you have no argument you can reasonably articulate
you as a 1550 player attempted an appeal to authority for some reason lol
Notice how my account was made in dragonflight and yours was made in 2017?
This entire account is an alt for me to play with european friends.
My north american account has real arena achievements you will only ever get if you buy a boost lmao.
Perhaps ‘nothing’ might serve you better than what you’ve typed so far.
If Monk porting to roof is an issue because ’players have to run all the way back around’ -then other ports, LeapofFaith, Shadowstep, knockbacks etc should all be disabled under the same reasoning?
If movement enhancing abilities for FC’s are an issue, surely you’d want them disabled for all mobile (& non-mobile) FC’s?
the fact that you lack the reading comprehension to understand that the list was given in the context of abilities that have outplay potential for FCs means you are either willfully ignorant or mentally challenged. nobody said that disengage is as strong as porting. in either case its not worth arguing with a vegetable.
No, you’re not.
But if a Hunter picks up flag from a dead FC, it might be nice for them if they had a few tricks up their sleeve to outplay people.
Not knocking people off the roof obviously, ‘cause then we’d have to run all the way back around every 30sec.
Also, I suppose, if we stay on this trajectory, MW will get nerfed & some other class becomes the next best choice. Until the thing that makes them better gets nerfed (hopefully not a core ability). &so on &so forth. Until the best FC may fall to Hunter eventually.
…& Allah forbid they have anything to assist them in niche areas on certain maps.
there was one comparable example way back in Shadowlands with a fury warrior legendary that let you use heroic leap 6 times in a row when you combined it with the barbarian pvp talent.
that legendary obviously was removed in shadowlands but yeah thats probably the closest you’ll ever get to current MW monk mobility
run invoke chi ji and you can basically ignore every class in the game besides rogue as you cross the map. literally the only difference between a 1500 MMR mw and a 3k MMR mw is that the 3k MMR mw specs into chi ji and presses it before they press 6 chi torpedos in a row.
once you’re into your base its incredibly difficult to die by abusing port.
Let’s make one thing clear. You’re not supposed to be able to roll and fly in the middle of the air with flag and being able to cross more then half the map by doing this. Sure in normal BG’s, I wouldn’t of cared that much, since BG’s are also supposed to be fun. But when it comes to competitive & rated gameplay, this mechanic should not be possible.
This also goes for MW’s in EOTS. You’re not supposed to be able to roll and fly in the middle of the air, and roll so much that you can reach another base(from starting area) before people have capped their own base. In a competitive & rated game, this is beyond broken and should be hotfixed ASAP.
MW’s can also do this in Deepwind Gorge - Roll to enemies base before you’re able to cap it.
I understand that monks have good mobility, and it’s one of their unique mechanics, however, this is beyond broken in competitive gameplay.
In TP you can jump from the ledge of the Alliance castle all the way to beyond the river in the middle with a single torpedo. Demon hunters, evokers and druids (with flap) can do it as well. And no one can reach you when you do that.
It is similar to a football match at which the attacker of one team drives around the pitch on a motorcycle.