I quit DF, looking forward for the next expansion

One tip I will say though, don’t fully come off WoW if you’re trying to quit. I don’t want your body going into shock and you end up going through serious withdrawal.

Coming off WoW too fast can cause all kinds of things like seizures, abdominal pain and night terrors/sweats.

Oh don’t worry! I am not planning to quit anytime soon. And you will be stuck with me on your neck for years and yeeeaaaaaaaars to come!

Sorry to break it to you, but I won’t be here much longer. I mean like. Now. Adios amigo

See you soon! Friend sleep well.

I haven’t unsubbed yet but my sub is being wasted because I’ve only logged in twice in the last 2 weeks.

I lost a lot of interest when I discovered I can’t complete the campaign unless I enter several dungeons, something I just hate and find stressful, plus I found it amazingly difficult to level up my crafting skills beyond L75 and on the whole, it’s all become rather boring and tedious.


Not sure what campaign this is…

But you should just unsub unless you need mental help like welsh above said. Else your like me who needs mental help.

Just unsub. Nobody wants to hear what you don’t like. Only positive vibes please.

Not sure what the campaign is :rofl:

You sure do need help, shall I send for the men in white coats now?

Your not sure what even a campaign is your about to quit the game for. But I am the one who needs men in white coats?

No campaign so far ive done had me needing to complete several dungeons to do them. Are you ok?
I swear the mental damage you guys do is literally contagious.

Well sunshine, my quest log quite definitely says ‘Dragonflight Campaign: 7/9 chapters’ and I need to complete Halls of Infusion to continue. The same applies to 3 other alts, does that not constitute ‘several’.

These posts always come out every single expac. The only time I genuinely felt it was in BFA. DF really isn’t that bad despite its faults

Well ‘‘Sunshine’’… that is one dungeon… not several. And you can do it trough the dungeon finder. Jesus christ on a bike

i remember something like that but i don’t think it’s very stressful to do normal dungeons, ofc. it’s up to you but if you do it with mage it can be fun i’d recommend you to try it once

I’m in my mid 70’s and I have a condition, that’s all. I can do most things but grouping with people gives me stress in case I screw up.


Well okey Hotlips in his Mid 70’s… You can choose specific dungeons in your dungeon finder to do your needed halls of infusion. Hope that helps.

I swear my eye balls can only roll so far back before they do a backflip up there.

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ahh i get it. yes it can be stressful sometimes . this game has a bit of a toxic playerbase that’s why i’m hesitating to try out healing

I’m old in body, but not in mind. I even understand how the dungeon finder works, but thanks for the advice sonny.

Stop it -.- Your not in your mid 70’s And with that name your clearly not old in both body nor mind.

You’re kind of arguing a losing position here. Just sayin’.

Everyone has their likes and dislikes, stuff they care about and stuff they don’t. And everyone has something they love and will always do, and something they hate and will never do – or cannot do.

WoW is a vast game and no one is going to enjoy or be willing (or able) to do all parts of it. A great attribute of WoW is that you can usually pick and choose. And Blizzard usually get flak when they force players to do anything, because the general design is that you decide your own fun.

I love the Dragonriding world quests and will do every single one of them every week.
I hate Mythic+ Dungeons and just about refuse doing them on sheer principle.
I’m quite ambivalent about Professions and I care little for Pet Battles.
I’ve never done any roleplaying and I find Arenas infuriating but Battlegrounds enjoyable.

No random forum guy is going to change any of that. You’re not going to be able to sit here and offer some tips and tricks to how I could more easily appreciate the wonders of Mythic+ keys if I just did this or that or picked a specific dungeon or got some friends or whatever.

There’s always going be some things you like and dislike, and some things you love to do and some things you absolutely will not do.

And it’s totally fair criticism to point out when the game forces you to do something you don’t want to. That’s a very common form of complaint since School of Hard Knocks was implemented, among other.

That’s not something for you to argue against on the forum. Why would you even?!


I will take Welsh advice now and go to that very much needed bed.

Your all insane! YOU ARE ALL INSANE!!! Points accusively!

I’m not crazy! You are!! No you!! AAAH!

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Yeah, and it kept saying “If you don’t do this this week, you’ll lose the chance forever.”

Dragonflight says “you can take me at your pace”.

Quite honestly, I can’t see the problem with DF. No, it doesn’t mandate I do single player chores. But then, I never actually wanted to. If I don’t log in to do Korthia before work every day? That’s a good thing!

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