I find Body 1 & Body 2 Upsetting

It was not a mistake, they did it very deliberately in that it’s not a bug or mistake.

More alarming however is the fact that the upset it caused was not a mistake either. Blizzard employees were quick to take to Twitter to express their satisfaction at having irritated people such as you or I, brazenly remarking in the process that we should leave the community because we’re bigots.

Ironically I didn’t even get irritated until I saw their posts communicating their intent to troll me, so I guess mission accomplished. Played loads of games with this body type stuff in it - didn’t bother me. This did because they wanted it to.

There wasn’t much thought put into the feature, either. For instance the German client has different names for the races when they are female as is common in that language for just about everything - classes, jobs, species, etc. They forgot to update it so body type 2’s were still referred to as the sexes in the rest of the character creation screen, nevermind the rest of the game. Quest text, videos, lore, titles, etc. are all unchanged too.

So… no. They are actually literally trolling you. There is no company strategy behind it, either. It’s just literally a couple of devs trolling you.


More like the beggar king of stormwind…

chuckles at Anduins “incognito” robe

Can we stop hiding body type 2’s behind fruit bowls now since they are no longer “female”?


Body 1 and Body 2 are utterly stupid. It was a pointless change and done for what? Inclusivity? Biology will always stay as it is, male and female.

Like others have said, it doesn’t outweigh my decision to continue playing the game, but it has been one of the most jarring things they have ever put into WoW.


we are sick of it. wow is dead and buried i doubt it even makes a tiny fraction of what other activision games make namely call of duty. cod is one of the best selling games period and until that goes away blizzard has no incentive to backtrack on their woke bs. plus all the devs working on wow are woke ideologs it was the dev team pushing for these changes not the top brass.

there is major pushback on all this woke nonsense here in the states but the media is all in on the woke bs so thats all they report on so thats all you guys in EU hear about but rest assured nobody likes this stuff.


Your topic has my seal if approval

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American company that is located in a far left state which means they have to follow diversity hire & inclusion laws or get fined.


I don’t find it upsetting, I just disagree with the whole concept of it and think it’s a negative for the game, and for society to steer into this kinda direction as a whole. But I’m not upset about it, I’m more upset about them removing Bladestorm from Fury in DF.


I am going to call body whT I am I am a WOMAN I AM A RELIGION I AM A HAPPY GRANDMOTH . Do not stop me!


You know its just code and pixels on a screen nothing is female or male at all only in your head ? You can dream up whatever you want.


Why does it bother you so? You’re still a woman…besides that second on the creation screen you don’t even have to look at it.


There’s quite a few of them actually…

And paintings are just paint. Let’s run around removing the genitals from all the Renaissance statues because they’re just rocks anyway.

Tens of thousands.

I’d feel the same if I made a post like this


Lol! What in the what?

Yeah, poor new players…

On a serious note, I wouldn’t have minded if they made it male, female, non-binary, but they didn’t and to me it makes no difference this way either! I don’t even notice anymore. I bet I wouldn’t even notice at all if it wasn’t for the forums.

So now it’s okay to hit ppl in the face who have body type 2?


If they intend on adding several different rigs to each race, to the point where you have say seven different skeletons for each then i think it makes perfect sense to have body no.x instead of male, female, so on.

If you used the barber to change gender even once that character is transgender.


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Boil a Frog idiom, I’m surprised that some of you are starting to notice that the water is getting hotter.

I’m also fascinated by how easy it is to manipulate people.


It’s embarrassing and ridiculous pandering to this nonsense. Male or Female worked fine. You think when archeologists dig up skeletons they say Oh this ones non binary!


This woke nonsense is infuriating. It will only serve to drive people away. At least we can take solice in that these people are deeply unhappy with themselves.