
Same for 8.2 essences once 8.3 was released, there were a lot of complains from players who don’t want to go back there past the intro questline, especially not for a week long grind to get essences and pathfinder part 2
So while I would love to see more done to keep old zones relevant, I wouldn’t expect much from Blizz.
Absolutely, with the way it currently works going back to the old zones is frustrating because everything new is put into the newly introduced zones. But if the entire expansion were to take place in the zones it starts with, fleshing them out more and more as it goes along, I don’t think there would be as much frustration.
I miss that too, i remember when after ICC completed in WotLK we headed to Obsidian Sanctum to kill Sartharion just for fun, mounts, titles, emblems, gems in sacks. It was still relevant, now most people do not remember normal G’ huun strats.
Dungeons are more relevant than ever because of M+ and the way WoW worked back in TBC (with very little catchup) worked well if you played the game without break, but most people apparently don’t play that way.
if you dont want patches to be expansions then stop buying/preordering things the moment they get announced. After bfa and more importantly wc 3 i will not bother to preorder anything wow related again.
Only games that actually show alot of hard work and promises should be preordered. No need to preorder unfinished games on false promises