For me the problem in this discussion is that people, who apparently do not do mythic raiding judge how we make them too easy for ourselves. Sad that people come and try to change things that do not even apply to them.
Heck we have someone saying raids are too easy posting on character with 3/8 on hc. I guess raids are too easy for said poster.
Im happy for you, but I have asked something else and you dodged the question. I’ll ask another question: would you have more fun doing raids if they looked better? (bosses did more visual things and you could actually look at the screen and the whole room, instead of different points on your screen to look at debuff stacks, party member HP and stuff like that). I assume you would, so what I’m trying to suggest is to raid content still require the same amount of skill, but make it more fun.
There is a difference between more difficult raids and more varied raids. I want the latter, and DBM allows for more diverse, more interesting raids, with a greater number of mechanics than would likely be feasible otherwise. Without DBM, you would end up with more simplified raids that may seem more difficult, but are in essence less complex and thus more boring and repetitive.
Plus, as others have said, even with DBM and WeakAuras, you will often see people who manage to fail at the same raid boss encounters for weeks, over and over, especially if there is a lot going on.
I didn’t say they were too easy. This is the problem, from the very start. You literally can’t comprehend the point of the OP and are projecting very hard.
I raid very rarely. Here is a character with which i did HC G’huun. How does this change the point of the post in ANY way?
Oh please, I thought you werent as petty as Alexima right here, who assumes that I came from classic and not RETURNED from classic. She has a 1 dimensional view and puts words in my mouth. I neither bashed retail nor did I try to change EVERYTHING into classic. As I stated I don’t like things about both of them, and hateful people like you is the reason why we can’t have nice things. Never did I suggest to change anything into classic but because my presented character is a classic one she got mad.
As for you Azriil, I stated why I didn’t do mythic and why I won’t do it. I don’t judge I ask questions and you get mad for some reason. It does apply to me and it is very sad that you can’t see how it does.
This topic wasn’t about the difficulty or ease of raids.
It’s about wanting to remove DBM so that raids become more fun.
Some people may argue that DBM was a good or bad addition.
But those who want it removed now, are the ones who don’t understand how it’ll affect the game. Yes. Maybe if it was 10 years ago and DBM was never introduced in the first place, things would have been different. But nowadays, raids developed so much and went so far, and wanting things like dbm to go away, would simply result in going back to very easy raid mechanics and very boring ones.
People who faced the challenge of uunat, don’t find a boss with ragnaros mechanics fun in retail anymore.
Classic may be appealing to a lot of players, but most raiders will immediately realize how big of a joke those old raids were in comparison.
And removing dbm would either result in reducing the overall challenge or making things impossible to finish, and both those cases are a lot worse than what we have right now.
I did not dodge the question, you asked me variable of “being proud” and I said “I do not feel pride, I measure it terms of fun” - I just do not know how to answer to such question about pride whereas I measure raids based on “fun” - entirely two different words. Simple as. Nothing about dodging.
Looked better ? What you mean by looking better ? Raids do look good - visually, and the amount of ballet they make people do. I do not understand this question. Would you elaborate this a bit for me ?
I do already look around room. I am main tank - I have to be aware of the room - and not just tank mechanics, also healer and dps mechanics and make sure that things work. No mythic raider can just get things done by watching bossmods. Often mechanics are very unforgiving and you are nearly always required to watch around the room, and even preplan your actions.
Lets take simplest of bosses in Eternal palace - the 1st boss. What does boss mod do ? Announce debuff inc. What player does ? Needs to find location in room in mere few seconds. But the location will be filled with pool of goo you have to avoid rest of the time. Boss mod allows Blizzard to set that timer very low. And thus force player to have higher focus, instead lower focus longer timer without bossmod would have.
I understand your point entirely and it is the only valid argument here yet, but tell me this: Do you actually ENJOY the process of doing those MORE mechanics that is there because of DBM? I have seen what people are capable of in way harder games (mechanics wise, not numbers wise) and am sure that it can be done without decreasing difficulty.
I am not mad. Do I look mad based on my posts. And my response was not as much about you - but one other poster, who insulted us - the ones supporting bossmods.
What are you talking about, the point of OP (which is correct) is that those addons actually makes the fight easier.
I always use them as sometimes there is barely any hint from the game itself : sound/quote from the boss, unlike games like Dark Souls you’re left to wonder. That’s why people use those addons. To me it’s just a symptom of bad design.
Genuine difficult fights are fun, artificial difficulty because you need to be equiped with an addon to react faster is lame.
Gone are the days where my brain had to be really used in raids. Which is why I stopped raiding ages ago, so no mythic for me, though other modes can be difficult too since I’m not wasting much of my life on a bad Xpac.
If they add more clear sound and visual queues, maybe they could achieve the same effect of DBM but integrated in the game without a sentence appearing on your screen telling you what to do. Just a thought.
The other individuals in this thread rustled my jimmies because instead of trying to have a conversation about this, they started with “go back to classic”
It also tells you TAUNT NOW, so you don’t have to look at the debuff stacks yourself, it also often shows you where to go and literally erases the difficulty of many mechanics that are in that boss. if those mechanics didn’t exist at all and neither did dbm you would still have the same difficulty and same amount of stuff to do.
By looking better I mean when you look at it you are amazed by the animations, the design of the room and understand what is going on aswell. Just compare any mythic raid footage to for example to monster hunter or dark souls and you will understand. Much of it comes from the action genre of the latters but it can still be done with wow.
I’d be happy enough if anyone who uses that addon would stop going around claiming “the game is too easy” or “we need more buttons to press”.
Addons are here for people who want the game to be easier. And I really don’t care if mythic raiding can’t be done without it, the mythic raiders wanted it that way.
I’m not attacking you but if you feel offensed, well welcome to the internet where people don’t always agree with you i guess.
This is your first sentence “Without Bossmods fights would turn again duller and simpler “ those addons do make them easier by telling you what to do like a good kid. It’s already dull and simple. You just need to do what’s told.
Thank you! that is my point exactly! Instead of a star wars alarm going off or the wolf from karazhan telling you to run away, if it is indicated by Jaina herself it would be much cooler and better feeling/looking. But right now the designers ignore this part because they know that DBM will tell them the exact thing.
It maybe tell me that, but no mythic tank would or should use it. I have never tanked or co-tanked with someone in mythic raid, who would use it. For taunts a good tank uses focus or weakaura telling stacks on other tank, or boss. Most taunts happen either based on boss own abilities, or certain stacks, but not when boss mod says.
I am not aware of any boss mod telling me where to go, but then again might be my role particularity. For example on azshara fight which i have not done on mythic, but tanked on HC - then boss mod does not tell me which ward I should drain (tanks control this by the way) - I do that by looking at wards and judge based on raid dps and alive players. Normally i as tank tell where raid is by positioning/moving boss and I am not aware of any boss mod to hold my hand that far.
While you think boss mods make everything trivial, then it does not work as well as you think it might be working. Admitted weakaura does tell me what azsharas degrees are, but even with that weakaura - trust me most players fail that mechanic one way or another across the attempts on her - even on hc. Azhara degrees is for example one mechanic Blizzard could never do again without any sort of weakaura or boss mod.