Mage more easily than a lot of classess. In 20-23 they bad just because theyre have more invite, than you, and got freebost at any rio by spec. Thats exactly what i’m talking about. They can die in basic mechanics in 23-25 keys, that is unnaceptable for m+ players, but ok for mages, cause avg mage have more numbers, than everyone else, and must be invited.
You’re right about that, but it’s not only true for the mage, it’s the same with all augments, SH priests or healers. I don’t have to go far to give an example, 2 days ago on a +22 HoI… a 2970 RIO disc priest was unable to heal the first boss. He was not aware that the circle should be mass dispelled and thats why we stacking with it… But we still solved that, but the aoe slowly took everyone out, because in the end everyone caught up with self def thanks to the great healing. I belive HoI first boss could be problematic on high tyranical keys, but a +22 with a 446 healer? Unfortunately, I was not with my Ret pal, because I could have solved it to keep myself and +1 dps alive xD
So like i said before you are right about a lot of things, but the mage is not the only problematic class or role pick that means a free invite to everywhere.
Maybe I wouldn’t list the tanks here, because if they pull clumsily and don’t use CDs well, they’ll die quickly.
But thanks to the fact that +17 is enough for maximum loot, many stupid tanks can slide higher than it should be. But that’s another topic again xD
Basically, I have a problem with human stupidity, they can get the max loot at 17, if they are idiots to learn the mechanics or how their class works then why bother with bigger keys? If someone wants a big riot, learn to play… don’t expect to be boosted.
And you have shown that you are a clown who likes to troll others. Of course only children like to call other people names and pretend they have some deeper understanding of what other people on the internet think, so well done exposing your true self.
The irony of you being the person who do the things you accuse me of doing.
You have been doing these things you accuse me of doing from the very start and you trying to act all high and mighty now is really funny.
You are literally acting like a troll and then you act as if it is the other way around when you get called out on it.
Well good bye troll.
The interaction between Aug Evoker and Fire Mage in keys is the only reason Fire has been nerfed this much.
When I go in non meta groups the difference between the 3 DPS isn’t all that much but when I’m with an Aug & Spriest the damage just takes off to a completely different level.
Well said, but thats what many ppl dont want to accept. If one class has to be blamed, I think it should be the evoker.
True…Because blizz wont drop PI+aug and trying to balance classes around them…Some classes get big benefit from PI and aug some classes get nothing…
Aug is designed to be very similar buffs for all specs. PI external should be nerfed though, at least for spriest.
Pi should just be a personal cd.
I like it as a healer external, it’s a way for healers to add dmg without having to worry about squeezing in too many dmg spells. Cat weaving can be a pain in the butt for example. Maybe give it to shammies instead, priests have stam buff.
I do not want pi on my shaman either.
If they wanna make this kind of stuff group buffs are frankly better.
I am not a big fan either way, but i would rather have something like windfury totem as a raid buff without the totem than pi.
It is true on the paper, but in reality not. Those who have mass aoe will always be stronger with aug. The reason why fire is so strong with this exodia comp is the mass aoe+the haste from PI, +pure damage from augs versa+primary stat etc.
But the benefit of the aug will not be the same forexample for a fury warrior or a lock, there will be always a difference thanks to the target caps. Ofc its not a big deal with pugs on low keys, but if we talking about MDI lvl big**** pulls the one with the uncapped aoe will be stronger for sure.
So i think this augment evoker will be a constant problem… If every uncapped aoe class will get a level of nerf that they will be unviable without it then the aug will be a fix pick to every groups? Its just a joke if you ask me.
I think augment evoker is a ridiculously simple class, currently, even the most undemanding idiots can make 3k+ rio with it, if it has 445+ ilvl, will be almost instantly invited anywhere, and will be boosted with a high chance, if doesn’t die in everything.
I don’t think there has ever been a meta class in such an exceptional situation.
Na. I had this conversation the other day and asked a theory crafter. If you do x dps on 15 targets, a given augvoker’s primary and vers buffs will increase it by y% regardless of your cap.
Fire mage benefits from no target caps (or super soft ones?), but it doesn’t increase the bonus from augvokers.
When I asked, I was told augvokers buffs are pretty much the same across the board and fire is mainly meta because of its survivalbility.
You dont understand what i mean about the mentioned AOE caps. There are two kind of AOE caps, one is like a soft cap, witch is a damage reduction above x-y number of targets, the other is a fix cap like fury warriors or MM hunters cleave target numbers.
I say that those whose damage is not limited to a target number will have an advantage with the evoker always.
Simply if we talking about a 10-15 trash pull, the one who can damage all will be stronger with boosted damage than the other who can hit only 5-7 targets.
Actually there’s 3 types of target caps but augvoker buffs still dont work like that, no buffs do. The stat buffs only increase the dmg your doing.
Say a MM or warrior is only doing damage to 5 targets in a pack of 10, but is doing more than a mage flamestriking them. The primary and vers buffs will increase the dmg of the MM/warrior’s attack by x%. It will also increase the mage’s dmg by the same x%. Because the MM/warrior’s dmg was higher than the mage’s, the x% will be more dps for the MM/warrior.
Caps have nothing to do with it. It’s just a % increase on the damage you would already be doing.
This isn’t a matter of theory as has been told to you a billion times. If somebody is the best at mass aoe in practice, equal-for-everyone buffs will be best on that class, especially if it’s consistent. Also the crit buff increases fire combust uptime, which isn’t an interaction that others have. You really should stop posting on these forums all day every day if you are deaf and blind.
Is that not precisely their point though? Fire is the best aug target because it’s the best aoe DPS, so it follows fire isn’t being nerfed because of aug since for it to be a good target it had to already be the most raw output.
Even now fire mage top dps. Without SP and AUG they do more than everyone else. Have more utility than a lot of classes. Dispells. A lot of cc. mobility. Hero. Really strong saves. One more nerf at ~10% and probably they will have same dps as others top dps, but still will be prefer choice cause of utility and range.
Don’t be mean just because you don’t understand. Not cool.
Got some more theory for you to try and understand. Vers is roughly the same for every spec, the only difference comes from how much vers you have (relative to other secondaries) to start with. Vers is kinda the base level to see how weak or powerful secondaries are for a spec. For fire, almost always (maybe always always), vers is better than crit to do higher dps.
There’s lots of other specs that like crit. Lots of specs have interactions with crit. Crit is much higher value than vers for them. They gain a higher %dps increase from crit than fire mages do.
Some spec being slightly ahead merits no nerf. Being ahead by 200 miles because Augs stacks all their nonsense on top of that merits 200 rounds of nerfs, because all Blizzard looks at is class representation in their “esports” events that nobody watches.