I think she over reacted, alot. You don’t even get durability DMG for a gank. So what she lost 5 minutes of her time? Tops?
I like ganking its the main part of wpvp
Such an absurd consequence for a mechanic that is suppose liven-up the WPVP.
Do you have any insight into why people who chose to play in a pvp server decided to turn WM off?
I’m finding wpvp much more interesting in WM than it was on my old 50/50 faction balanced PvP realm Defias. At the time, I was having fun, but WM is so much better.
I love the randomness, the potential for being outnumbered and having to group up to retaliate. Having enough WMers to form a raid easily is great. That was harder to do in Legion. On my old PvP server it was mostly 1 v 1. Can get that doing duels, WM is so much better, mass carnage!
Horde are gankers! Alliance doesn’t gank! We defend our wqs and overseas interests! If it can be done, do it, that’s how I see it. If there is a power vacuum, fill it. Was having some Nazmir FP ganking fun yesterday, I mean defending the nearby wq. Horde eventually retaliated, that’s what it’s all about… War!
I guess because people are comfortable. Even if they like the concept of World PvP in theory (which is why they originally chose a PvP server) when they’re actually confronted with the choice by the means of simply pressing a button that is part of their interface, they subconsciously reevaluate the merits of World PvP again and again, every time they decide to venture out in the world. Even I (and I absolutely love world PvP) played with the thought of turning off WM (at the start of the expansion - now it doesn’t matter anyways) to be done with my emissaries more quickly because I was in a hurry.
It’s these small decisions that really make the difference on a larger scale. I think it’s important to give players choices but it’s also important that people commit to their choices without being able to constantly change their minds.
I mean, the whole principle of World PvP is lead ad absurdum if you can’t even exact vengeance because the other person can turn off WM at pretty much any time and you’ll probably never see that player again. We used to have actual “kill lists” within our community for “less nice” people (or guilds) that we killed on sight (and you met the same players quite often).
Blizzard basically sacrificed the feeling of being rooted in a community, a larger persistent world with actual consequences, something larger than yourself that you cannot control for the sake of a highly accesible hop-on hop-off tour. It might be a fine thing for some people but for everyone who cared about the things I mentioned, it’s another nail in the coffin. Blizzard tried to repackage all that as an authentic experience but the very process of selling it to a bigger audience absolutely watered it down and destroyed it for “the locals”. Think of it as tourism if you will.
But that’s just my two cents on the matter.
It is considered pvp.
I also play on RP realms, and constantly see same names. Only when raid vs raid / assaults happen I see names from other realms, because of LFG. RP realms sharded with other RP realms only in War Mode - so it’s just a pool of familiar names got bigger.
Some hordie ganked me on my alt while I was leveling yesterday. Kill list addon recorded their name, and today I had my sweet revenge, but 120 vs 120. And it’s not something new or rare, happens all the time.
That’s why I like RP-cluster so much - you recognize names and meet same players in open world very often.
On normal realms - yes, it’s a problem, but on RP - War Mode is basically old PvP servers on steroids. It’s awesome.
Agree, change to turn WM off easier is a bad one. It should have stayed as “only in SW/Org”.
Btw, if anyone still confuses term PvP with something else:
PvP is any activity when player(s) plays against another player(s) and not an NPC(s).
Ganking is a PvP, Arena is a PvP, BG is a PvP, WPvP is a PvP, even when one player plays against another on AH could be considered as PvP.
What PvP term doesn’t include in itself are things like “Fair, Honor, same numbers, etc” - those are all additional for different PvP modes in the game.
So if you are playing against another player, doesn’t matter how you want it to be or if you want it at all - it’s a PvP.
Have fun!
So is the Quest Against Overwhelming Odds se…
its the 25 +120 repeteble kill quest that Horde dosent get. where the reward is a 370 item.
Horde numbers = Overwhelming Odds.
Alliance gets quest - Against Overwhelming Odds.
When Alliance numbers going to be “Overwhelming Odds” - Horde will get same quest. So you can’t say “doesn’t get”. I would say - propably won’t.
