You also never answered the question, you answered by asking another one. Which is the way to avoid answering the question by making it look like you have by asking a different one that suits the narrative you want to create.
It would make their performance consistent instead of meteoric one moment and flaccid the next. Also, how exactly would it make their gameplay boring? You made a statement and now you have to provide supporting arguments. You have to provide an example where having wildly different performances is exciting. And you’re disallowed from using any kind of gambling examples since that would only make a point of the current state of Arms being essentially gambling.
This is an appeal to a fabricated mass. I say fabricated as just casual glance on the forums shows this on the front page. And that’s just one example, I can easily find more.
So I’m far from the only person calling for a change. What does happen, however, is that I’m one of the few who can explicitly put words on what they want to see changed.
I’m in an even smaller minority of people in WoW that can also explain the reason for the nature of those changes as the current Arms goes against anything that makes for a good activity. Common wisdom would say otherwise, however, common wisdom is often wrong this is the reason the scientific method has brought progress to humanity while common wisdom often has brought regression. It was once common wisdom that the shape of someone’s skull had an impact on their intelligence and that white people had the superior skullshape to anyone.