I swear wtf is that dungeon pool for next season

motherlode ok its new afte bfa but the other top a 5 boss dungeon with always tyrannical on omfg… then mechagon again. we already had it in a better version. it will probably overtuned af.

They chould add Halls of Atonement for example. was a nice dungeon. short and cool. or any other legion dungeon

You’re just describing the dungeon being hard, which fair enough it was, but it was the most fun dungeon, for me. When I think of the best things in Shadowlands it’s Castle Nathria and TOP. Castle Nathria was hard too, Stone Legion Generals lol ugh.

Stuff can be hard and fun. Blizzards way to make stuff hard is just to throw in 700 abilities, 46 varieties of overlapping poo on the ground along with badly telegraphed frontals and simultaneous healing checks. Much fun.

Tbh old dungeons would be good in the rotation if they would only take actually old dungeons which never existed on m+(classic to wod) and would make the effort to really change them (for example Uldaman → Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr) to feel NEW.

Currently they just Ctrl-C V-ing them as they were with the exception of buffing their difficulty because apparently that somehow should makes them feel new…
Did anyone feel necrotic wake was a new experience? Or Mists?
Even Siege only received hotfixes which were long overdue even back in bfa (particularly second boss visuals and last boss).

Old dungeons without sweeping changes do not belong into the current season pool imho, because those are essentially Timewalking dungeons.
I have vastly different expectations when I do timewalking content, because I obviously dont expect anything new there, but I most certainly do in current seasonal content.

I am only repeating myself, but we already had a system to accommodate timewalking dungeons in m+ without disruptions to the current content, but it was removed to cut the costs.

A TWW Gnomeregan would have been so much better choice for that. One that is up to the TWW standards, but still tells the same lore, just in a new way with new graphics/textures, significantly altered map, new bosses/trash or at very least different alignments.

There is nothing to think about in those mechanics, i just find that particular boss fight to be annoying.
Annoying does not mean difficult bud, it means that how the fight need to be played is overall not enjoyable imo.

If you find that mechanics to require any sort of “thinking” i am truly sorry for you.

I’m sorry standing in a light is so annoying for you to be whining 4 months early

I thought the dungeon was fun, I think you’re overexaggerating how hard it was too. In SL you could say that Sanguine Depths, Plaguefall, De Other Side, Spires of Ascension were all harder and more punishing, some might make the case for Necrotic Wake too.

Theater of Pain was hard but didn’t have anything overly brutal in there, that’s also why it was so good because it was at a constant 7-8/10 instead of having 10/10 spikes or difficult mechanics that were a hard fail for the group, the platforms where you could get knocked off was just a frontal you had to sidestep, it was rarely an issue in groups above a 10 key because players didn’t find it difficult.


Bud, stating an opinion about something i dislike isn’t whining. But i guess you don’t know any better, given that’s what you do on the forum 24/7.

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What thinking are you doing in an 8? The dungeons become an issue later with higher scaling, in pugs especially when they spam CC and all interrupt the same spell. There’s no coordination at times.

A 12+ Darkflame Cleft is gonna be awful in a pug setting

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Only reason I’ve not gone higher this season is challengers peril is trash

i don’t disagree, but its trash for us also. I bet s2 keeps it. Now Darkflame cleft with that affix you love :confused:

Few more days and fresh classic servers are starting, m+ scene about to bleed even more players. In a month you will be lucky to form any kind of group for this dying content

Me too. We have one of those, and you choose which part of the dungeon you want to run from inside Mechagon

Yea but didn’t it previously require timing both on a 20 to unlock? My question was will it now unlock from just timing workshop on a 10?

Theres no way Blizzard won’t give a portal.

“sorry you didn’t get it back when it was current, guess you can just walk haha” < how do you think the community will react to that. It’ll just be portal for timing workshop

I think it would be fair if the portal malfunctioned 50% of the time since you only got half of it and it would also fit with a goblin theme.

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Why do they consistently bring back the most garbage dungeons possible

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Like whiny little babies like they do for everything else in game no doubt

I Disagree i think the dungeon pool is good for season 2 ill be playing those dungeons definitley motherlode mechagon two of my favourite.

I would like to see them make dungeon pools bigger to be honest i dont see why they just cant have every dungeon available as mythic + options

Yes i loved this saving my cds for the duel in theatre of pain and using a hoj full wings burst on my party member hahaa

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