I need to take a break

You are not going to see any new forum posts from me in the future any time soon that I can promise you.

/Slaps Erevien.

Don’t spout nonsense like that… Your like an important part of the ecosystem now <.<… Snap out of it.

We will all be here waiting for you when you have settled down and feel better. Take your time.

I really liked your new approach thread by the way. You did a great job on this one.

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Complaining without giving any detail in how to make the situation of the story actually better was my priority.

Hmmm don’t think you did that at all in that thread. You put allot of constructive effort and thought into it. Worth a read. You did good dude

I think I got the main problems of the Horde right now in the right way. That was all I had to say. Once my mind is stable again we see if I can expand this some more.

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Take care of yourself.


Take care of yourself


I wondered where all my socks went.


The Horde is proud to have you Erevien, rest up and best of luck!


Don’t worry. We’ll took care of your “Horde” while you’re gone. :slight_smile:

For the Horde!

Get well soon, from an Alliance player :stuck_out_tongue:

On all seriousness, I hope you get the treatment you need, and I enjoyed your posts they always were a good laugh.

I admire you for your passion for the game (even though i like Alliance). Get well, all the best :wink:

Thank you for all the nice words from you. Once I feel better I am fully back to support the red team. We are all in this together.


Ow :frowning:

Hope you get better. Not an easy one to deal with.

It was an outrageous post which has fortunately been removed. Could you remove your quote as well? Honestly, nobody should have to look at that. It wasn’t just over the line, it was also undeserved. I personally think those threads are rather funny and do explore the lore.

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Best of luck buddy! Get well soon!

For the (true) Horde!

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Having a lore opinion seems to trigger alot of people.

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I rather not remove it people should know the type of person they are honestly.

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Good luck brother. Take care of yourself.

my brain took a while to understand what I just saw. thought you decided to turn to the dark side for a moment there :dracthyr_sweat:


Bad brain!