I think that DBM has to go

Actually I applaud Blizz for allowing addons such as this to exist to help the community.

There may be instances where they haven’t identified a need for a certain feature as it has already been solved within an addon that has filled the need.
Such as above, I didn’t realise a need for DBM for the hard of sight.
I was only looking at it from my own perspective.

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Exactly this. We shouldn’t require an addon to decode a situation that is too hard for a human to parse; we should just ban the addon and make encounters that a normal brain can deal with.

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As i said on a previous post - i believe designs should be add-on free (presuming no addons used by player) on up to HC, but should be requirement on mythic - which i also explained due to boss mods allowing mythic timers and abilities and overlaps be tighter and shorter.

I love (even when I suck !) mythic raiding and I love the ballet. I love how game tells me abiliy X, Y, Z coming and you have now exactly seconds to react. I love it. But game mechanics in HC generally give you enough time to see what you have, time to react, time to do things. That decrees is one example where in hc game does not give you enough time to decode the abilities without debuff starting to tick.

Yeah that’s how I’ve been feeling in the short time that I’ve been doing it, its pretty freeing to not have to be constantly checking random parts of the screen for information or waiting for the next alert to tell me what to do.

Yeah but the point is that they shouldn’t be falling short and neglecting people’s needs and leaving it as a problem for addon creators to solve. Its the game designers role to make this game more accessible and not that of an addon creator, accessibility should not be an optional extra found outside of the game.

What if addon creators stopped creating these addons and there weren’t adequate replacements available? You’re now left in a position where those with disabilities are given a more difficult experience which could be prevented if Blizzard pulled their fingers out in the first place.

When content/encounters are created they should be looking at it with the view of “Can everyone engage with this how we’ve made it” and not “Is this good enough to release” without any due diligence being taken to ensure that those with disabilites can play the content at the same level as other players who don’t have disabilities.

DBM tells you a lot, but you have still to play yourself and watch out for dangerous moments.

They have actually and I think by mistake broke some addons that used to help me and others for example

But [Lilian] finally got 2 or 3 blues to respond in different sections of the forums so hopefully things will change for the better in some cases .

The broken addons are something I can’t relate too as I don’t have a disability that can affect my time spent on this game. However I still stand by the fact that they need to do more themselves and do it ASAP rather than wait for addon creators to implement this.

I remember reading this thread and I agree that it needs to be part of the core game.

The problem with Blues responding is it is mainly replies which are either lip service or “go here and report it as an issue”. They should be actively taking good ideas like that and reporting it to the business themselves rather than opting that you do it instead.

When I worked with customers and I faced situations where I’d either seen or heard disabled people having difficulties I always reported it back to the company and suggested changes, going past my manager and further up the line of command in order to make myself heard. Never was my response to those customsers along the lines of “you need to do the hard work and tell the company yourself”, I find that way of dealing with these issues incredibly disrespectful.

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Ruining the game since vanilla

At some point they will have to break WeakAura, DBM and BigWigs, because you can’t increase boss difficulty infinitely. Do they want to design a boss with 40 ability because all raiders use DBM that Simon-say when they have to do something ?

All bossmod addons should go.

Not only does it artificially increase the skillgap of a new and experienced player but it also makes blizzard tune raids with those addons in mind making them frustratingly hard.

Also while were at it we should delete all those sh*tty CD addons for pvp aswell. Omnibar, nameplatecooldowns, GladiatorlosSA etc are all terrible and put u on a massive disadvantage if u dont use them.
I cant think of a single other multiplayer game which would let u use addons with similar features such as these.

You can always uninstall the addon.

No, you can’t uninstall this addon, because in all guilds, it’s mandatory and the boss are designed with DBM + WeakAura in minds. So if you don’t have the two addon, you can’t do mythic raid because all guilds will decline.

And like i said, if we continue, we will end with 8 phases boss with 40 abilities, and i doubt developers have time to invest to create theses boss. It’s easier for them to get ride of DBM + WeakAura and design boss that are hard due to mechanic that need skill and communication, with less abilities and phases.

