I’m new to warrior, I’m trying fury atm but despite having a slower pace I really enjoyed Arms more.
C’mon blizz !
I’m new to warrior, I’m trying fury atm but despite having a slower pace I really enjoyed Arms more.
C’mon blizz !
Yeah arms is so much fun<3
Yeah I prefer Arms, but it only performs well on cleave. To be fair though Fury also needs a buff on ST, it has great sustained AOE with CD’s every minute but the single target is about equal with Arms only with less burst.
Like a Venthyr Arms can be top of the meters at the start of a fight while Fury is pretty much always bottom, Fury just eventually catches up as it has better sustain outside of GCD’s. Either way we look at it both Warrior specs excel in some form of multi-target while both really lack on single target.
Arms has no need of a buff, it has need of a complete redesign. Right now Arms has to be underpowered in PvE to be on par in 9.3 due to the insane amount of exponential modifiers, which makes Arms amazing in PvP. If it was balanced now it would be OP in 9.1, majorly OP in 9.2, and massively OP in 9.3.
Chalk it down to idiotic design decisions. The current Arms is a hot mess and am jor fail from the perspective of designing an activity. Just about everything in it breaks the Xone of Proximal Development in a bad way.
The best version of Arms to date was IMO in WotLK. Bring that back and jostle some numbers to bring it on par. The end, then Arms will feel good to play in all situations again.
The worst decision was give arms a massacre talent that makes completely nightmare to balance the spec. Great idiotic decision. On other hand we miss opportunity strikes talent that make gameplays not completely rage starving. E.t.c.
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