I think the fire nerfs have officially gone too far

I was talking about Fire in regards to AoE increase and target capping.

The Frost nerf seems really odd, as for me at least my AoE isn’t crazy but my ST and cleave is.

I’ve been playing with my TANK a lot lately, and i saw a lot of mages, with and whiteout PI+Evoker, i tried to pull as the mage likes, because i know what is good for them.
And let me tell you something, there are a lot of rubish mages. With the priest+evoker combo their damage is insane and its very good even whiteout them, but not that good as most of the ppl thinks.
Whiteout PI+Evoker its still good, in good players hands, but many classes can compete with them well.
Anyone who thinks this isn’t true simply can’t play with their character, rouge, dh, ret pal, fury warrior, balance drood, SH, elemental/enhancement, FROST DK, destro lock, even good MM/survival hunters… they all can stand up very well next to fire mage, of course, this is not visible in the top teams, because everyone there only takes exodia comp, and there will be no other classes besides the mage, only evoker and priest.

I just want to say that because of the exodia comp, it’s not just the mage that should be pointed at, it was even more stupid of blizzard to add a new broken class in the middle of the season. The Augment evoker is the source of this stupidly broken EXODIA comp.

So you can cry here for more mage nerfs, but really it’s the evoker that completely upset the whole meta.
There were smaller and bigger nerfs/class reworks before, but it was never like this, to be ahed every other setups with 2-3 lvl. If someone thinks this is caused by the fire mage, they are simply knows nothing.

Maybe I’m stupid, but I can’t imagine how to balance this Evoker normally, so far, if something was OP, the solution was simple: nerf and that’s it, but this works completely differently than the other classes.

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I think augvoker is making keys easier but I don’t think its fire’s problem. I think mages problem is our scaling with haste. 3+ bloodlusts and 5 PIs every 10mins is so powerful with the way SKB and kindling work. It all feeds into flamepatch too, more flamepatches and they all tick faster.

Thinking about it, flamepatch is probably the reason the game lags so hard on big pulls with fire mage.

Of course if your tank isn’t pulling in a way to keep mobs in your flamepatches and keeping you in combat for your timewarps your dps will suffer but they can’t tune the game around bad play.

Personally I’d nerf the external part of PI to 10% and, make it so we only have 2 timewarps every 10mins (external BL triggers TW cd and SP doesn’t effect the cd on TW), make it so you can only have a max of 1 flamepatch active at a time, then buff flamepatch to compensate, maybe add it the the mastery.

Nerfing living bomb and conflag is just lazy.

Prescience is not good for fire mage because of the particular stats but because it’s buffed very often, making fire a perfect fit because you are almost always in combust with SKB. And your vers claim is rather bold, and probably wrong.

Plenty of specs have flat dmg profiles.

205 Vers @70 = 1% vers = +1% damage/healing. Same for everyone. If vers is your best stat you don’t scale well eg. Windwalker

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Plenty? What about the not plenty then? But never mind that. Dont skip what I said about Prescience. You do hopefully see now how it makes Aug perfect to feed fire mage in 5 mans?

That was addressing it. Any spec doing consistant dmg would benefit from it the same. Besides Prescience is a 3% crit buff, so for fire mages that’s just 1.5% mastery most of the time.

Did you mean fate’s mirror? Doesn’t even need flat dmg, it will average out over the course of a dungeon anyway. You can keep up Prescience on both dps all the time, so its just best overall dps gains the most.

Reading a guide and learning as I reply :wink:

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And which other spec would that be in reality? Only Shadow and it’s part of the meta for the same reason. Crit is not a bad stat for fire, certainly not with 2/2 critical mass and the echoing part works best with Flame Strike because you spam it twice as often as it was in SL, since it counts for heating up now. And it obviously is not just about Prescience, it its every other buff as well that has 100% uptime on sb who it helps to hold 100% CD uptime with it.

Shadow is in the meta because mass dispel is manditory, PI is strong and stacks great with other buffs, it does good prio damage and holy paly has been very over tuned. Fortitude is also great for pushing the highest of keys. It aoe dmg is nothing special.

In aoe right now, with the cdr on fire blast and PF, crit could be the weakest its ever been for fire. I can’t remember having to hardcast a flamepatch outside of activating skb. Its pretty much just half mastery with mastery being worth less than vers.

Didn’t see ench shammy kicking butt in TGP last week? Affliction warlock is strong and loves a PI. Fire’s place in the meta is actually weak, as soon as another spec can do more dmg its out. Druid brings 3%vers, Paly brings blessings, 3% dr and bop, priest brings mass dispel and PI, Aug brings not just dmg but huge def buffs.

