Seriously who is impressed by some gnome/dwarf/human with an exalted Darnassus mount in 1month of server lauch??? WHO ???
credit card users or not, that not inspire respect, this generation is full of lackeys
Seriously who is impressed by some gnome/dwarf/human with an exalted Darnassus mount in 1month of server lauch??? WHO ???
credit card users or not, that not inspire respect, this generation is full of lackeys
you’re wrong and 1000g at sod != 1000g at anniversary.
1000g in SoD = 10$, 1000g at fresh = 100$.
Anniversary is much MUCH more expensive
I was talking about ingame gold. Not illegal sites gold sell prices.
If only those prices correlated with the way of obtaining this gold in the game.
Oh it is! Getting 1k gold in SoD is a freaking cakewalk, 1k in Anniversary = 30hours of grinding
They care, about goldbuyers…
Tbh all those problems are playermade. Without GDKP (yes, there are plenty of GDKP runs on anniversary realms) there would not be any incentive for buying gold/botting.
The INSANE gatekeeping, sweatiness and ridiculous greed (HRing every single item) is also something rather new… players are just a lot more selfish these days and love to min/max the fun out of recreational activities.
I mean loot was the same 2019 or even 2004… yet you didn’t see groups HR in every single dungeon, only asking for cleave meta classes while leveling or asking for ridiculous buffs, logs to clear braindead easy content.
People nowadays create their own misery and tend to think they are okay with it, because they forgot how to actually enjoy themselves.
Blizzard played some part in that hysteria by announcing p1 and p2 that early