I HATE ganking. Ganking is not PVP

The fact that someone can so easily ruin my fun by just deciding I’m not allowed to play anymore is horrible to me. I feel so violated when some 120 decide to kill me when I’m leveling up.
I feel so helpless, there’s nothing I can do about it. My fun is dependent on the whim of some heartless and sadistic player somewhere. I’m so angry I can’t express myself properly - and will end up sounding like a little crybaby, but I’ll try anyway.

I know I know… “turn off WM” I get it. But I want WM on because I actually enjoy PVP - or so I’ve learned lately.

I never liked PVP. I was (am) bad at it and basically spent my time running to my corpse. PVP servers were the worst - I couldn’t even play the game. Those experiences just put me off PVP for years and years.

Lately, with the introduction of WM I decided to try again - and lo and behold it was actually fun! The adrenaline rush after a good PVP skirmish was awesome - I died, I killed, it was great. Even during level up, the fact that someone jumped me while questing didn’t bother me - it was exciting.

Until ganking reared it’s ugly head. There’s no fun, no excitement, no epic dual. Just humiliation and abuse. It’s the same feeling you get when a big bureaucratic governmental agency does something to mess up your life - in an instant you are left defenseless and helpless. Its like a big strong bully punching you in school. It’s like being dragged in to the bushes and raped. From a human being you become an instrument for someone else’s pleasure, and your suffering is his pleasure.

I HATE ganking.
Ganking is not PVP.


Well…but its here to stay(not like it went away or something… :D) . Like it or not.

There are 101 arguments for ganking and 101 arguments against it. Pretty much an endless debate.


Ganking is PVP given its a player versus Player(s) unfortunatly its not fun and its not what we want when we do warmode really lets be real.

I know… :disappointed:

I should probably just turn WM off, and forget about it. It’s not like this post is going to change anything…

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This has been part of the game for an eternity and it makes the world feel more dangerous. While the feeling of danger could be improved over what its current state is by adding methods to escape a ganker, I’m strongly against removing this from the game.

You would hate Eve online, op.


They already gave all the whiners like yourself warmode to turn off by now visiting an inn. Literally corpse runs take seconds now as well. Probably within like 1 minute you could get to the inn and turn it off.

If you can’t take that just turn it off, seriously can we get this thread deleted? Your ruining my forum fun with this post. I thought I was the troll, suck it up man.


I expected this response - I mean this IS the internet.

You’re right obviously. I will probably turn off WM, as you suggested, even though I enjoyed it for the most part.

But, that’s not the point I was trying to make. I was trying to describe the difference between a balanced PVP experience (i.e one where both sides have a fighting chance) and an extremely imbalanced one where one side is abused by another much more powerful side.

Think about it, balancing is a huge issue, both for players and developers. So much effort is being put to make sure the ‘numbers’, or ‘map’, or ‘resources’ are balanced - because everyone understand that imbalance is not fun and will ruin the game. Why doesn’t it apply to ganking?


I came from a vanilla dragonmaw server on the horde side. Probably about a 1/5 disadvantage to us on a PvP server. No warmode, no flagging, no sharding.

I felt my game experience was better for it. I wasn’t even particularly good at PvP, but I had fun with the whole thing.
I am absolutely livid that warmode even exists then they have sharding to bring “balance”. They have done just about all they can do to pamper to this type of complaining, yet you people still whine like stuck pigs you have ruined my gaming experience enough and been catered too enough!

Why they couldn’t just have people transfer off to normal servers is beyond me and leave my PvP servers alone. You want balanced PvP? Go do a bg or a premade. World PvP isn’t supposed to be balanced, it’s supposed to be war, on a global scale.

I short I don’t just disagree with “your point” I’m virulently opposed to it.
The reason WARcraft appeals to me is so I can crush my enemies and eat night elf babies at all costs.


:slight_smile: Fair enough.
I guess they can’t cater to both play styles.
And you seem to REALLY like eating babies.

May you gank and spread joy in the world.
(not me though… I don’t particularly like being raped)

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Tbh I tend to gank around my own level for the most part. Occasionally in passing depending on mood I might do something childish on a whim. But generally I don’t repeatedly grief lower level players.

