I HATE ganking. Ganking is not PVP

Every feature has its flaws, but those flaws are often just part of that feature, like unfair matchups in world pvp.
It’s not something that should be fixed, its simply the freedom a player has. In every single game that has PvP there’s unfair matchups and its part of pvp.
If a person feels like roaming and killing easy targets, he’ll only face those who agreed to warmode and he is offered that freedom. Sure you get 10% - 30% more experience with WM, but I’m also kinda glad this bonus doesn’t come freely, and has its risks.
If you really want fair pvp matchups, try playing rated arena. Even though bad balanced, you won’t get ganked by having no chance to win

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It’s not a bug, it’s a feature :slight_smile: I get it.
Just remember that allowing ganking is not a neutral base line, it’s an active decision made by the community and developers. Like you said, if someone turn on WM he basically signs up to be potentially ganked - which is great if that’s the play style he wants.

But I (and maybe others) like a lot of what WM has to offer, except ganking. and the negative of ganking is so impactful that I’m willing to give-up on all the positive aspects of it.

Again, not saying one is better than the other, just that It really really bothers me.

regarding rated arena - that’s too scary. All the dedicated PVPers go there. I’ll just end up dragging my team down and no one will have fun. Maybe I’ll try big BGs, where my mediocrity can blend in the background - even though it doesn’t have the charm of open world PVP.

btw, the 10%-30% bonus was a nice carrot to entice me to try WM - and it worked! (sneaky Blizzard) but it’s not the heart of it.

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Arena too scary because of hardcore pvp players? By far the majority of players are below 1700 rating, even if it doesnt feel like that. If you like softcore pvp you’ll probably end up around 1500 rating, and there is no problem with that. I can see you’re not aiming at becoming the best but instead just looking for some chilled skirmishes, and playing at 1300 - 1500 2v2 rating will definitely offer you that chilled pvp playstyle without too much stress, i’m sure lots of people will think the same way, just make sure you note that in your lfg description.

sounds like wm wasnt for u after all :slight_smile:

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Demon hunters?

They only see me if they know there’s a Rogue around

Most of them aren’t looking for rogues from my experience

Open PvP was always designed this way. It really sounds like you’re only willing to accept the upsides but not the downsides of wPvP. I mean, what do you expect? That they change a game mode that is all about non-scripted, non-balanced encounters to cater to the people who don’t enjoy that game mode? There’s enough balanced, “safe” PvP in the game already. This line of thinking makes no sense. You stand to gain nothing (new), but you want to take away fun from other players simply because you don’t like what they like. It’s a terrible attitude. The introduction of WM already ruined my server and people still aren’t happy. Really makes me sick.


Please don’t be mad. I didn’t say anything should be changed to cater to my play style. A few people in this post said they enjoy this aspect of WM – I respect that.

Btw, You’re the second person that said WM ruined his server (I assume PVP server). How is that? Why did WM ruin your server? I thought it was good at introducing more players to PVP.

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Sharding broke wpvp sort of. It used to be that you recognized players, and gained notoriety. That faction rivalry specific to your server is something that I long for the most with vanilla wow, might be the only reason I want to play it, just for PvP servers. The world felt really alive and breathing. For every time you got ganked, you felt that at any place there could be another player.

What happens now is that Blizzard force spawns random people who doesn’t wanna PvP and are just there for the increased rewards. It doesn’t feel like you are on a pvp server where faction rivalry mattered, and where players on PvP servers who didn’t engage in PvP were called “carebears”.

Plus, you could get your main if you got ganked, and get your guild and so on. People cared about wpvp back then. Now it’s random if you meet any alliance, and it’s really noticeable. Sometimes there’s no alliance for miles, sometimes I come up against 20+ alliance because they force spawn horde nearby to “even the numbers”. Just feels like a mess. I sometimes join random groups that have other shards to escape alliance raids, shame on me.


Yes it is.

Git gud.

That actually makes perfect sense. I guess it has the same effect of a ‘repeat game’ in economics. If you “play” in the same group, with the same people over and over again, it changes they way you play - It creates accountability and internal rules regarding what is right and what is wrong in this social group. I would assume it actually decrease friction.

And you judge encounters in a wider view - it’s not just a one time encounter with some unknown player but rather part of a longer ‘relationship’.

