I tried Feral myself and

After many topics of players complaining about the spec in PvP I tried it and I have this to say. It is actually very squishy. As squishy as DH but doesn’t have such strong leech but it’s damage is something else. Feral is able to dish insane amounts of damage. Probably the highest among meeles but you have to keep momentum and be extremely agressive. I think that instant Regrowth’s can get some love from Blizzard - it wouldn’t hurt anybody or a possibility to use Frenzied Regen in Cat Form so you can keep the momentum going. Other than that spec feels actually very good and fun. I lack experience on it so I still fail but I can see an insane potential in it if someone truely focuses on the spec and mains it. The thing I found is that Jungle probably isn’t your desired 3s comp anymore and you prefer Aug (like every meele…) or Mage eventually SP or Destru.


The streamers who used to put out feral videos dont play feral anymore…nuff said

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Insane dmg only when ppl stack or vs specs with pets. I dont currently play but I dont think the ST buffs would move Feral to insane dmg
Not to mention its a very dull and boring playstyle to spam aoe rip and not what Feral used to be with high mobility hit and run, cc and support allies playstyle

Single target build actually pumps insane amount of damage. There is no other spec that has such single target pressure imo. Even WW. You just need momentum that is extremely hard to do.

I’m a die hard feral main. Played it for over 5 years now. My peak was 2.2k. Feral is super squishy. You are spot on regarding momentum. Right now, you choose between doing unrivaled damage and potentially dying in a one shot. Or dropping all pressure and momentum to ‘maybe’ stay alive by using what is probably one of the worst excuses of a defensive in the game called bear form. And before anyone starts, yes bear form sucks. Almost every other class has a % dr defensive or flat out immunity which is effective against both physical AND magic damage while being able to attack and exert pressure, while feral and balance have to sit in a physical only ‘defensive’ form, unable to do anything besides cast a frenzied regen which does very little given how many different ms effects there are in the game now.

Yes our aoe damage is great…when people stack. But we die in literally seconds if anything so much as coughs in our general direction. Regrowths also do very little, as OP said. It’s pretty underwhelming to use. 2 charges of wall back would be nice, but still wouldn’t fix the underlying issue.

And finally, kiting. What is kiting. It is what feral especially was notorious for. Well, not anymore, I’m having trouble disconnecting from warriors which is just laughable. Sticky little buggers :see_no_evil:


Feral is probably the DPS class with the weakest self healing in the game ATM, funny considering it’s supposed to be a ‘‘hybrid’’ class, but has weaker healing than arms warriors and dhs


Or mages…or dh’s…or hunter…

The feral toolkit is in general outdated…it was good…so according to legends its still good, hence everyone has surpassed it while devs dont fix ferals.


Yet still Feral has one of the most broken comps in the ladder in form of Feral/Aug/Fistweaver

how many specs can you replace feral with in that combo though, and still be “broken”?


To the same extent - 1 - Unholy DK. Feral/Aug is definetely better than Aug with Arms/Fury/WW and few others.

As in X/aug/fistweaver…does it matter what the X spec is? or is aug+fistweaver out of hand and will carry most other specs?

Aug is completely out of hand broken atm…so…

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Yes it absolutely does and Unholy or Feral are the best variation for trhe comp. Fistweaver and Aug cover the weaknesses of these specs so they make them stronger.

I have been playing Feral for the past 3 expansions, and when I saw how little Regrowth healed in DF… :joy:

I still can’t get over how it only heals about 5% health per cast :sweat_smile: So I have now gone over to experimenting with Boomkin instead, since it feels more tanky.

I think allowing the bear heal spell in Feral form, would make it feel a lot better than currently. Or just allow more healing with Regrowth again. :slightly_smiling_face:

If I HAD to play Feral currently, I would definitely have more focus on DoTing up using bleeds, and then kite… Because “standing your ground” won’t work unless you pump out insane dmg. :sweat_smile:

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I was watching Feral Druids Will Dominate In 10.2 PvP (Dragonflight PTR) what happened before it went live?

The fix to Feral being squishy and having too much power in cyclone was:

  1. Give a talent that gives a lot more DMG to FB
  2. Give a Tier set 100% focused on cyclone

So we got exactly what we didn’t want :smiley:

I misread the comment. Deleting it then.

When considering this “biggest damage potential” take a peek at pve and see how feral is 100% mediocre for even single target dmg. LOL

The so called damage potential you talk about is hitting demonology warlock pets with aoe dot!

No I’m not talking about pets. I’m 100% certain. First of all PvE doesn’t have to do much with PvP as first Crit has completely different value and in PvE there aren’t people who disarm or interrupt you that’s first.

In 3v3 arena Feral has one of the biggest damage potential due to fact that people trade versa for insane amounts of mastery. So please don’t talk it you are clueless. Feral/Aug/Healer is equal to Unh/Aug/Healer and the main reason why they are the best variants of Aug comps is insane damage that both Feral and Unh deal in 3v3s.

No it does not. If you look at wow arena logs you’ll see that in all possible rating the average burst numbers for feral are well below average, where the avg DPS is average.

If you look at 3v3 also on wow arena logs you’ll see again - burst below average, avg DPS is average. Feral is not dealing more DMG than any other class, feral is very average overall.

At the very top of both the solo shuffle and 3v3 ladder feral burst is around 130k that places it as 21st out of 26 specs. So feral is actually at the very bottom when it comes to burst. Don’t know where you see this crazy feral burst, is it only when playing with Aug? Or is it a troll Convoke build?

Even with Aug you don’t have burst, you have very consistent AoE thanks to AoE Rip and Rake, you almost never burst someone down, you slowly rot the enemy team and because you have Aug you’ll most probably win the rot game.


Please dude. You’re trippin… As always btw. Feral/Aug/healer

You’re the most biased player on the whole EU forums. Just watch some Tonyferal streams and how Feral with Aug tops damage every single game it’s in. The only comp that is comparable to Feral/Aug/H Priest is probably Thunder and Unh/Aug/Healer atm.

Also do you have any idea how Breath of Eons work lol and how it works great with Feral damage?

Eventually watch this guy a bit so you stop posting delusional things.