No, you can’t uninstall this addon, because in all guilds, it’s mandatory and the boss are designed with DBM + WeakAura in minds. So if you don’t have the two addon, you can’t do mythic raid because all guilds will decline.
And like i said, if we continue, we will end with 8 phases boss with 40 abilities, and i doubt developers have time to invest to create theses boss. It’s easier for them to get ride of DBM + WeakAura and design boss that are hard due to mechanic that need skill and communication, with less abilities and phases.
Or we can continue like that, end up with 8 phases / 40 abilities per boss, and 1 raid with 8 boss every year .
Just from EP alone you could do all bosses except for Azsharas decrees without DBM or WA. For the decrees only WA being required and only so you get an order done to prevent the orbs and punishments from going nuts. Alas you may even be able to do that part without a WA. You would just need another 100 pulls or so to get it working for that part alone.
No we wont. End bosses already last a minimum of 200 pulls with the current level of mechanics. That wont change. We already went down in terms of fight length considering how ultimately long Ragnaros HC was. And also Blizzard not wanting too long encounters are shown with Deathwing becomming two encounters instead of just one as originally planned.
In your opinion. In my the raids since the introduction of the addons like DBM etc, got more complex and more fun over the years and not vice versa. That fact has been proven in the game, with each expansion they are way more fun. The dungeons to become more complex with the introduction of the m+ and had their own evolution from the more simplistic ones like we had in vanilla and TBC.
While I agree with you on a certain degree, removing dbm will only increase the gap between veteran players and new ones.
If the remove dbm it would be literally impossible for people who haven’t played for long, while the veterans wouldn’t mind it.
Personally I think a redesign of raid boss’s concept is a much better solution that just killing an addon.
I say this because most of the raid boss interactions fall into two extremes, either an interaction is deadly or an interaction is negligible.
Mana control.
Raid pressure.
Area control.
Cooldown control.
Phase control.
Special ability control.
Are all areas often unexplored by today’s raids and always fall in either of the extremes, as an example, you’re either overwhelmed by adds or adds are just negligible cleave or nuke down, think Azshara… it would be much more interesting if the Behemoth had way higher health, does small raid wide damage, drains the wards at slower rates and the raid has to divide their damage between him and Azshara, because he’s not deadly however his effects ramp up and if you focus him you will lose a lot of damage on Azshara which in the end may prove problematic ( more adds will spawn, damage ramp up, healer mana issues and she herself is draining a ward ).
While I know the example I gave isn’t perfect, it’s just there to elaborate a point, atm behemoth spawns > long CC and nuke, if not nuked it’s highly likely the raid would wipe.
You have the choice not to use Weak Auras, DBM, Bigwigs etc. You can make your game play as challenging as you wish. Blizzard did break some of the features of addons like Exorsus Raid Tools during Warlords of Draenor, that could put placements for players for certain mechanics because they felt they felt that was a step too far, but simple timers for abilities and warnings are part and parcel of the game.
If you feel you need an even more challenging game, it is there for you. That’s not to say everyone else wants that same experience.
They need people to test fights, the fights sometimes change from the PTR/beta testing versions, this is also why people like Fatboss go back in and re-do all their guides as soon as they can on the live game. Testers rarely get to see final boss fights in their entirety.
Many players never look at tactics before running through a Normal raid for the first time, it is much more fun to just go and have a bash at them. Some will always prepare for everything and read up before they attempt any content. People are all different.
I’m not a fan of having 60%-70% of my screen taken by addons and notifications, but i prefer to have it and manage to do content, rather than having it clear and gear myself on emmisaries.
The problem isn’t the addon itself but the encounter design. It’s too reliant on timers. Most abilities have to be countered by either spreading, stacking or soaking so knowing exactly when each ability is cast is essential.
In most cases the difficulty of encounters comes when timers overlap and that’s the “real” challenge, this is why it takes so many attempts to learn a fight now, what you’re really learning is to identify and dealing with the timer overlaps. I’m not saying this is bad design, but really overused and a lot of people got sick of it by now.
