I need to take a break

Wishing you a speedy recovery Erevien and I hope to see you return and feeling much better.

This statement didn’t age well. Did you recover that fast or have you only seeked attention with this one?

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I got extra strong medication now so I am stable at the moment. But I will at least not create new topics for now.

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It does not work like that, it takes more then just meds please stop this.

My girl. I was in hospital for 3 months back in 2020. I know what I am doing.

If you know what you’re doing, why do you make a goodbye thread?

Cuz I plan on not making any new topics here any time soon. So the story forum is already dead even without me. I will abandon europe WoW for good.

So instead of being honest you use your mental illness as an excuse or how am I supposed to understand your response? Just say that you move completely to the US forum.

I didn’t lie. I had a hard time last week,

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I am sorry to hear that, but clearly these forums are actively hurting your recovery, they are like an addiction for you at this point. Just log out of them and take your time recovering, don’t worry I will be here to argue with you when you get back.

Take care.


as amonet said. take a break from here. is better.

and back when youll be full recovered so you could enjoy it.

I agree, maybe it’s the best to take a break.

Sometimes these forums can be a bit much. Taking a break is healthy and I do it regularly.

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