I quit DF, looking forward for the next expansion

Why did you reply to my comment? Nothing in what you said is a response to my question.

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Probably a misclick, im not exactly putting much effort into this. apologies.

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content draught is real guys stop pretending like it isn’t. I mean there are many things you can do but most of them become useless pretty quick and people want things that they do to have an effect on gameplay. which is adding some sort of chore or at least a long line of quests like class halls which rewards pretty enough on cosmetic side. They were so afraid of adding anything after the backlash in SL they practically didn’t add much that you can do daily to help improve your gear etc. other than m+, pvp or raiding.

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Forbidden reach is is awesome so far… Just saying…

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DF is certainly a pallet cleanser, but a filler expansion? WoD was a filler. It lacked content and had so many planned features totally scrapped while Blizzard devoted more resources to working on Legion (and perhaps even BFA).

DF on the other hand is overwhelmingly filled with content and regular updates. There are criticisms to be had for some of that, but this is far from a filler.


“overwhelmingly filled with content and regular updates”

its not easy being green lol


Well here is a regular saying the same thing. Not being green nor blue.

It depends on what value you put into what content is… And for years its been grinds and borrowed power systems.

Of course if you where head deep into that for all these years. In dragonflight you would feel at a loss. Cause now you can do m+ and raiding. without allot of stuff to do to even be capable of stepping a foot in that.

The content is more story oriented and such… So if your used to the old and never cared about those things your at a loss.

Patches are coming out much faster. We have new dungeons to do for m+… Wont be surprised if a new raid is up on the horizon too.

But if you where used to grinds and borrowed power inbetwen these things. Yeah…

But allot of us wanted to step into m+ and raiding before… And the power gap due to all of these things such as borrowed power grinds and such. Made it feel impossible to step into.

Lore & story nerd here.


Dragonflight has the fewest number of quests in its leveling zones out of all recent expansions.

It’s almost 1/2 of what Shadowlands had.
It’s almost 1/3 of what Battle for Azeroth had.

How is the content more story oriented when there is less story in the expansion?!

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I hard disagree… The stories and the content are now locked behind renowns and such for people who are especially interested in these things yes.

You don’t have to do them. And thats there for the people who only wanna do m+ and raiding.

Its not mainstreamed to us like it used to be. But its there…
Not having epic cut scenes and cinematics at the end of each questline doesn’t mean they aren’t there.

Would you rather have a story just dished out for the sake of having a story that fits the latest power grind system and cutscenes? Or actual story development that that took some thinking and implementation into it.

That was a word salad if I ever saw one. Nothing you say makes any sense. I don’t know how to respond to it.

I’ll trash another point instead:

Blizzard used to release patches like this:

Major → Minor → Major → Minor → Major

In Dragonflight they release them like this:

Minor → Minor → Major → Minor → Minor

That should illustrate clearly why they can release the patches “faster”. The patches have simply become smaller.

The speed by which Blizzard are releasing patches in Dragonflight is akin to Legion. But the volume of content in the patches is far below what Legion had in its patches.

It is irrelevant how fast the patches come out if there is little to no content in them.


I dont care how minor they are. If the quality is better when it comes to story.

Beats having a typical big world ending bad with a covid raspy throat voice that we always kill at the end with literally no character at all.

Thats as far as story goes.

When it comes to content such as new raids and zones etc… At least now they dish them out way faster than they did in Shadowlands. And if all you play for is m+ and raids anyway why would you complain? (Not you… But those who do play for that)

The lich kings voice before Blizzard gave him covid. And every single world ending boss afterwards.

The voice of Arthas and Ner’zhul… echoing into one

Like… I dont care how few quests we get. As long as Blizzard doesn’t just dish them out for quantity before quality. I wanna see where this is going.

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Better than what?

I would say the response to the story of Dragonflight has been lukewarm at best. It’s seen as passable because it’s not terrible, but that’s about it as far as praise goes.

In that regard it’s better than Shadowlands so far, but that’s a very low bar to beat, and hardly something to elevate as an achievement.

Pretending that Dragonflight is a marvel because it’s perhaps marginally better than Shadowlands is a very sad point to argue from in my opinion.

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We have got one single patch content patch since release! I am not saying it is a marvel yet… And yes comparing it to Shadowlands is a lowbar I agree… But come on… give this expac a few tries first before we condemn it to failure already!

That’s my point.

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It’s the first expansion we got since the covid set back happend… We can’t expect things to be 5/5 stars straight out of the gate so soon… At least thats what I think. I believe Blizzard is still in the catching up phase after that… And they did really great before. I wouldn’t loose faith so quickly yet. Although I might just be a fanboy addict, but still.

They are changing too… trying new things and content. Give it some time!

:Edit: Developing a new expansion… One expansion or several for all we know. Ahead of time. And the patches that follow. The story development that comes along with them.

It’s not done as fast and easy as it seems the average WoW players believes it does.

too subtle for green i think but made me chuckle

i think there is a hell of a lot of good things in dragonflight, but also areas of concern. Criticism needs to aim at those areas of concern and highlight them for discussion. As customers we can’t do much more than that to help.

if we were discussion a small indie dev i’d agree with you.