I did once gank a guy for 4 hours straight because he tried ganking me, after losing twice he said he wished my mongoloid children would die of cancer from a separate player. After this he got ganked for 4 hours.


Well, that’s just karma I guess - poor guy should have lost with dignity.

But the fact that you usually avoid going after low level players shows that to some extant you agree with me. You know that it’s just ‘not nice’ for the lack of a better word. You have some empathy (god forbid) for the feeling of the human behind the screen.

As said, with WM on you have to expect the dreaded ganker to strike at any time. It is a bit lame to be ganked as a low level by some 120, but that’s all part of the WM experience for better or worse.

It might not float your boat, but if you are finding that you are now starting to enjoy a bit of PVP (which is great to hear), yet would like something a (little) bit more balanced, try BGs or Skirmishes etc. You might well end up in a BG full of twinks, but chances are you will find a slightly fairer experience of PVPing than what you are experiencing at the moment.

Plus, you can level through them (as well as get gear as you go), quite effectively.

Anyway, good luck!

Its all fun and games that you complain, but can you please mention a possible solution? This is simply part of world pvp. What do you suggest? Invulnerability when you’re lower geared or outnumbered? Increase your stats by 200% when you face 1v3?
You complain to blizz but please come with solutions instead of raw complaints.

When you venture into WM with either low gear or when you’re not in a group you’re kinda asking for it no offense. Ppl with WM on have the right to attack one another you both agreed to it, you can’t bodycheck every player you come across and proceed through a checklist to ask yourself ‘is it worth it to kill him or am I a retard when I do so’


Idk I usually never get ganked and if I actually do, it’s maximum 1-2 times and then they move on. Are you sure you aren’t exaggerating?

Different game, but general meaning applies to any WPvP in any game - it’s just the means of communication

I don’t avoid going after them, they just don’t really cross my path that often. As they tend to be in zones I have no business being in.

Ganking is WPvP… which is random anything goes PvP in the open world.


Its all fun and games that you complain, but can you please mention a possible solution ? This is simply part of world pvp. What do you suggest? Invulnerability when you’re lower geared or outnumbered? Increase your stats by 200% when you face 1v3?
You complain to blizz but please come with solutions instead of raw complaints.

Well, I’m not sure I know what a solution could be. I don’t have the answers, I blow off some steam because I was really frustrated.

Also, as I see, many people like it that way, so maybe no solution is needed because there is no problem.

Maybe, like you said, there should be a invulnerability to being attacked by anyone that is X level above you. Maybe the damage should be equalized in a way that a 1st level can go against a 120 level toe to toe.

Maybe the solution should be the other way around by inflicting a debuff on players that gank - lowering their ability to fight so that after 2-3 ganks they are as weak as a low level character. Maybe the local “police” should come and help like a bunch of elite NPCs that would give chase and kill the ganker.

Maybe the solution should be community based - for example when a player gank he is ‘marked’ in some manner so that other player know he is around and come to the poor low-level guy’s help.

I don’t know, I’m sure every “solution” will just create other problems. It’s just a shame that I won’t be using WM - I kinda liked it. I guess it’s back to the good old days of no world pvp for me.

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99.9% of the people complaining about ganking are Alliance players because seemingly Horde players are more PvP oriented and have a lot more spergs. The players replying ‘Turn WM off’ are 90-100% of the time Horde players as well. Funny because they barely have to deal with the amount of ganking and corpse camping Alliance players do and thus even if they’re partially correct, they’re not in the same playing field.

Today in Hellfire Peninsula for example I was leveling my paladin and people in chat were complaining about a level 120 rogue flying around killing low level players. I didn’t come across him, but went offline to get some food and watch some TV-shows, I came back around 7 hours later and saw that same guy still roaming the place killing low level players and people complaining in chat.

You’d think somebody would get bored after 15 minutes doing something like that, but no… not this guy. Heck, he’s probably still going on killing low level players as we speak. I’m not sure if I should applaud his dedication or feel sad that he doesn’t have anything else to do in the game?

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I actually agree tbh, but it’s always been this way

Plus, I’m a Rogue so it’s not like I can get ganked