I find Body 1 & Body 2 Upsetting

I have always enjoyed playing a female character on WoW, it meant a lot to what it means to be a woman, and the fact that in World of Warcraft, both males and females are strong. Gender was never a point of contention in the lore, i don’t think it was ever raised as somehow an issue ever. It was implied into the lore that in this world, both males and females are heroes. They are heroes and will always be, they are my heroes, the heroes i grew up with. It meant a lot to see women in a strong position.

Now i am being told by Blizzard that this dichotomy of gender never existed in the first place. That somehow Thrall is no longer a male, but a ‘Body 1 Orc’ . That somehow Sylvanas Windrunner is a ‘Body 2 Blood Elf Person’ and not the strong female leader of the undead. That somehow Jaina Proudmoore is not a female, but a ‘Body 2 Person’. That blonde hair and feminine figure is just an attribute, not an identity of the person or gender itself.

Was this somehow a mistake? How could you change the nature of gender in all characters in World of Warcraft? How could you change the entire history and lore of characters? Are Orcs no longer supposed to be masculine?

Now i feel very strange because i can no longer play a female character, i have to somehow convince myself that this Body 2 is a female now without certainty. What does this say about new players who haven’t seen that WoW characters actually are male and female? For all the newcomers, this is all a lie. This is not an accurate depiction of the World of Warcraft or Warcraft, and the fact this is supposed to be a fantasy game and ‘make-believe’ and not a political show is slowly starting to be eroding away. Body 1 is Male, Body 2 is Female.

Now i’m talking to Blizzard, if your issue is gender equality or diversity, include a 3rd ‘customisable’ gender character, and keep male and female. If your issue is the dichotomy, have a spectrum but use the words ‘male and female’ on both ends. If your issue is to respond to complaints about non-inclusivity, you need to tell them that this is a fantasy story not the reality in which we live in this world. Stop trying to bring the real world with all its problems into a more than 10 year old game with established lore and well crafted characters and features, you are ruining all their hardwork bit by bit.


American company.


Yea its ridiculous, triggering and absolutely pathetic, but americans are too ignorant, arrogant and not going to give up their newly found religion that brings tons of free money. Either wait for them to get sick of this bs or stop supporting their games and give your money to a company that actually deserves it.


And nothing has changed in that regard.
Your character is still a strong female if that is what you want.
Just using a ‘body 2’. But she’s whatever you want her to be.

No, this is nonsense. The NPC characters still have their genders (unless of course they actively make a character non binary through lore). But the established characters are what they’ve always been.


Body types are censored. It has been discussed to the dawn of time. Let it rest, it doesn’t change anything. A third custom option would have been far better instead of removing gender choices.


But this would take a lot more work than just changing the text on two buttons.

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Your topic has my seal of approval


I feel highly offended that I am no longer male but just body type 1.


Anduin is no longer king of stormwind, is he a queen now? Who knows.


Because gender doesn’t matter. I don’t see the point in taking time of devs to introduce something, which is already introduced just for ur willingness to feel superior by just gender, which seems to be unhealthy and weird in first place, since self value can be boosted by bigger and more meaningful things than just having some gender.

Blizz is known for sucking up minorities. This was the main reason I didn’t even wanna touch WotLK.


I thought they reversed this.

At one point it was just icons with no text.

Can anyone share a screen of what is ACTUALLY there?

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You can see it for yourself. Just go to Create New Character. Two icons at the top with mouseover text “Body 1” and “Body 2”

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I could but I am in the hairdressers :grin:
I preferred when there was just no text. Then you can add a third androgynous one in at some point.
Oh well not really that big a deal to me but still.

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Most people would have you believe that Andy has always been a queen…


I cant say I’ve really dwelled on this… while stupid to do what they’ve done, I kinda… don’t care enough to kick up a fuss.


post edited


It has been clear for quite a while now that these types of shenanigans have a sole purpose , to rot society from the inside out and to blur out anything that has meaning or value. They didn’t wake up one day and thought " ok how about this then " , it’s all a form of societal abuse.


Where’s body type 3 and 4?

(only swtor fans will get this)


what i find strange op…

is when it comes to player choice it has been censored …

but there is still races within wow which have both male and female models…

so ask yourself what was the point in the first place?

im certain there is even highly likely quests in the game which refer to “Him” or “her”

yet they probably go unnoticed by the people who made the body type changes…

it seems a bit like null issue if they do not blanket sweep every reference from the game…

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