I still do not understand

Why would I change my gameplay from this:

to this:

I feel like I am moving backwards in history, Can somebody please tell me why the evolution of computer gaming is suddenly going back to point zero…


You could have just posted this in one of the other 200 Classic posts you know…


Well, you don’t have to. But people probably do it for the same reason I still play Morrowind and retro games to this day - nostalgia.


The same reason why the original Star Wars trilogy is preferred by some over the others that followed.

Sometimes people prefer the older thing. And sometimes they don’t. It’s a matter of this thing called taste.


What an original post !

Said noone

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Pffft millennials


Why would you ? You do not have to. :slight_smile:

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Classic is ok if you can accept the idea that it’s a product of it’s time and don’t compare it to today’s standards.

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Reasons for people to play classic:
Grouping encourgement gameplay.
From quests to dungeons to pvp everything in classic is design to encourge you to group up and be social.
Some would call it blackmail other would call it good.

Value: gear was rare, self healing was on a few class and mana didnt regenerate in combat(or so slowly it might aswhile not)
This ment that every gear upgrade, Every crafting specc and every buff helped.
For example: Troll blood potion gave a 5 hp ever 5 second(i think) for one hour.
This was a godsent for warriors who coudnt self heal.
Likewise mana potions where a godsent for casters as once your mana was dried you had to drink and you can not drink in combat.

Community: because the world was small(compaire to retail) and there was no sharding.
People on the same server met reguraly.
When you meet the same priestess 5 times over 7 days you tent to remember her.

Retail is good too.
Classic is however for those who want to play something a bit more D&D and alot less DC comic’s.
Where resourses management was the challange instead of dance dance revolution.

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Taste is indeed individual, but I think the taste of nostalgia can mislead you into false assumptions, should we advance backwards to a less connected world, should we demote modern computer power to an earlier stage. I think nobody wants that.
The urge for the old ways is a longing for what has been and a memory of happiness, nobody can take that away from you…
But please do not let your memories interfere with evolution, let the world move on, let things evolve the way they should,

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Why is it bothering you? You still have retail. You can’t force people not to like playing a game that YOU don’t connect with.

It’s not just nostalgia. I have friends who never played vanilla and they are having a blast.


Dont like classic? Dont play classic :woman_shrugging:t3: Dont like retail? Dont play retail :woman_shrugging:t3: Play whatever u like, its not like anyone is forcing u to play…


I still replay old D&D RPGs like BG2, IWD2, Planescape:Torment, Temple of Elemental Evil every couple of years. Because of superior writing and, as a result, atmosphere. I also love Witcher series and can’t wait for Cyberpunk.

Both modern and old games are good and playable if they are quality products. Vanilla WoW is a quality product.

But WoW evolved throughout the years and now is a much better game than Vanilla. If not for nostalgia, which wears off very fast, i dont see any reason to play it. Also, Vanilla is a dead end. Retail has future and will progress further, which is a huge part of why we play MMORPGs.

P.S. if blizz would have gifted me an AQ40 geared warlock, id play it tho :smiley:

It is bothering me, but I am not bothered with nostalgic people, I am meerly bothered with a company that is looking for easy solutions.
Their customers is not satisfied with the current system and the solution is to present some old antique system.

Because it’s about the “feeling”. WoW classic has that feeling.

Retail feels plastic and soulless.

The only thing that’s good with retail is the graphics and some animations.

Literally everything else is a downgrade.

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Zoomers do zoom zoom. enjoy flying your sparkly princess pony.
Classic is a game where you are nobody and you try to get powerful and try to maybe help the good guys. While you mighty slayer of gods, ride Deathwing into picking seashells that turn into epics

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If you don’t know why Classic was released - never mind care that is has been - just ignore it & play what you like (even if it’s not a Blizzard game)…

Yes , live in the past, but everybody knows what happens to a company that can not perform in future tense.

BFA happens and subs drop by more than 3 million. That happens


There is no reason for you to do anything you don’t want to. But other people feel like doing it, and there is no reason for you to question their likes and tastes either.

Those customers that play it are happy with the old system. In case you haven’t noticed, it’s actually also being quoted as a profitable endeavor for the company by analysts. Win-win situation.