I quit DF, looking forward for the next expansion

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If you feel there isn’t enough to fill your time, perhaps play something else alongside WoW? I think people just hardcore stuff then moan when they feel there isn’t enough. Perhaps it’s more about a need to step outside of the game more.

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Well see ya in 2 years!

I do play other games besides WoW and enjoy other hobbies as well, but that doesn’t make WoW any better.


mazed rats are can’t live without their maze

Honestly, this. If the problem is boredom, new content is likely to entice them back. If the patches are frequent enough then WoW is working as intended because that means a constant stream of content that doesn’t overwhelm. Perfect.

Burn-out makes people quit for long where no amount is content or work on the game will bring them back. Much worse.

What makes burnouts happend… I so wonder…

See you in a few weeks babes.

No, but seriously, why do people make a massive deal out of unsubbing/stop playing.

It’s a game, not a drug addiction. Just do it, move on, and come back when you feel like it. Lol.


Because if they were honest about it. They would be shut down. Regardless of how fair or unreasonable their opinions would of been.

It is a drug addiction… Blizzard made this game to be that as much as possible in the past. They gave us everything a fantasy head would ever want for years… And it became a huge part of allot of peoples lives, And its hard to break from it. At least without a final good bye message.

Old habbits. Old patterns in everyones daily lives. are hard to break. that saying applies to us all.

If your a gamer though… Not gettind addicted to wow is a good advice. Fill your gaming time with other games too. Wow has that effect that it makes you feel like no other games are good enough. They are not open world… they aren’t amongst other people. You can’t show off your score and mythics, And Your achievements means nothing. these are the things people get addicted too.


Oh no, I fundamentally disagree with you there. An mmorpg’s worst enemy is boredom; there should always be something to do; something fun and worthwhile optimally.

That’s not the issue. I WANT to be able to play WoW more in a way that I enjoy.
I CAN fill my time with other stuff, but I don’t want to. I don’t really play any other video games anymore because they simply don’t interest me much; I’ve played Hogwart’s Legacy for a bit and it was fun, but now that’s done and even though I haven’t done every single side quest and such in that game, I haven’t really felt compelled to go back to it; so it’s been sitting there. I might do another play through but I’m not going to do it twice in a row.

Anyway… Point is; I want WoW to be better. Not to replace WoW with something else.


Stopped reading there. I’ve been playing this game for 15+ years. Never have I ever felt compelled to make a quitting thread.

There’s ways to offer constructive feedback without making a WoW forum thread about it.

It’s more so for attention, clearly.


then i stopped reading there as well… I am telling you as someone who it has happend too. And is happening too. Take it or leave it.


Then you need to revaluate your life and maybe seek counselling. Spending time on a game and wasting time on it is fine, but if you have a problem stopping playing and acknowledging you have a problem, the only person you have to blame is yourself at that point for not getting help.

People need to seriously get a grip. Comparing a drug addiction to a game was the laugh I needed today though. Thanks.

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Sorry I stopped reading your reply before I even started… I assume it was a I am better than you post and since it never happend to me I will invalidate everyone else. As usuall

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Alright champ. Enjoy your pixelated reality. I’m sure it’ll be fun until the game goes into maintenace mode in the next few years :+1:t6:

Thanks! I of coursed stopped reading after reading the part of it i liked reading too. Learning from the best!


Get on that waiting list champ. You’ll thank me later.

Stop it! I’m not that great… You make me blush.

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I’m sorry no one in your life has ever lifted your spirits. Let me be the first, champ.

You’re doing good kid, keep it up. The first step is admitting you have a problem. You’re doing awesome. x

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Thank you! And i too am sorry life never humbled you either :c made you wiser as well… I mean it is elementary to understand this stuff. But to some people… Life just goes on without failure.