Yes, you are correct.
or you think one 370 per week, from the same pool of items that you can get from Assaults 3 times per 24 hours ( 21 times per week ) if you want to, is somehow makes a difference?
Yes, you do have a bigger pool of players. It’s just that you’ll only find these players in the new zones and they’ll most likely be from other servers. The rest of the world got sucked empty by the introduction of WM. They should have never introduced WM for PvP Servers. They merely pushed it as a “feature” because they didn’t have anything for PvP players this expansion except for two new arenas.
You ether confused me for some kind of horde, or don’t know that overall pool doesn’t matter - ONLY players with War Mode ON count towards % and quest.
Anyway, the rest of your post - ok, it’s your opinion and speculation.
For me - War Mode is the best feature of BfA and the only reason I’m still playing. It made WPvP very alive, very populated and very fun for everybody who is not some greedy %er. For those who don’t want WPvP it gave option to off, even if they has to be on PvP server for other reasons previously.
Only three downsides so far - sharding (imbalance and lack of familiar names on normal realms), new change to let players turn it off in any rest place, and huge lag when raid vs raid happens (but the are working on it, maybe sooner then in 3 months…).
World is not empty at all. I never saw open world so alive and moving during Legion.
I’m so glad Blizzard came up with that idea for WPvP and made this feature - it’s good. The only thing missing for me - PvP vendors and Conquest as currency, as more WPvP objectives and locations for potential conflicts are coming in 8.2
No, it’s not an opinion. Sharding is disabled in the “old world” (meaning everything except KT and Zandalar) when it comes to RP servers. Think about it for second. Imagine having an RP-PvP server with 1000 players. Then BfA launches with the introduction of WM. Let’s be generous and say 50% enable WM (which is probably much too high). That means that you’ll effectively play on a shard with 500 players instead of a server with 1000 players. Now, take a server with a very small population and reduce the percentage of players that enable WM and… you’ll end up with an empty world. That’s not an opinion. It’s how the system works.
Just wait for classic PvP Servers, they are so much better than WMode, and plus, i feel like the whole ganking situation is weird topic as being ganked can either make you mad and demotivate you, or make you motivated to be like that ganker. Just try enjoy it and wait for classic
Yes, it is.
No sure what are you talking about.
If you mean city locations like SW and Goldshire, etc - maybe, I don’t spend a lot of time in them, so Idk.
In open world (on Defias) - I was lvling allied race alt (WM on ofc) in the last few weeks, and in 20-60 saw a few players from Argent Dawn, both Horde and Alliance. From 60-80 saw one horde from Argent Dawn - was my first PvP kill. From 80-110 saw a couple of Alliance only, one was from Sha’tar.
When I’m on my main visiting old world bosses (for example in Pandaria) I often see players from other RP servers there, both Horde and Alliance. During WoW anniversary world bosses event - I constantly saw players from all RP servers coming and going from WB location.
I know it for sure, because if it’s a Horde I target them for “flight violation” with trusty Net-o-Matic. And they are not from LFG because they are coming and going, and not just appearing and vanish into nowhere.
I don’t see a lot of players in the old open world locations at all, compared to location of current content. Maybe I’ll be better when Kul Tirans and Zandalar released.
Let’s be honest - Old world zones weren’t populated with the old servers system too. It was the same. Before Allied races and changes to lvling - it was empty, 99% lvled with dungeons, and the only time I saw other players while lvling - Legion pre-patch assaults. After Allied races were introduced - there was a lot of players, but only until majority lvled their new Alts/Mains, then it became just like it is today.
With the way WoW expansions are structured & designed - only locations that matter are new expansion zones. That is where you see other players, and it was like that for few expansions. War Mode has nothing to do with that.
And new zones - it’s awesome, alive and very populated!
Again: stating that sharding is disabled for RP realms in old zones is not an opinion. It was enabled for a short period but they disabled it shortly after the launch of the new expansion. If you see other players they’re either part of your connected realm group or have been invited by players within your connected realm group.
Anyway, I don’t think you can really call it world PvP if most of the world (except for the two new zones) is empty. This is also the main reason why I don’t level new characters anymore. It’s frustrating as hell to basically play a singleplayer version of an MMORPG (if you don’t spam dungeons, that is).
