I mean ret is op but so are Bm/Dämo and Mage

looks good for the lads getting to 3.5 on non-rets as well
if it didn’t, they would not be there

anyway i have 62 ss rounds played.
in your professional opinion, is my 1647 rating really that bad? what should it be after 62 rounds?

at any rate, even if it is as bad as you say it is, it’s becoming quite enjoyable to read all the moans.
it’s like…now that rets are good the light finally entered the wow playerbase.
the moans, the tears, all because of the light hammering the rets dish out

I mean, raiku is top 3 even in 3s? or am I looking at something wrong? Max rating 2929 in EU according to check-pvp and pvpleaderboard and raiku is ranked third.
Says Arcane but can be both arcane and frost. Hard to know with 3s.

meanwhile there is one ret in 3s at 3014, and the second best is at 2873

but check the ele shammy is 3w. 3214 max, with the second at 2850.

devoker 3104, with second place 2708

dang man if we look at these ratings, we might need some buffs at the very top end

I rather face rets than rmp sorry for that boys.

But ret is still op so is arms

I think the only class that I never want to find is the lock demon. Many talk about the ret, but possibly the demon is stronger than the ret, what happens is that you see the ret everywhere, and you will see the lock demon with a high rating, that’s why few talk about it.

They are nerfing demo on this reset. Also in 10.1 removing interrupt, changing insta dreadbite pvp talent into making it having to cast, they also nerfed 4 tier piece bonus dmg on grimoire. I guess if it’s not enough they made sure to show that they are quick with warlock nerfs, so no need to worry i guess.
Also ppl who say that demo is stronger than ret atm are either ret players themselves, trying to dodge bullet, or clueless. At least i don’t remember being able to sac, bop or LoH my partners or having dispel on such a low cooldown. I am not even talking about wings on 1 min cd.

They did change it so the nerfs were not going to be applied to demo though? Atleast what I saw yesterday.
" Added clarification to two notes above:

  • Demonology
    • Demonic Strength now increases the damage of Felstorm by 300% (was 400%). This does not affect PvP Combat.

    • Dreadbite damage reduced by 10%. This does not affect PvP Combat."

d fak u talking about? There is literaly no one, zero, nada - who still play SS/3s as Assa atm… this entire meta ret/bm/war countering rogue completely


ngl, every point ive seen you making is CORRECT. Baffles me how people are crying about mage rn when it’s best spec is a frostbolt spec, when does anyone think mage is getting tons of frostbolts off in arena when rets are running rampant/

Oh, didn’t see that it got changed. Well, both is already nerfed in PvP so probably that’s why.

There’s barely any reason to apply this nerf to demo in pvp considering that demonic strength already does 150% of felstorm damage in pvp. But then again when have people bothered with checking numbers before making a ruckus on the arena forums before.

Most of all nerf ret god tier spec.

Ofc, playing against RMP as any zug zug class is so hard, you need to actually think, have good position, pre something before the go, make a good plays. Why bother if this meta suites perfectly for 99% of players, press W, 123, you die or enemy, next game. Look way better.

I literally faced Assas yesterday at 2.1 - 2.2K MMR


Why you compere raiku to anyone they are the highest team for over 8 seasons now.

It doesnt matter which state rmp is in but the highest is a ret that is not on that tournament lv just a ret i never saw is 7 place of the ladder sure he got r1 before in sl when ret was also triple s tier.

So what is your point rn that ret isnt better than rmp or what like i said they are always the highest Team for decades now.

Ret is a disgrace still massively overtuned even after pretty sizeable nerfs. The game feels like it would be pretty balanced if they nerfed ret massively and did some moderate nerfs to arms too.


You need to keep up. I wasnt the one entirely who brought up Raiku.
So try to actually read before you comment, it usually helps.
And please, stop trying to make assumptions on what I mean as usual.

I would assume most ppl dont, I rarely do it either unless I rly try to look it up xd
but ty for saying that, gives me more thoughts to consider when looking things up

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCATbf6xKoE Bm and ret and dömo s tier ofc