I love SV hunter

It is relevant, it always is for everything, that’s why it exists in the first place. Dude, I play SV, I change between a bow and a melee weapon sometimes, and that second does matter, sure if you are far away it’s kinda ok, but if you melee and you need to change back to your melee weapon, that 1 second can make all the difference, not to mention it feels clunky.

What??? No, honestly, what??? I really don’t understand.

I think you are confusing the global cooldown with ability cooldown, despite you saying you know what the GCD is, because what you are saying makes no sense at all.

just easting my special k bar chomp 1 second i;m actualy going to be rude here please count …1
with all your postering and work you put in this forum my question is are you actualy playing the class survival or simming it. because you obvously dont understand how things work in combat :slight_smile: i’ll let you actualy think on that honey.

I’m not the one saying Harpoon is on the GCD…

Everybody here knows that Harpoon is not on the GCD, and everybody here knows that changing weapon in combat goes on the GCD, you are the only one saying otherwise.

That leads to 1 of 3 possible conclusions:
1 - You don’t know what the GCD is which leads you to making your arguments with a lack of knowledge;

2 - Maybe you know what it is, but you haven’t been paying attention to what you are doing;

3 - You are simply trolling and here I am wasting my time.


I took the liberty of uploading a short clip to prove that Harpoon doesn’t trigger the GCD.

As you can see, I am not talented into Terms of Engagement and used Serpent Sting at the same time as Harpoon.

That’s all I have to say on this matter, as any refusal past this point is clearly just trolling (which I will appropriately flag).


I think we are both just wasting time here.

Not much else to do while finishing Loremaster :man_shrugging: 3 zones to go.

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Ouch, good luck with that one. I’m still gathering the strenght to get out of bed at this hour (9:24) during my day off…

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Said it before, will say it again.

Legion sv had that savage rexxar/thunderlord clan melee hunter feeling and I loved it. Thr only things that neededbto change would’ve been the removal of moknathal talent and rework to a more satisfying aoe finisher move instead of stabby stabby spear. Damn I miss that playstyle


I do less damage. I get laughed at. I get rejected. But I don’t care.

Playing SV is fast, fluent and fun. I enjoy the time I (we) still have.

I’m pretty sure sooner or later Blizzard listens to all the jerks and their hate towards SV.


No, they won t listen because we are great in pvp, in arena soon will be top tier…and many players chose this great spec

Actually, brother, our damage isn’t as low as people make it seem. Sure, we don’t do as much dmg as the overtuned classes cough mage cough, but we have good damage nonetheless, specially in AoE which is what still keeps us up, as our single target is lacking currently.

Without bringing too much negativity in what is meant to be a positive thread I maintain that SV is fundamentally broken on a mechanics level on single target and it’s all driven by excessive periods of focus starvation & no viable way to lower WFBs CD (the legendary exists but it’s so poor).

It slaps to play on AoE though - very intuitive and active.

I can’t agree there. Sure I get starved, sometimes, it’s not that common, and in times that happens I have Wildfire to throw which costs no focus…

Saying “excessive periods of focus starvation” is an overstatement. Unless you don’t take Alpha Predator, in that situation I can see your statement being more valid.

What starvation? I barely get any downtime…

Maybe you have very low haste?

The only thing for SV ST that is needed is a buff to raptor. Maybe introduce rank 3 raptor strike that does even more damage if target is affected by serpent sting.


I wouldn’t even go that far, it’s probably just an issue in the rotation and/or focus management. If you chain your abilities right you should get none to almost none focus starvation, regardless of haste.

That’s actually not a bad suggestion.

It could be. I kind of didn’t discuss it too much to try not to derail the thread, but I was more leaning towards peaks-and-troughs of that are focus mostly driven by blue/red bombs with WFI. It doesn’t feel great to have to spend half your GCDs under blue bomb on KC because you don’t have enough focus, and the polar opposite is under red bomb where you feel you’re wasting so much focus as you’re sitting on KC charges due to guaranteed resets.

It’s such a contrast to the AoE gameplay that has strong pressure on ensuring you can Carve on CD to maximise WFB CDR and ensuring you’re multidotting with Serpent Sting & KC (w/ Bloodseeker) while also trying to get use out of whatever bomb WFI gives. Positioning is also more of a play in the AoE rotation due to WFBs cone, which I enjoy even though some players dislike it, yet is something completely removed from the ST rotation

That feeling probably is rotational issues/practice and I should be preparing better before using red/blues, but even that aside the gameplay of KC + raptor strike cycles just isn’t there; it’s very mundane and feels like Wrath-era gameplay. Most of the rotation gives a sense that you’re sitting in a waiting room for a consultation with Dr W.F. Bomb. It truly feels like a totally different class.

I could also just be missing Mok’nathal/baseline Mongoose which gave a little more nuance to that cycle :man_shrugging:

That’s completely understandable, and I agree, I feel kinda bad when I derail threads too, like I have done here a couple times. :X

I kinda agree, I don’t like much of the randomness of the buffs too, but we gotta play with what we have. And to give my own example, as one of the ways I manage focus, is with the red bomb. When I have the red one ready I don’t use it until my Focus is empty or near empty, so that afterwards I can just spamm KC in between each other ability to fill up the Focus bar again. When I don’t have the red bomb, I just don’t spend both charges of Wildfire, instead I use when I have 2, but when I have only 1 I save it for when the Focus runs out and/or KC is still on CD, because during the GCD of using Wildfire, I usually already have enough Focus for something else and/or KC is already usable again and I can just restart the rotation.


Maybe. I don’t exactly know how you play or chain your abilities, obviously, but considering that I don’t find any issues with Focus starvation, I mean, as I said sometimes it happens, but when that happens I know it’s because I messed up somewhere in the rotation, a missed KC in between some other ability, or used Wildfire when I had full Focus instead of using it after a spender in order to regen some Focus during Wildfire GCD, etc, etc…
Also, obviously, the green one I try to use as often as possible when Serpent Sting is almost ending.

I agree with this. Our ST is kinda lackluster, not only in the damage itself (which does need a buff, I am even running with the conduit that increases Raptor damage so that I can have a bit better ST), but also in the way it works and/or interacts with other stuff. However, the reason why I like the Tip of the Spear gameplay is simply because it isn’t as “exhausting” as the Mongoose gameplay, it gives more freedom in what I can use in-between each KC and Raptor, instead of only spamming Mongoose and KC while in Mongoose’s time window.

This is where I can’t have any sort of input because, sadly, I wasn’t around during Legion to try that version of SV. :frowning:

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I like the idea, increasing damage with more sinergy of the abilities( eg. Raptor strike increased damage vs enemy with wildfire or serpent sting on, etc)


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