Just want blizzard to see that their changes are SO welcome!!
Thank you for dual spec!
Thank you for removing debuff limit!
Thank you for LISTENING to what we want Blizzard <3
Just want blizzard to see that their changes are SO welcome!!
Thank you for dual spec!
Thank you for removing debuff limit!
Thank you for LISTENING to what we want Blizzard <3
yeah its crazy how they listened so unlike blizz lol
Usually I am totally for no changes cause usually changes are bad like in SoD. 100 % not nostalgic and ruined gameplay including the iconic 40 man wipefiesta being turned into 20 man stuff that felt more like Vanilla Cataclysm than real Vanilla.
But the changes Blizzard is making are really good ones! Except 1 change (balanced realm with just 1 server, I dont want to be alli and I never was alli for 20 years and I never will be one so if I am not fast enough at launch and cant make a horde I will be unable to play) are very good. First of all no one want to farm 50g to change specc from fury/prot to arms in order to go to a BG and then another 50g to go to instance or a raid. Maybe now people in LFG wont have a problem to find a tank outside raiddays when tank is in BG farming honor because he wont have to pay 50g to switch specc.
Also chronoboon is great if Blizzard cant remove buffs. But this new layering stuff is awful if you have to collect songflower buff that never was a part of Vanilla since its privateservers that made the new meta.
So please Blizzard if U want to change something and not ruin the game do 2 things.
Make it impossible to change specc once inside a raid and have to travel to Org to change it just like you would do while paying 50g. That way only effect is skipping paying 50g as intended. Also no new meta of changing specc inside raid will be created to alter the experience.
If you wish to layer for PvP purposes please remove waiting 20 minutes for songflower buff. Make the flower grow in Org or remove the waiting time totally and make us farm some items making it possible to spawn flower instantly. Because waiting 20 minutes in a circle around a flower is awesome bad gameplay and not fun and was not part of real Vanilla experience just privateserver experience and we who always played and payed you Blizzard never did play on private servers.