I need titan forging back

As someone who mainly runs m +, I want titanforging back. I am already on a point where gear progression almost came to its limit. I want to push keys. For this, I need better gear. In BFA I simply spammed some specific key levels which I reliably timed. I did that, until I had enough titanforges and item level to try the next higher keys and so on. On some point in a BFA Season I had similar gear to mythic raiders and had no real disadvatage to them regarding m+.
Now, the loot limit in m+ is 203 from m+10. Thats 10 ilvl below hc loot. So if I want to keep up m+ progression, I am now forced to raid. Thats absolutly frustrating. I hate it. Please bring titan forging back and release me from this raiding compulsion.


I like the idea that the loot is capped at a certain skill level.


Your reply is unrelated to the topic.

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So you’re advocating that harder content shouldn’t award better loot? In my opinion that is fundamentally stupid.


Its not harder content, its diffrent content. Stop treating m+ skill and raiding skill the same.


Of course it requires a different skill set to an extent, but if you’re comparing +15s to mythic raiding, you’re delusional


I did not compare anything at any point. Can i have some meaningfull answer to this topic? I talk about a limit in Gear progression to play m+. I dont give a damn about what is happening in raiding communities.


Is it capped at 203? Thought that was just for the first week.

Is it? That would be awesome.

+15 gives 210.

”I have similar gear to mythic raiders”? And still, you’re saying mythic raiding isn’t harder than 15s, which I 100% disagree with.

No i didnt say that. Keep on trolling in another thread.

Are you forgetting what you wrote 5 minutes ago: “It’s not harder content, it’s different content”

It looks like they inced the ilvl of m+10 to 207 which is great. Still hc raiding is required for better gear.

For the record btw. I don’t think you shouldn’t get good gear from completing +15s, but going back to the original topic, I just think it’s stupid that you can RNG your way to mythic level gear from way way easier content

A mythic 10 and 11 gets you 203 ilvl gear (they nerfed it down from 207.) 12, 13 and 14 will give you 207 ilvl gear.

Heroic raids are not harder then +10s and certainly not harder then +15s. Following this logic, Heroic raids should be dropping at most 203, not 213.

No, just no. No titanforging, and did you even put a moment’s thought into what unlimited loot of mythic raid itemlevel actually does to the other gearing systems? It would make both raiding and pvp obsolete, because both of those are on weekly resets. Either way, we had 2 expansions of casino loot, finally it’s gone, get over it.

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Maybe, won’t argue that either way. All I’m saying is mythic should be the highest gear you can possibly get.

Mythic raiding isn’t the be-all end-all. If you placed gear item level based on effort, then very high keys (25+) should be the highest item level, followed by glad and r1 level pvp, with mythic raiding a distant third.