I think that DBM has to go

The raids now are tuned by DBM in mind, and the addon itself makes the raids be unfun content wise: You don’t have to watch the boss and animations of attacks to figure out what they are going to do.

The raids now with DBM are just playing Simon Says with extra steps. Removing it in my honest opinion would make raids more fun, and difficult.


Well if you feel that way just don’t use that add-on. It will increase personal difficulty.


Dbm has been here for YEARS. Never seen any complaints about it. If you want more difficult then don’t use it but don’t force your playstyle on others


Current bosses are made with addons like dbm in mind, removing them would make some bosses impossible, not more fun and difficult.
Mythic bosses are already very hard even with dbm. Anyone complaining about these addons probably have never done a single mythic boss.


fully agree with you OP but people are lazy and want to get achievements they didn’t earn via effort so blizz will never do it.
Peronally, if achievements could be attained only if you didn’t enable any addons on login then id actually be impressed. Im asking too much of lazy people though, and blizz don’t want to upset lazy people so they will never do this.
A nice idea, but people are too lazy so blizz will always plan raid fights around the assumption of addon usage. Hey ho


That’s how I feel as well. And you do not need bossmods for LFR-HC, i have had alts who have had them turned off (by accident) and I never missed those, but since my mains weakauras are cross characters I still get notices about debuffs etc on me.

How does it make it simpler? I’m not saying they should remove mechanics because of it, simply add animations that would indicate an attack going instead of a text or warning alert telling you what to do.

Why do people do mythic raids? Because they want to overcome a challenge, a test that is based on both dedication, preparation and skill. But for some reason they use assist methods that make that content easier. So what is the point? It’s like making a football netthingy 90% smaller and then making your balls smaller as well.

Have you done mythic raids ? No, I am not asking this to have a strike on you as poster, but have you and when did you do them ?

Mythic raiders seek 2 things - challenge as a team, and personal challenge trough maximised performance. removal of boss mods would cause Blizzard to simplify game mechanics and takes away also players ability to maximise their perfroamnce. to do max healaing, damage or pull crazy tanking stunts you must know when and how something happens. Taking bossmods away would mean :

  1. You will always do less damage/healing than your class is capable
  2. You are required to tone down boss fight mechanics. There are already RNG elements with timed elements in a fight. Without bossmods they would need to remove timed challenges from equation and leave only RNg elements. Knowledge also helps to make customised tactics and adds another layer of entertainment.

Yes there are visual cues likes boss energy, colours in room, and floor plans in boss rooms are NEVER random. but designing boss encounters is a science and if you take away boss mods, you are also required to start removing some mechanics and if you do not remove mechanics, you are going to have collateral damage on player performance and for many mythic raiders getting absolute max out of their character is fun.

For the information sake - i run very minimal boss-mod-data set up. I play tank, and I have time to look around, but it helps me enormously to plan my moves and cd use (i.e. do more dps, healing and other fun tricks) if I know when boss is about to do something i need to pay attention to based on my role.


No Classic is super easy compared to Retail (atleast MC and Onyxia is, not sure about Bwl and after). And in many many ways classic is more flawed then retail. What I want is for both games and actually for most mmorpgs. Your kind of people #gotoretail #nochanges #gotoclassic are the worst, you love segregation, making enemies out of thin air and refusing to look at an idea because of from whom it is coming from, So I don’t really want to discuss anything with you, just like I dont like to discuss anything with gotoretail people.

I hate the easy difficulty of classic raiding (and ppl still fail it much like deepwater) and I hate the lifeless and following instructions raiding of retail.


Well I dunno about the rest of you but even with DBM I’m like;


“Mass…What I don’t se…”

:joy: though I have little raiding experience !


But that’s not how mythic raids work. They are challenging even with instructions on the screen, or in many cases - sound instructions on screen (errr… on headphones!).

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Trust me. I welcome positive changes to retail, even if it comes from classic. Personally, I’m hoping for a day that we get to cross spec our characters. A fire mage with frost and arcane abilities. Professions, that with the help of reagents you earn in the raid, create some amazing weapons or gear or whatever, etc.

Simplifying raids is NOT one of those things that i EVER want to see in this game. And what you want, will result in simplifying raids.

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I agree, OP. I don’t understand why all these people are missing the point so hard. I’d also like to add that Blizzard should do something about the PTR. The content of the game is known before it even releases along with boss tactics and stuff… Isn’t discovering boss mechanics part of the fun? Instead you know everything from the adventurer’s guide and if that’s not detailed enough, you watch Fatboss… At this point why even do the raid except for the achievement.

P.S. All these people talking about Classic … This has nothing to do with Classic.


(I’m talking in analogies)
So simply put what you are saying is that you require 10 “power” to deal with a lvl 10 raid. However 3 “power” of your 10 comes from an addon, while your skill is only 7. If they remove DBM and weakauras the difficulty of lvl10 raid will fall to a 7. But people will still complete it with just as much effort because you both took out the addon requirement and only put skill checks.

At the end we get a raid that only requires your skill and no additional 3rd party supports, but the content is just as difficult. Now I’m arguing that by removing those addons the game is already more immersive and henceforth more fun.

If the content is easier (less than 7) then tune it up to 7 so it is just difficult enough. and if it is too impossible make it easier or let it stay.

tell me what would you be more proud of doing current mythic with addons or without?

(and about me, no I have only done heroics, which weren’t really fun for me with or without addons).

You know those dancing machines? Where it shows you arrows and you have to step on them in time? Raiding with addons is exactly that with just more and even faster arrows.

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pugs must be fun without dbm.

most cant beat azshara normal after months of practise lol

Even if it would simplify raids Alexima, your first and second response was very rude and immature, so I will hold discussing anything with you sorry.


tl;dr for the people that keep missing the point.
You want more DIFFICULT raids but you want to keep your addons that make them EASIER. If you think about it, it makes no sense.


Thank you!

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Considering I am a casual mythic raider these days with my 1 (or 2) 3h per session schedule, then I am proud in either way to get as far as I do with such small hours spent per.

I do not measure my game in proud points, but fun points and I can honestly say - I am having great fun in EP wiping on Orgozoa (which in global scale progress wise is pretty bad, but considering our schedule, pretty decent).

For me ‘honour’ is not on making things less fun or harder, but for me it is all about enjoying the content and I do enjoy mythic raids a lot. Even when its just 3 or 6 hours a week I can spend on it.

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You don’t like me being rude and i don’t like people who come from classic and either bash retail or try to change everything into classic. So i guess we’ll call it a day and we can agree that our ideas are completely against one another in terms of the dbm and its necessity.