I hate RIO

They are more picky on horde side. Sometimes I do wonder if they are looking for a 3k tank for a +15 run. I guess they can afford to be picky since there are more players over there.

What? I had like 900 rio or something when I tanked +15 first time on horde.

Yeah, says the guy that wiped on ticks in a +15…

I’m not in control of other players. I can’t do anything if they don’t run over them.


Topics like these make me feel glad I’m not into the whole mythic thing :+1:

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The only thing i wish is that the m+ score was account wide, basically your main and your alt all contribute to your score.

Afterall, i find it hard to believe that if you perform well on let’s say warrior, you just cannot do it on mage or paladin etc. But maybe that’s just me, i find it very easy to learn rotations.

Don’t make a post about rio on these forums and not expect to get ganked by the various rio neckbeards still living at home with their parents.

I love RIO. It’s easy for me to gauge the experience a player has this tier when trying to push a key.

Also OP, welcome back to the game, you’ve done two runs a +10 over 25 mins and a +9 over 3 minutes or so. With guildies. So yeah, do keys, show you have experience, and stop asking for a free ride.

Some people like to push high keys. While I agree that doing this in a pug is “sub optimal”, RIO at least guarantees them that the people they play with have at least done the content.

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i dont want to be that guy but im taking a shaman to SL, i went from 390 to 445in like 4 days of playing?! someone eventually takes you…

Imagine getting tons of fun :thinking:

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From what I’ve seen enhancement seems really good in SL, but I prefer “maining” a brewmaster in SL. At least I’ll learn the dungeons while leveling.

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not gonna lie i was kinda forced too i dont know why the only one class can do range dps and tanking is druid. healing and range dps is druid and shaman,i mean blizzard why you making range dps so exclusive?! on meele dps side you got i think 4 classes that can tank or tank and heal. like what?! EDIT: i think i just realize why tanks are so rare lol…

Poor Priests, always getting forgotten :wink:

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Its hardly elitist, believe it or not rio is mostly used under the perception of fear of bad players killing peoples keystones. I stand behind the website, close to a bible if you will as you can look up more or less anything about a character who is applying to join :slight_smile:

its just like anything else in the world. If there’s 5 people applying and only two of them are experienced or above experienced with proof, everyone else is instantly invalidated. Since theres no interview and no mutual / friendly acknowledgement to give any bias prior to it.

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Imagine playing game for the game-play,and not for stupid "achievements " or mogs


Despite the arguing over RIO there’s still one thing that people forget, its nothing more than a business model for its creators (even if it is short term).

As someone who has been exactly where you were now OP, let me say a few things that might help.

RIO sucks but it is a consequence of the PUGs sucking.

In order to get anywhere in mid to high M+ keys I had to take the “PUG” out of the equation and see M+ as a non-pugable 5 man content.
So I started only doing M+ with an M+ community and later only with a full guild group. That last one really started to get those +15 keystones done.

I completely forgot that RIO even existed cause it was not a factor with all the people that I run with since we knew each other and knew what to expect from each other. The leader also taught me a lot on the way.

To futher take the point that PuG players are bad members, a week ago we were attempting to do Shrine of the Storm +16 and because we could only muster 4 people, we got a 5th pug member.
The first boss did not go perfect due to… reasons… so after the wipe Mr Pug member conveniently enough “went offline”

Do not subject yourself to the madness, randomness and unfairness of PUGs and RIO Allíana. Embrace the premade.

It’s just a convenience. All of the data comes from Blizzard API, so from a busyness standpoint it’s risky. So I’d argue that people that made it were more into gaming than into busyness.

Imagine wasting your time in a game that gives you virtual rewards, nothing that could improve your life at all… unreal.

rIO is basically your armory that shows all your runs, that’s it.
Your overall score is insignificant if you haven’t done a specific key.
Who would choose someone for a 23 if their best key on that dungeon is a 17?