Now people can memorize whole fight, and repeat everything each week, stand in the same place when boss casts X, move there when boss casts Y so each fight looks like is programmed before. I would want more forgiving fights, without need of addons, for example giving bosses random use of spells, limiting those wipefest spells though. More clear ui + looking what boss does instead of observing 5 timers and notifications would be better immersion.
Going by your avatar, I’ll assume you’re a fairly decent classic player with some cool Priest gear. However, since you are posting in retail forum (have no idea why) I’m gonna treat this post as a retail post. First off, I’d like to see your retail character, mainly its progress. But then again, if you even raid on retail, I think there’s a reason you’re not posting from it.
No one forces you to use DBM. Ofc, raiding guilds usually require it. But you could just find a bunch of likeminded players, create a community and have fun raiding without addons.
I personally would hate having to play with the default UI. I love the customizability addons provide. And if your UI is so cluttered that you have less then 50% screenspace, maybe take some time and declutter it. DBMs elements can all be moved around, resized etc. I use a ton of addons, but at the same time I like it minimalistic and simple with as much free screenspace as possible. Just takes some time to set it up once, but a UI tailored to your personal needs is so much better imo.
Apart from that, as said multiple times in this thread, DBM is nothing new, has been around for ages. When I started raiding in tbc, Bossmods where already mandatory for all raiding guilds.
If you own a car, do you rant on forums about Navigation systems, wanting them to be removed, because YOU don´t like them and would rather find your own way by using a map, asking for directios, using a compass, following the sun or whatever? Probably not, you´d simply not use them.
Personally I wish encounters were build around visual indicators rather than text-based ones. I haven’t found PvE appealing since I began playing the game in TBC and I’m not sure changing the encounters to “make more sense” would really appeal to me either. So if the majority is happy with PvE being tuned around an addon that tells you when and what to do, then I don’t really find it to be my place to tell them they’re wrong.
People have to stop using straw men arguments though. Your examples have no relevance.
What are you talking about. It gives you a timer and most abilitys aren’t fixed to happen in a certain spot. So if you ignore visual you are just a dead player in a sec O.o
It’s a difficult topic I think. You could argue that no addons wouldn’t dumb down the game, but I fear they will need to greatly reduce the different kinds of mechanics they’ll throw at you. If you’re solely reliant of audio and visual cues I don’t think they can implement some of the mechanics we’ve seen the last few expansions.
Compared to FFXIV, where there aren’t any addons like weakauras or DBM, every fight is a ‘dance’ and basically every mechanic is positioning, always in the same order with no RNG involved. The difficult part is remembering the order in which things happen and squeezing out every bit of dps you have due to very tight enrage timers. I don’t want WoW to get similar boss design. It doesn’t have dps rotations as complex as in that game, so what will we be left with?
You said it yourself: You react to a timer. This way, blizzard can allow themselves to adjust the severity of the action because they know you have everything on a timetable before you. Kind of lame to me, but hey that’s what the majority likes I guess.
This thread has hyped me up. I’m gonna start tryharding and gearing my Nelf rogue and find a Mythic raiding guild to see if my view on DBM will be changed.
Yeah but that is their personal choice to have it setup that way. If it works for them all good.
Mine looks like this and that works for me. You don´t have to show all possible information, just pick what is important to you and hide the rest. Like if I am tanking I don´t need to see castbars, buffs and debuffs of every member of the raid or their pets. I need to see their health and if someone has aggro. Most important is the boss and how my Co tank is doing.
Edit: And that isn´t even the best example, because I tweaked it more since, got rid of the quest tracker and moved some of dbms timers there.
Except every mythic guild worth their salt will require you to have either BW or DBM. It marks people, it warns you about something so you can position yourself in advance etc.
And it’s still not easy as many people make it out to be. It’s actually one of the hardest things you can do in gaming overall. It’s harder than the above mentioned Dark Souls because there, you learn on your own, here 20 people need to be perfect.