I got more winrate in RBG than Random Battlegrounds

Even before clicking the title you know what was my faction and if i was someone with many alt.

Yep you do.
Because :

  • Random battlegrounds is harder than RBG = you got 172 ilevel and you face people with 224 ilevel
  • You face premade ( whatever the language ) that play at 5 and play like it was RBG.
  • If someone touched your faction flag, people start leaving.
  • Silvershard mine : 44 /188 and people start afk to surrender and don’t want to fight anymore
  • There’s always a spec stacking in front : 5 arm warrior / 5 hpala / 5 balance / 4 rogue etc …
  • People of your team tend to know more experience in toxicity than they got experience in PvP.

I write this topic after making a 8 lost in a row with a bingo of all above, i taken my hunter and i got 5 people dedicated to track my hunter under camouflage to chain kill me.
I make my own group in RBG = Easy win.

Seriusly ? So like because random battleground is the only solo queue systems it also the way to gear alt we are like kitten among the tiger …

So please support this tread ( reply on it to keep it up to date, and like to support you want soloqueue RBG ) :
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These premades only use rated to get to a rating so they can get gear, just so they can then drop back down into randoms where they can now pretend they are superior, when the reality is the superior ones actually stay and play rated, cos they’re good enough to maintain their ratings… the rest are just scrubs pretending.


this, but blizzard should fix it.

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