I did buy classic for my 14th Birthday in 2004 however my family PC at the time would explode if I stepped foot about 50 yards from Stormwind, I rejoined in 2006 and played all the way up to the beginning of BFA where I quit day 1.
Classic has so much going for it but in my opinion also needs so much improvement and think a middle ground between Legion - Classic would have been ideal.
The world isn’t new anymore and doesn’t have the wow factor it did 15 years ago.
When the first game was released 15 years ago it was insane, no game had ever done it and you would just be walking around with your draw dropped, shocked when you saw someone, an actual person fly over. You were a brave adventurer in this vast world but the world isn’t new anymore, the wow factor has gone. Its 15 years old, people have had mounts for over 10 years and nobody really feels any surprise or shock value in seeing a 50 scorpion whilst questing in Redridge - Blasted lands.
Little things like Rogue combo points falling off before you can use a finisher are extremely frustrating and the energy regeneration is appalling. Often going - Sinister strike, Sinister strike, Slice and dice - oh he’s dead, time to do again
When you use sap as a rogue it takes you off stealth unless you spec into it and even then it still has 10% chance to fail.
Warriors weapon is far, far too slow and is just an autoattack junkie with - “I’m out of rage, I’m out of rage”
Casters OOM far too fast.
(I dont at all want BFA where I just leap in, press 1 button. AOE 16 mobs down but I atleast want to be able to use my abilities at some point)
The flight paths are far, far too sparce and it just makes Classic feel like a walking simulator.
Some of the Graveyards are so dumb and one time I died in STV to appear at the Duskwood Graveyard and each of these things is enough for me o leave my character dead, log out and never want to play him again.
I hate the way you cant migrate as I have already ignored so many people;
First guild hits on a 15 year old girl - I ignore and leave.
Second guild shares videos of beheadings and people having sex with decapitated animal heads - I leave, call them all freaks and ignore entire guild
Third a guildie rogue (Who is 6 levels higher than me) Brings me to a place where the mobs are 39 stealthers, I pull and he is “L2p, you’re a bad rogue” When I was Gladiator rated and mythic raider, played since WOTLK. I ignore him, leave his guild and thats me with a bad reputation playing with morons.
Game is absolutely awesome as Alliance in Elwyn, Westfall, Redridge and Duskwood, then STV comes and I cannot bare myself to even login let alone fly to Bootybay, run all the way to the top zzzzzzz.
You get 10g and ding onto an even number - time to learn my talents and now I have 40 silver.
Retail is absolute crap because its 0 challenge bore mode kill everything - go, go, go
Classic is just as boring once you hit a certain level as its walk, walk, walk, flight path, flight path. Auto attack, sloooooooooow
WOTLK was basically in between the 2 to a certain extent which is why that expansion was considered the peak of the games history.
I quit BFA day 1 of the expansion, wrote on forums and got downvoted into oblivion but I was right.
I am now predicting that Classic wont last long and give it a few months before about 40% of the player base quits and goes to Retail or just quits all together.
Its too slow, too much of a chore and a job.
The combat is not interesting at all and whilst people like to go from 1-30 with the feeling of accomplishment.
When you hit 50, going from 50 to 52 is like getting to 1 to 30 all over again.
People WILL quit…Or atleast as my prediction anyway.
I really do hope that people continue to enjoy this game, I don’t want to convert anyone at all and genuinely wish people would enjoy themselves its just there is a reason so many improvements were brought into this game and resurrecting a 15 year old game with virtually 0 improvements isn’t a good idea.
Especially as people have been doing exactly the same thing on private servers since.
Stupid, pointless rant but I absolutely loved Classic for a few days but now I cant bring myself to login or fly to Stranglethorn at all.
Its a shame, was so hyped about this and its dried up like my s3men count since 2004.
Again hope you guys enjoy it, good luck and I will try to have fun in Classic but its so damn hard to at the moment and its really, really not alt friendly at all.