I f*cked up with the Sylvanas quest

i facepalmed so hard quickly after i found out, and now i dont know what to do except treating the stupid me with this ultra sad christmas gift , it’s even worse than wooly socks when i was a kid (i love wooly socks now, that has to be said).

Even if im dead, i just wanna crawl back to the hole i once got up from.


Found out what? I hate cliffhangers.


i dont wanna spoil too much but in the horde scenario you get to chose if you wanna help sylvanas or saurfang and i blindly continued the quest and it took me to the path of going against sylvanas and instead helping saurfang which was not my intent

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You blindly made the right choice! At the end of this war, when days pass, when Sylvanas’ head is hanging from a tree branch in New Teldrassil, you’ll look back at this day and thank yourself.


… NO!



Then i’ll look back at this day, next to your corpse, and think of Katherine Proudmoore’s wise words

“You couldn’t save him…from himself”

Forsaken not only by the living, but also from himself. Look at what a rotten brain can cause.

It will be fine, she will have moved on and forgotten it, after she executes a few thousand other undead who betrayed her.

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Like the poster above me said, your best chance to survive the Dark Lady’s wrath, for this act of treason, is to act like it never happened and wait till she forgets.

Go to Org and /kneel + /hug Sylvanas 3 times to prove your loyalty.


If any character in wow deserves to get their comeuppance it is Sylvanas. Even before the attack on the night elves what she did in Gilneas was unforgivable and against the orders of the Warchief.

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I like how quickly this thread turned into sylvannas is evil hurr durr thread :smiley:


Moraly grey lost one dead boi

traitor when saurfang’s head rolls off the execution’s platform you’ll be the first to die as for memeboi the dark lady has plans for him he will no doubt get the Honor of becoming her first death knight

Sylvanas will be a 500 ilvl titanforged Bow.

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saurfang will be a lvl 0 titanforged axe and a muh honor plushie doll that lists all his warcrimes when you use it


He can’t betray Sylvanas, he is Undead. If it wasn’t for her, he wouldn’t be in Horde. I’m worried to this day, what Sylvanas said back at the start of Stormheim questchain… we might just lose a faction… and it won’t be even then… then the Alliance will conquer us… and it will be happy/sad end and devs will say: “You have finished wow, now we will concentrate on battle royal” :fearful:

…Yes !

u can’t go back now, its all done.

its ok bud, Calia Menethil can be you’re new waifu !

Guess you’ll have to delete your char and start over or remain traitor for life

This post makes me want to burn another tree


i already like you.


Shut up you pretty cutie Blood Elf. When we talk about the Horde we look right over you. Leave the burning tree talks to horde races we can take seriously.