If Blizzard is only able to emulate world PvP by throwing people from different realms into the newest zones all the while splitting up the playerbase into two smaller groups then that is a highly flawed system that needs to be removed as soon as possible.
They could have done so many things for the betterment of world PvP (maybe introduce actual content for world PvP) or allowing free transfers to (RP)-PvP realms. They could have simplified the current realm system (right now there a 15 German RP realms and only one of them is not completely empty) by giving us a smaller number of realms with bigger populations and allowing players to choose whether they want to play on a PvP or PvE realm at the start of the expansion.
Instead they gave us more weird sharding systems that anonymize and therefor water down the experience world PvP can offer. It’s a god damn shame.
it’s going to be very long, but detailed, post…
That is why I put server names in previous post. Defias is not connected with Argent Dawn or Sha’tar, and they were solo players, there was nobody else around, and nobody came to help when we PvPed.
But I think I see what you’re complaining about - you see, nether War Mode nor Ganking (what this thread is about) can change low population in the old world zones and WoW overall.
Well, it’s two new continents with 6 new zones. In the old world you can still find fights at farm spots, world bosses, events. So it’s not completely empty, but yes - compared to the new zones it can feel like that. New zones or not - it’s all in the open world, and it’s called World PvP, there is no need to twist it to fit your point.
Again - with the way WoW expansions are structured & designed - only locations that matter are new expansion zones. Plus with WoW population (whole different tpoic of discussion) - it would require a lot of ppl to populate whole open world. I would love to have old world much more relevant, but more on that later.
Level with friends! “Players not leveling” is not a War Mode or WPvP problem. Just as overall WoW population.
They are not emulating - they are trying to put as many as possible players together so WPvP could happen. Emulate - when they put Islands/new AI NPCs to pretend to be players…
It doesn’t need to be removed. It needs to be improved by changing other systems (mainly - how many servers).
Main WPvP content are Players! Everything else is just tools to get players in certain locations of potential conflicts and enrich WPvP experience.
So far Blizzard is doing a good job in this, and there is an actual content for WPvP.
Ofc it could be better, there is a lot of threads and ideas about it - progression with Conquest currency and PvP vendor, more PvP hot spots, towers, objectives, zone controls, vehicles and devices in war zones, etc.
But if you’re looking for PvE content in WPvP - I hope it never happen.
On this I agree and more - Blizzard should do a Server squish, combine different realms and connect to others. With current shading being a dynamically created realms - I see no reason not to do it.
For RP, I think there should be only 1 connected RP cluster for each language, and they all (RP realms of all languages) should be connected in War Mode.
This will change nothing - same 1 populated and all other empty, plus problems with existing character names on top.
WoW has low population (result of many factors and War Mode and Ganking are the least important).
WoW is a HUGE game with a HUGE open world created over 14 years. It would require a lot of players to populate it all.
Very very little amount of players choose servers based on WPvP. There are different more important factors - friends, guilds and limitations of cross-realm, activities players want to do with other players.
When you put low level players with high lvl players in the same area in PvP enabled environment - one thing inevitably happens - low level players stop playing and go complain on forums about ganking and not enjoyable experience. And you need to take that into account if old world zones would ever be relevant for WPvP - the only solution is to separate high lvl players in their own shards from low level players, and that won’t improve emptiness for levelers because majority of players already lvled everything they needed/wanted.
The way WoW designed - theme park MMO with leveling → endgame structure - unfortunately open world can’t function any better. Lvl 120 player is always stronger than even a raid of lvl 60 players, endgame activities cross with lvling activities only when farming something or ganking someone. Fundamental WoW desing and theme park MMO genre.
With all that - Blizzard is actually making a good job in current WPvP. Yes, it’s not perfect, but compared to what is was in Legion - it’s Great!
Server squish is needed!
But expecting changes to fundamental structure of the game - no going to happen, because making a new game is a better way to go.
Maybe in the next expansion or the one after, when Azeroth fully awakens, Blizzard would have a reason to remake all Vanila/Cata + Northrend + Pandaria zones, and make fundamental changes to game-play in the open world. It would be the biggest change anyone can expect from WoW.