I actually think I would be less annoyed by being ganked in that environment because I could convince my self that I might get revenge some day in the future (I would probably have a little black ‘kill on sight’ book for all the evil characters out there :slight_smile: ) Sounds like fun.

It was! In particular on medium pop servers. Another thing that made people care is that the other faction could, for example, “take control” of certain objectives on maps. So doing daily quests on Isle of Quel’danas (just as an example) you would constantly be hindered by the other faction, and there were a lot of raid groups formed just to “get back” at the opposite faction.

All of us who played wpvp on pvp servers have A LOT of stories to tell. Like old fishermen or something. It’s something called “emergent narrative”, where players create something greater than what the game makers made for you. Think Minecraft, but pvp in WoW.

Back then you either had to “git gud” or often play with friends to scare away the opposite faction, another dynamic that is lost in WM. But there are some things I don’t miss with pvp servers, and that’s trying to farm primals just above Shattrath in TBC whilst the opposite faction tries to gank you.

I don’t think there were any particular “rules” that formed as such, it was pretty much “anything goes” as enforced by Blizzard not acting on severe corpse camping/ganking lasting for hours in extreme cases (back when you couldn’t just teleport away with LFG, go to another zone nearby to quest or whatever). So in retrospect, it formed a stronger bond to the rest of your faction though, because you had to rely on your own faction in the world, and gladly took the chance to kill “that one annoying player who always camped the raid summoning stone”.

So when an old wpvp fox says “quit complaining and git gud” they are sort of relics of a time where you could rely on your faction for assistance. As WM works now, I who don’t mind being camped a bit (makes it thrilling to escape IMO, often ruined by the whistle) I still don’t like current WM. It allows the worst parts of pvp servers to remain (getting blocked from completing quests for example) but doesn’t bring its advantage (solidarity, player interaction and so on) that alleviated the problem.

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:laughing: I would totally listen to those stories.
“listen up you little punk! let me tale about the time when…” (in an old grandpa voice)

[quote=“Geal-blades-edge, post:33, topic:18131, full:true”]:laughing: I would totally listed to those stories.
“listen up you little punk! let me tale about the time when…” (in an old grandpa voice)

One of my favorites that’s easy to tell is one of betrayal and sensitivity of the heart. Me and my BFF started playing Alliance, and we sort of befriended a Horde guild on the server (it’s just one of those things that happens when there’s no cross-server). Eventually we actually merged guilds, but when my friend was playing his Horde alt, and the previous guild leader of that other guild played her Alliance alt, my friend killed her without knowing who it was.

Another friend told us who it was, and to that my friend responded “whoops I had no idea”. The thing was, she was so sensitive about it all that she left the guild for a kill i wpvp that me and my friend considered “nothing worthy of note”. To her it was, apparently, and she even blocked him and never talked to him again, leading to an eventual schism in their guild.

5-10 years later (don’t know exactly when), some of them in the horde guild me and my BFF still play wow and other games with. Just not with that previous guild leader. lol

:slight_smile: Awesome.
“You stabbed me in the back!”
“Well, I didn’t know it was you dammit, I couldn’t see your face!”

Maybe there should be a new thread of old timers stories from PVP realms.

I have to say, I’m not as upset as I was when I first started this post.

I hope you’ll learn to see it from the old days, in a sense. It’s much more fun. Like how I a month ago ended up with 4 level somethingbelow115 attacking me as a Blood DK. I had a good time, and they seemed to too.

If you play classic when it’s released, try pvp servers again. It’s more enjoyable than WM, once you get past the initial shock and horror.

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Anyone remember tarren mill Vs South shore?

I started in TBC so no, sorry.

Water isnt wet
People dont gank NPCs

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Think about playing on a server with a small population. Now divide that population by putting a small portion (including you) of that playerbase in a different phase.

Outside of Kul Tiras and Zandalar (where phasing/sharding is enabled) I pretty much can’t see anyone in the world because most people who used to be flagged for PvP (because they played on a PvP server) are now sitting outside of WM and because it’s an RP Server, phasing is disabled so we don’t get anyone from outside. The world is pretty much dead if you enable WM.

Back when our realm was still populated (before we got x-realmed with a bunch of other RP-PvP realms) we used to have such amazing open PvP events. Good memories.

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