I think they should have made changes to Classic

You’re welcome to it :slight_smile:

They made many changes to classic in current wow go play that.

i hope for a barber shop.

no game had ever done it and you would just be walking around with your draw dropped, shocked when you saw someone, an actual person

There were several MMOs out at the time; Everquest, Runescape, Ultima Online, Dark Age of Camelot.
WoW was the first to casualise the MMORPG genre and make it more accessible for a larger audience; no lose all items or large chunks of XP on death, no perma death, less of an emphasis on playing 24/7 etc.

WoW was made in a time where all this was common place. Personally I want no major changes made to the game. Its nice to see people out in the world running to quests, its nice to learn new skills or have something you can actually see and aim for like earning enough gold to buy that upgraded skill or leveling slowly to actually complete zones quests.
Vanilla isn’t polished but its far better than any other point in the games history as each expansion has introduced a major change that had shaped the game for the worse.
BC - Introducing flying
WotLK - Adding LFD begining the downfall of social interaction.
Cata - Adding LFR killing raiding and the need for a well organized guild.
MoP - Introducing the forged item system.
WoD - Garrison aka turning wow into farmville.
Leg - Artifacts / AP farming.
BfA - Doubling down on RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG topped off with more AP farming.

They did that in Cataclysm and it didn’t stick around longer than the first few weeks iirc.

this is the main problems for many of us (myself included)

Nobody here is offended that you don’t like Classic. We just don’t care, because we’re enjoying it.

Is this true?
I bet you had a wow factor when you realized that the game was everything you mentioned. BAD

I think it’s great and I enjoy the fact I don’t have to feel crappy for playing on Pservers to enjoy WoW Classic.

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