🔒 I Got Banned And I Deserved It

Duran Duran!!!

Have a genuine Souldefiler like young Daestra and may you forever dance on the sand.

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go toy youtube then

I’ve been on youtube, lots of good music on there, was pretty metal, to be honest.

I agree that Twilunas post are both harmless and enjoyable. However I can also understand why some issues are brought up in the general chat and not on the pvp forums. Because nobody actually uses the pvp forums so if someone wants to get his voice heard he goes to the general forums. I think both types of posts have a place here. And also if people don’t voice their concern about changes they don’t like then nothing will change.

Take leveling for example. Me and many others were vocal for a long time after 7.3.5 came out and look how much progress has been done on this deprtment. Legacy raids being unsoloable is another thing that people will have to stay vocal about until it gets fixed.

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We want names! Give us names!

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I could not agree more on that ,i could even solo some BFA raids and Mythic0 whilst BFA was current but now we have to wait until end of xpac to solo Legion then expac after for BFA nu huh not happening at all .

I did over 300 runs in FH for the mount not to see it drop but now due to squish and scaleing its a slog to even do one per week.


That doesant exist it’s a myth lol :laughing:.

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He means you !!!

He better mean me or i will whoop his behind in next wrestling session!

Exactly. Legacy content farming is something many people enjoy and Blizzard ruined it for no reason. Unless people constantly bombard Blizzard with how bad their decision was nothing will change.

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pfft you be to busy oiling something to whooping anything !! i demand a Puny V Sinaaki match !

This lock in post title is tricky , i was sure thread is closed :stuck_out_tongue:

I had to double check :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ok ok i might have put a drop of oil on a certain demon hunter, but dont tell anyone! :eyes:

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Just FYI… All forum and Discord Wrestlers should know I have the Wwrestling wow factor of the Legion of Doom, the cunning of Bobby “the brain” Heenan and the looks of Ravishing Rick Rude.

It won’t end well for anyone I end up either giving a Rude Awakening or a Doomsday Device to.

I actually need a tag team partner and someone to commentate with. You’d need to be the Gorilla Monsoon to my Bobby Heenan.

(Currently watching 1992 Royal Rumble on YouTube. The WWE nowadays is awful…)

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Now that would be spoiling the game.

And no amount of Tiny Tina giving will avail you young lady.

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Yeah, my personal hero retired last year. Wresting is not the same without him.