The point is - you can’t make players play the way you want them to. Just look how it goes for BfA with so many curated systems. So complaining about old zones being empty in a 14 yeas of content game - it’s a waste of time, because even WotLK peak population won’t be enough to make 14 years of content full of life.
Realistically - the only real possible improvement, especially for RP servers, in addition to current systems, would be a Server Squish, connect all realms into a few megaservers/clusters.
For old world zone wpvp, I’m liking the Redridge Horde quest situation. Blizz created a reason for 120 Horde and Alliance to visit that old zone. Player choice determines how the wpvp content plays. Horde will tend to gank, encouraging Alli defence, encouraging Horde retaliation, and so on. But it’s small scale and more relaxing than the BfA zones - which I love, but variety is good.
You can get flashes of activity, without a Horde quest, in other old zones like Darkshire. But Redridge is a consistent small scale WPvP spot now.
Blizz could do that elsewhere in other old zones, but presumably limited and carefully. Or Redridge might be enough. Not sure if there’s anything similar elsewhere, would love that. Fun to defend lowbies and have the moral high ground hehe.
This kind of “old world wpvp” are great - I love them
I had an idea, somewhere on old forums:
Blizzard can create a dynamic weekly quest, issued by Shaw/Garona - “New intel, Horde/Alliance transport something or plan… and you need to interrupt it” and it has 3 random locations of it happening that are randomly selected from Vanila/Cata/Northrend/Pandaria locations.
Each week 3 random locations, but player can select only 1 of them to do this quest in, to not overflow one location with “all the players”.
Main rewards from this quest are not something that is given by “complete quest NPC”, but a hidden treasure chest, somewhere in location of the quest, so players had more reasons than just quest objective to spend time there.
This treasure chest in not shown on the map, and only players who selected this location for the quest can see it and interact with it. NPCs on this quest can give you hints to help you locate it, and maybe it could be a random spawn (with changing correct hints) every 30 mins.
So in a nutshell - treasure hunting activity to bring players into specific area by giving them a reason to stay in that area for some time - lots of potential for a good WPvP.
Something more in theme of full on faction conflict:
“Hey you, Horde/Alliance are attacking our settlements in Wetlands (or any other Vanila/Cata/Northrend/Pandaria location), you need to help them!”
Something similar to assaults, but a zone-wide and with less NPC activity (more of a spread out activity around a zone), and NO World Quests, no “complete quest to get reward NPC”. Reward points for killing players (of equal or higher lvl).
A few “control tower points” and faction which control more points when conflict timer expires (~30-60 mins) - wins, and can cash out for rewards. Faction that lost can cash out only half of what they acquired.
But it would only work if there is some kind of currency (Conquest!) and a PvP vendor to buy something for your character. Points that players get = this currency.
In a nutshell - Something that is not a quest, or assault, or a BG. Still free for all and everything war zone, that appears randomly and dynamically, and available only in War Mode ON.
Again, you’re implying that WM doesn’t have any negative effects when it clearly does. If you have a server (group) with low to medium population, switching WM off/on can make the difference between a singleplayer and a multiplayer experience. We have like what? 25% players using WM at best? That’s 75% less people I’m going to encounter in the open world while leveling a character compared to pre BfA.
Sure, the main point of WoW is the max level content. Maybe it wouldn’t bother me all that much if Blizzard didn’t decide to turn leveling into a tedious, mind numbing, unchallenging and most of all boring grind that makes farming gold for a character boost suddenly look really appealing.
But I guess they already ruined any prospect of wPvP while leveling with the whole “go wherever you want” bullsh*t. Thing is, all of that used to be better. All you need for this game is healthy classes, a bit of content every few months and a sizable playerbase that’s not leaving in droves.
And yes, it absolutely is an emulated wPvP experience because you can basically turn it off at any time. That is obviously not the same thing.
75% of playerbase is wierd
Dont they get pissed off if some ally tags your mob and cant kill him??
Some ally almost killing a raremob u want, and not beeing able to jump him??
i would quit the game so fast…