I find the cost of heirloom upgrades ludicrous


I think it’s about time Blizzard removed or drastically lowered the gold cost for the heirloom upgrades. I find it a bit ridiculous we have to upgrade our heirlooms in the first place. I was wondering what all of you thought about this cost? I am not an auction house monkey so I am bad at making money and as a result I can fully upgrade one heirloom item every 3 months, taking into account my limited playtime due to RL responsibilities.

Any thoughts?


The gold cost is fine for heirlooms, it’s the time tokens that are ridiculous.
By the time you have those together, you don’t even need the heirlooms anymore.

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I haven’t upgraded any heirlooms since Legion, so they’re stuck as level 49 or something.
The cost is ridiculous as you say. And they aren’t really that good. The Set Bonuses are pretty poor too.

Personally I’d have a quest line a bit like the Heritage Armour quest line that upgrades all your Heirlooms to current max level. It would be added in x.1 or x.2 patch.
I’d have more quests to acquire (some of them) a bit like the Artifact quests.
I’d have an Heirloom for every slot too.

I would also tweak the Set Bonuses. I’d have much better Rested XP buff. I’d have a large +Haste and +Speed for speed running old content or speed leveling. Reduce the cooldown on Hearthstone for getting back to the hub to hand in all those quests.


I really like the sound of that. Especially since the devs have put so much focus on endgame and try to get people to endgame ASAP. Why not make it easier and cheaper to attain fully upgraded heirlooms? The current heirloom system seems to be untouched since Legion.

What time tokens are you referring to?

It’s dumb. It never made any sense, and I guess it was just tagged on as an easy developer solution after every expansion added 10 more levels and further item level scaling. Just let players buy a gizmo that updates their heirloom to be relevant for the new expansion.

But from a player perspective it’s just a tax you have to pay every time a new expansion is released. And on top of that the cost is so high that it hardly justifies the investment - especially not after the heirloom items were reworked and made a lot less powerful.

So yeah, it’s a mess all-around.
It’s not very elegant from a developer point of view, and it’s incredibly unfriendly from a player point of view.


I assume they’re talking about Timewarped Badges. You can upgrade Heirlooms with those too.
Although I don’t do Timewalking so I only have a few thousand of them from doing Anniversary stuff over the years (you used to get a few hundred in the gift package but none this year).

Since I’ve not upgrade my Heirlooms since Legion I assume I have to upgrade them all for each expac. So that 5,000g per slot per expac. That could be millions of gold, hundreds of thousand certainaly.

Since my Heirlooms go up to around 49 they are fine for leveling Allied Races to earn their Heritage Armour. After that they’re on their own and probably will only be used to run Dragon Soul for Blazing Drake anyhow.

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Yup, the gold costs are extortionate, we’re not all Goblins.
Remix Bronze would be a perfect currency for things like this.


i just got the 35 heirlooms to unlock Chauffeured Chopper

It used to be you had your heirlooms and they would level with you up to current max level. No upgrading necessary, no wasted gold and/or time. They also used to have an xp bonus.

Then someone cried about the amount of in-game gold or Blizzard wanted ppl to buy tokens (choose your own theory to support), and we got this amazing* system where we can either fork over 60k gold per heirloom or spend an unholy amount of hours grinding event currency (like tricky treats,ancestor coin etc) for one measly upgrade.

Personally I think they should make heirlooms scale from 1-[current expansion’s max level] without you having to pay or do quests for it.

*and if you believe I mean that I got a tower in Paris I can sell you, too

They should make the upgrades universal instead of one for each armor type:
For instance if you upgrade your chest slot that means all armor type chest slot items are upgraded.


Its not fine and I don’t think anybody truly believes that. Heirlooms are no longer what they used to be so I agree with OP. Time to remove the cost and put them back to what they were.

If you think about it the best time to do this upgrade quest chain is in a prepatch. Not everybody rushes to level their alts in the first week of launch on a new expansion, so would be a nice touch for later on.

As soon as they removed the exp bonus they became essentially worthless.

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Once they took away the XP bonus I have only bothered to upgrade them with other currencies that are not gold. And only my plate set.

Wouldn’t this just get rid of quest rewards for the upcoming expac.

Pre Patch gear already does this to a large degree. I didn’t bother with Pre Patch gear this year (I was away in the summer) so I went into TWW with 463 gear and even this wasn’t replaced until 76 or so.

I used to really like getting to a new continent and getting an awesome sword from my first quest that felt like a real upgrade. Of course back then I wasn’t a raider so I would go into a new expansion with Dungeon Gear at best.

The gold cost for upgrading is stupidly high.

With how fast people level today, and how costly the upgrade is, players are just not bothered to use heirloom at all.

Blizzard artificially created this lose lose situation by making heirloom useless with high upgrading cost

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^^ This… Ever since the XP bonus was removed, they´ve been IMO semi- if not completely useless, so why even upgrade them?..

Upgrade costs too high or not being debateable, IMO the whole system needs a bit of a rework to make using them actually feel worth it again, as it stands they’re a just relic of the past more than anything else :beers:


I agree but whats the point of heirlooms now anyway? I mean they are significantly worse than whatever you will get from doing quests or dungeons and the set bonus is not worth it.

Only benefit would be having some gear that at least keeps up with the leveling/scaling as you blaze through the dungeons while leveling, but that’s pretty much it.

Yes but heres the thing, the ilvl scaling is so low that you really have to be unlucky for the scalling to be worth it. Like seriously the heirloom ilvl is worse than greens.

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