I need to take a break

Sorry guys but I won’t be active now for a long time. My shizophrenia is back and I will need strong medication now. Maybe even a hospital. We might see each other again so I hope you remember me good in mind. I like most of you. Good Bye for this moment at least


Hey man, I don’t know you but I’ve seen your posts. Regardless of what I think of them, you seem to love the game.

Strong move to decide to take care of your own well being and take a break. Hope you get better, and get to do what you enjoy!

Take care brother <3


Spamming your pointless threads even in US forums takes it toll.


I will try to do better in the future. The passion for the game is still there.

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I am unsurprised given how you’ve been acting lately and what you’ve told us previously. I’m glad you’re getting the help you need and wish you luck.


Good luck m8, for the Horde!


Get well soon

Love you too :kissing_heart:

Taking care of yourself and knowing when you need help is the most important thing. Really hope the treatment will do its thing. Hope to see you again when things are sorted.

I’ll look after the Horde for you Erevien don’t worry and take care :slight_smile:

We’ll be here to discuss lore and defeating the Alliance once and for all when you are feeling ready to re-join the battle mate.


They are gonna get a very long vacation, and should honestly get one in game as well.
On topic, best of luck and hopefully you feel better soon.
The amount of people here basically wishing harm irl to a person is horrible and you should all be ashamed.


If… and a big if, it’s a genuine post, the person pre and post help are not the same…

I have a family member that suffers from a similar case. I once got blamed and blocked on phone, because she would read an article completely not related to anything in my life, something like “Man snitched on his business partner to put him in jail”, and that was apparently me snitching on her to get her locked up.

I’m not trying to tell you how to feel, you are entitled to feel the way you want :slight_smile: Just wanted to put some perspective on the matter

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Im gonna miss you bro :kissing_heart:. I really enjoy your posts.

Edit: Take care of yourself mate.



Take care get well soon :heart:
I really like your posts, I don’t take them too seriously but it tells me that you really love the game and the Horde. Lok’tar Ogar!

You do you. I am sorry okay? I never meant to make you feel bad in any way. And again I didn’t report you.

If that can help you feel any better, you are objectively correct on most things you have an opinion on.
Your absence will also allow the few people here who believe we are the same person to realize that it’s not, in fact, the case.

Good luck.

Get well erevien.

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Schizophrenia is a rough illness to have, sorry to hear that and good luck

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Know from experience that this is not easy to deal with. My brother is fighting this and is a real hero, just like you.

Best wishes to you my friend.


Sorry to hear that and take care.

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