Or we can continue like that, end up with 8 phases / 40 abilities per boss, and 1 raid with 8 boss every year :slight_smile: .

Just from EP alone you could do all bosses except for Azsharas decrees without DBM or WA. For the decrees only WA being required and only so you get an order done to prevent the orbs and punishments from going nuts. Alas you may even be able to do that part without a WA. You would just need another 100 pulls or so to get it working for that part alone.

No we wont. End bosses already last a minimum of 200 pulls with the current level of mechanics. That wont change. We already went down in terms of fight length considering how ultimately long Ragnaros HC was. And also Blizzard not wanting too long encounters are shown with Deathwing becomming two encounters instead of just one as originally planned.

And with 200 pulls im being generous.

So Vanilla raids. Aka braindead.

But you do not have to use the addon. Uninstall it and fight bosses the old fashioned way. Using addons is the player’s choice.

In your opinion. In my the raids since the introduction of the addons like DBM etc, got more complex and more fun over the years and not vice versa. That fact has been proven in the game, with each expansion they are way more fun. The dungeons to become more complex with the introduction of the m+ and had their own evolution from the more simplistic ones like we had in vanilla and TBC.

While I agree with you on a certain degree, removing dbm will only increase the gap between veteran players and new ones.

If the remove dbm it would be literally impossible for people who haven’t played for long, while the veterans wouldn’t mind it.

Personally I think a redesign of raid boss’s concept is a much better solution that just killing an addon.

I say this because most of the raid boss interactions fall into two extremes, either an interaction is deadly or an interaction is negligible.

Mana control.
Raid pressure.
Area control.
Cooldown control.
Phase control.
Special ability control.

Are all areas often unexplored by today’s raids and always fall in either of the extremes, as an example, you’re either overwhelmed by adds or adds are just negligible cleave or nuke down, think Azshara… it would be much more interesting if the Behemoth had way higher health, does small raid wide damage, drains the wards at slower rates and the raid has to divide their damage between him and Azshara, because he’s not deadly however his effects ramp up and if you focus him you will lose a lot of damage on Azshara which in the end may prove problematic ( more adds will spawn, damage ramp up, healer mana issues and she herself is draining a ward ).

While I know the example I gave isn’t perfect, it’s just there to elaborate a point, atm behemoth spawns > long CC and nuke, if not nuked it’s highly likely the raid would wipe.

You have the choice not to use Weak Auras, DBM, Bigwigs etc. You can make your game play as challenging as you wish. Blizzard did break some of the features of addons like Exorsus Raid Tools during Warlords of Draenor, that could put placements for players for certain mechanics because they felt they felt that was a step too far, but simple timers for abilities and warnings are part and parcel of the game.

If you feel you need an even more challenging game, it is there for you. That’s not to say everyone else wants that same experience.

They need people to test fights, the fights sometimes change from the PTR/beta testing versions, this is also why people like Fatboss go back in and re-do all their guides as soon as they can on the live game. Testers rarely get to see final boss fights in their entirety.

Many players never look at tactics before running through a Normal raid for the first time, it is much more fun to just go and have a bash at them. Some will always prepare for everything and read up before they attempt any content. People are all different.


I’m not a fan of having 60%-70% of my screen taken by addons and notifications, but i prefer to have it and manage to do content, rather than having it clear and gear myself on emmisaries.

The problem isn’t the addon itself but the encounter design. It’s too reliant on timers. Most abilities have to be countered by either spreading, stacking or soaking so knowing exactly when each ability is cast is essential.
In most cases the difficulty of encounters comes when timers overlap and that’s the “real” challenge, this is why it takes so many attempts to learn a fight now, what you’re really learning is to identify and dealing with the timer overlaps. I’m not saying this is bad design, but really overused and a lot of people got sick of it by now.

Now people can memorize whole fight, and repeat everything each week, stand in the same place when boss casts X, move there when boss casts Y so each fight looks like is programmed before. I would want more forgiving fights, without need of addons, for example giving bosses random use of spells, limiting those wipefest spells though. More clear ui + looking what boss does instead of observing 5 timers and notifications would be better immersion.