The latest nerfs have been harsh on paly. Priest to change to disc and fire might get overtaken by something too. Meta could start shifting next week, hopefully to a more balanced meta like 10.1 was.

Nonsense. Fuel the Fire giga helps you to get into your next SKB fast.

Nah I’d rather watch dust fall on my monitor than WoW-“esports”, or actually play the game myself. Enhancer is not consistent and highly conditional in its clunky cleave rotation. While Affli is absurdly strong and overlooked on live servers, its damage cadence is worse due to a long CD and getting Agonies rolling every pull, meaning Aug buffs will be less effective than on fire which nonstop blasts (well come Wednesday it probably wont anymore).

that comp is still viable cause of the synergy mage int buff is still a double dip in mainstat , u get 5% int + these 5 % even buff the mainstat aug brings

Frost is excellent.

Simply impossible to balance this augment well, but the solution is definitely not to nerf the classes that scales better with it.
There will always be 1-2 classes who will scale better with aug. and if they keep nerfing them, they’ll eventually be useless without it… And who will be the one whos scaling better? Simple the ones with uncapped aoe. After they nerf fire to the ground what will be the next? I guess UH, Destro, elemental, balance, sub rouge or DH? They all have uncapped aoe, ok they have damage reduction above x-y number of targets, but till uncapped. Lot of primal stat+20% versa boost etc. is OP for them.

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Fire doesn’t scale especially well with it though. Arcane int does boost ebon might a bit but my napkin math has it at a 0.3% increase? The crit buff aug gives isn’t much but it’d still be better for frost or arcane (or other classes than us). Vers is the same for everyone.

Uncapped aoe v capped aoe is a different debate but actually more relavent. It’s an example of the synergy in this ‘God Comp’ that fire is benefiting from.

OP Bears + Priest Stamina buff + Paly DRs + Paly OP heals + Aug Armor buff = massive pulls

Spriest is kinda soft capped at 12 targets so if you doing big pulls you need an uncapped aoe specialist.
Casters have the advantage because they scale better with the primary stat buffs than melee dps.
They need to love haste to take advantage of PI.
Consistant damage is needed for modern dungeon design.

Aug’s big cd is actually a 2min cd with a 10sec duration based on your dps players dmg. It has way more synergy with shadow priest void eruption and PI.

We have more synergy with Bear pulls, PI, paly’s blessing that gives cdr and even this dungeon pool than we do with augvoker talents.

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This guy… Is the hill you chose to die on even on this planet? Why are you here ‘debating’ if you dont change your wrong views? The buffed stats don’t have to be the bis stats of a class to produce the best results and you don’t get to float this BS about vers…

It’s not BS about vers. Look it up, it’s a flat multiplier with the same values for everyone. It’s likely the reason aug buffs vers, to try and make it balanced for all specs. Everything they have done with the buffs of the spec seems to try and make it not favour certain specs. The crit buff is tiny anyway.

Aug is just meant to be a multiplier, an amplifier for everyone. But for us in the comp, its multiplying on top of everything else the comp is… was feeding us.

It may be someone else’s turn to get all the buffs now anyway.

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Then why does Shadow get more dps per vers than others even without it being its best stat? Do you know if it effects all trinkets equally, or all spells? Ret’s Execution Sentence has not been affeceted by vers previously, but since the patch IS affected by vers (which is a double dip kind of). Specs work entirely different based on how many targets they attack, do you presume to tell people that a fury warrior gets the same value out of a vers buff on 20 targets as a boomie?

I think i read that fire scales well with aug on the discord servers, i might be misremembering but i think i’m not.

It’s probably some kind of interaction between how combustion works and augmentation, maybe aug buffs slightly favor more burstier profiles.

Where do you have this information from it is not on Discord it is not on Wowhead or Icyveins.

Literally none of the guide writers even mention this so where do you have this information from?

Is it though? i have a very good memory of that being patched out.
But i might just not remember the right thing

If a spriest sims at 100k and you simmed a constant 3% vers buff it would sim at 103k.

If any other spec was simming at 100k and you simmed a constant 3% vers buff it would sim at 103k.

At least that my understanding of it.

A lot of dmg trinkets have scaled with in the past to the point in 8.3 with corruption some trinket one shot anyone in pvp. I’m not sure how many trinkets scale with vers these days but it’s not a massive deal.

Those spells that store dam and repeat them often have double dipping problems, thats something else entirely.

Yes. Druid buff for example.
+3% vers = 3% dmg