I go bed instead 80 min solo shuffle i give up

80 min solo shuffle i just give up, blizz needs to do something.

I am also no life, imagine normal peps they will leave this game instant.


I have a feeling there is some glitch in system, it’s skips your turn or smth when it’s your turn to get team, in your case it’s happened 2 times at least . Avareage 20 mins your turn comes, f that guy, skips ya , you wait another 20 min ect
I dunno what is going on, I love RSS, but maaan these q times are killing it.

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Nerfing the popular healers instead of buffing the weak ones has really helped the queue times it seems :clown_face:


Tbh, even if healers are overpowered it wont realistically help. When u open the flood gates, and over 50% of players are just spam queuing til they manage to get carried.

Players playing higher stress roles will fall off fast.

Solo shuffle was inevitably going to kill pvp. Automatic queue systems dont belong in a competitive mode.

You cant just lob everyone into the same place and think its gonna be happy mondays.

Granted repeatively nerfing classes never helps popularity. But problem with getting healers basically has existed from the moment its hype dropped. Even when pres and things were OP as hell players were still dpd queuing.

PvP is just not fun especially for healers. They need to remove at least 4-5 abilities from each class (in some cases probably more) cause there is no way any normal sane person would want to learn every class ability that is important to have a chance in PvP not counting all the buff, debuff, dr tracking on top of being aware where your healer is so you don’t LoS him. PvP in WoW is just too complicated for 99% of players. There is so much button mashing involved in PvP that it’s just stressful instead of enjoyable gameplay. The new talent tree was a great opportunity to do all that but instead if made things worse. Solo Shuffle is quite a fail in so many ways but it’s probably still better than normal rated arena where you meet gladiator boosters on 1600 rating.

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You are right, Shuffle sucks overall for healers but it’s not an unsolvable problem. In Overwatch you need one healer for every dd in the game and while dps queues are a bit higher it’s nowhere as bad as in WoW (I’m usually for less than 3 minutes in queue as dps which is tolerable). But OW also allows healers to have quite a lot damage instead of turning them into pure healbots, overloading some classes with mortal strike on top of it, standing around in cc for half of the time, giving them less mainstat from the trinket bonus, and being on a timer with dampening and mana.

The main problem is that blizzard doesn’t care about role, there are 5 times more dps specs than healers and the healer balance is bad, you have like 2 healers who are good while the others aren’t.

Healing is not that hard tho, and healers are pretty good out of damp.
Crazy rushing damp in ss games is the problem, thay just need to redesign this aspect, cause its only the healer who feels useless at the end.
Personally i’d prefer shuffles with arena rules, and bring back points gained like last ssn. The shuffle sessh would be longer, but it would also be fair for everyone

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I Dont bother with solo, I just sit at 1908 cr untill they boost mmr or Fix Q atleast. Shuflfe is bad desing it should work like skirmish with 1 game each time not 6. It would make Q very fast and everyone would be atleasts somewhat happy. And since shufle succeeded in killing or atleast heavily dampening other brackets, What is the alternative to waiting months untill rating Inflation/mmr fix?


Better players = games last longer, cos proper cd trading. I would reduce dampening at low ratings and with each rating milestone increase dampening, so pro’s don’t fight forever and noobs don’t die insta , so new healers can enjoy a lil bit more healing.

Solution for SS que time is very simple:

  1. Disc priest cannot remain that powerfull
  2. Gief healer +10 rating for draw game if guy which lost all 6 rounds is present

from 55mintes que to 5minute in one hotfix

Main problem with SS is that priest is almost only healer to que games, others not wish to play because power of priest, if all healers are in pool than waiting time wont be issue at all.

I don’t play solo shuffle at the moment because every vault does not provide me a tier set, I find m+ combined with casual PVP more appealing than queueing for 40 mins for one single solo match.

Btw monk healer is a lot better these days.

Yeah man I wish the solo shuffle que could pop even while in BGs or qued for rated BGs etc… there’s no reason for it to be one or other. I wanna play random casual BGs and leave as soon as solo shuffle que pops. Random BG gets filled back very quickly

Disc is not the best healer in shuffle. Rdruid and mistweaver is better.

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Nothing they can do now - they needed to act 6 weeks ago. I made a post about it a 3 days after the season began, warning of the obvious issues that were about to follow, namely, healers being extremely unfun to play in shuffle and damage from wizards being far too high. What I didn’t predict was that they’d return to SL S4 levels of deflation, which stings extra hard given we just left an extremely inflated season (at least for SS.)

I personally didn’t think they’d make that mistake twice, given it completely killed SL S4 just days after it arrived, but yeah, they made that mistake too.

I say theres nothing they can do because all of the casuals already left - those that remained were the hardcore, those too have now left thanks to D4.

When will they return? Maybe 3-4 months from now maybe - and this is the problem with letting your game stagnate in 2023. Players have options. In 2004 we had no option. If you messed up a patch, our options were play it anyway, or go touch grass. Now, most people have a library of 50-500 games to play at the drop of a hat or after a quick download that rival or surpass WoW. They can’t afford to be slow anymore, yet they do it anyway, and it will end up killing the game.

I also begged for some class tuning - but i should have also asked them to not nerf healers yet again when already no one is playing them. my bad, I guess:

Solo shuffle is unplayable and frustrating , never had my 3s rating higher then shuffle one last season… this mmr crap it’s just bad design we are 4 week into the season and everybody is full gear … so when the “ get rating “ phase will start for you blizzard ? Keep making this game more dead then it was before I’m not giving you 90€ for that click to move sort of game that you are trying to promote to us…

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I play as an healer and the arena is so stressfull, and most of the times it ends in 0-0 rating increase for both healers. I’m playing around 1.4k - 1.5k rating.
just not rewarding… also I’m not getting better dps player at this “impossible to overcome” rating, there is always one dps that goes 6-0, 5-1 and this ruing the whole healer experience.

when I play dps I enjoy the game so much, sooooooo much easier, half the buttons to press, much less targeting around…totally different game. So playing a healer is not rewarding, I get fun only for a couple of games, then I need to release pressure somehow.

there could be a queue time “discount” for helers that play games (not just queue) that then queue as dps. I’d love so much to play as a shadow…but god, 30 min queues. And I’m paying a monlty fee. So I play a couple of arenas and then I drop for another game.

Go play League of Legends if you want a 5 button PvP game.

Leave us alone.

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From where you draw that conclusion? MW is arguably better, resto druid not near good.

If you are resto druid and guy who not wish to use his defensives play with you its AUATOMATIC lose, you can do nothing to prevent it, while priest has chance to win this game, this is what makes priest god and anything else paesant. Priest healing turn noob into god, as long guy know to do damage, he can afford to lack of cooldown managent, lack of situational awerness, lack of PvP knowledge , he will be rewarded with wining screen. Priest create ARMY of people who go high ratting with very low PVP knowledge, just because they not have to when priest healing.

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