I know nobody from Blizz gives a flying f, but fix monks in capture the flag maps ffs

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It’s frustrating that in the new Blitz game mode, certain classes have access to abilities that others are missing, creating a major imbalance. For example, a Monk can use Cocoon and Restoral, but Paladins don’t have access to Bubble or BOP while carrying flag or an orb for instance , even though the effects are quite similar (not to mention chi torpedos across the map in 20 seconds while ur immune). This inconsistency seriously affects the competitive integrity of the game mode.

Blitz mode feels poorly balanced overall. In one Warsong Gulch match, the opposing team had two Mistweaver Monks along with two Rogues for peels, while our team had zero viable carriers. This sort of mismatch makes the game feel more like a slot machine than a competitive experience. With a team size of eight, the reliance on RNG for good teammates and well-balanced compositions is just too high.

For Blitz mode to work as a competitive option, it needs significant rebalancing and thoughtful adjustments. Right now, it’s difficult to enjoy the mode when the outcome seems more reliant on luck rather than skill. It’s also a shame that this mode has been in progress since Dragon Flight yet it still feels like it hasn’t been thoroughly refined.
As a player who has played this game mostly as PVP since TBC, it truly is starting to feel that PVP is dying and nobody in the company cares. The Blitz gameplay does feel like it’s 2008 game mode.


Disable all mobility while flag carrying. How hard is it for them…

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There should be some limited mobility with the flag.
Like you pick the flag and your can you only certain mobility spell and it has longer CD.

Ok fine but also disable all mobility that can be used against FCs including lock ports near them, blink, disengage ect


It feels as if they introduced it, only to abandon it. There’s a lack of rewards for playing blitz as well. They’ve removed all the weeklies, and you cannot get “crests” from it.

What you talking about - it awards us with Forged Combatants items - to craft less than honor level gear? XD

i kinda like the chaos in blitz

but everyone agrees MW monk is broken beyond belief

Regard roulette is a meme bracket and shouldnt be taken seriously. Just use it to cap conquest

i remeber sometime ago they nerfed vengence dh fc because they had some ability that could run with the flag. IDk why they dont do that aswell to the mF monks… its too damn stupid having like 8 ppl attacking them and they dont give a f… just run strait and cap. me as a DH spaming roots and deathgrips cant stop the monk. Still waiting to blizzard to just nerf that stupid class and the evokers aswell. its just stupid

MW already got a massive mobility nerf this week. Its just 2x torpedo, tigers lust and freedom with crane plus teleport.

Pre-nerf MW mobility was stupid, at least if you got to jump from up high, but if 8 people can’t kill the MW the problem is on the DPSers playing bad/wrong.

DKs, rogues and ferals (frost mages to an extent too) can p much ruin the MW’s day even when they’re attacking alone.

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If you think about it…

How MISERABLE has WoW PvP become, when Healers are the meta for carrying flags?..

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