I tried Feral myself and

Seriously…you are trashtalkign everyone who dont agree with you…also alot of top ferals have said exactly what i said about feral dmg vs demonology pets.

If you are completely clueless dont post topics claiming nonsence…

I get it you got owned by a an amazing feral player with hes team who has played together for 15 years, and you need to blame someone for your lack of skill.

No st Sherlock. And? What spec does not top DMG with Aug? What are you on? And again it’s not BURST it’s mainly ROT. That’s why so many feral + aug games go deep into dampening and end when a healer runs out of mana. Winning with dampening and mana is the very opposite of burst, it’s ROT. Do you even know what you are talking about? Yes Feral is amazing when it comes to ROT because it’s just so easy to get it rolling, Primal Wrath + Rake and that’s all you need to make the healer run out of mana in 5mins.

WoW Arena Logs show Feral burst in 3v3 and Solo shuffle at 2100+ to be 130k, that places feral 21st out of 26 specs. Where is this crazy burst mate? Are you talking about a 1 in 1000 game where you get 5 FB procs in a row and all of them crit or something?

I don’t care about your delusional feelings, I care about the actual stats and numbers. Just because you “feel” like you do a lot of burst does not mean you are actually doing a lot of burst. Stats > your feelings. Stats > what you think. Stats > your delusions.

You are clueless, you played a few games as feral and you suddenly think that you know more about the spec than top rated feral players? You are 1500 rating with a 46% win rate and you wanna tell us how OP feral DMG is because Feral tops DMG when playing with Aug? Really?

Nah, this guy is spilling out of touch nonsenses for 3 months. You can just watch any good Feral stream or play against average Feral/Aug to see how much damage it deals. Even by making your own Feral and copying top Feral gear (around 10 crafted pieces) you can notice that Feral has an insane damage potential. I was bored this season as my 3s partner’s father died so I played 2s with our healer and tried almost every spec in the game as you can see on my check-pvp. It’s hard to find a spec that deals more damage than Feral if you deal your damage properly. As I mentioned above the issue for Feral is being squishy. Now Aug comes on a white horse and by giving Blistering Scales to Feral it gives him 30% Armor, big absorb and Thorns on steroid. Both Feral and Unholy struggle against heavy physical damage and somehow both are the best variants of Aug + meele. Don’t believe me? Watch any high rated people from EU or NA. I came here to point the feedback on what is wrong with Feral. Damage is too high and survivability is too low what is obvious. And top Ferals even take it to extreme by maxing Mastery with crafts.

Just because you think something does not mean it is true.
Feral burst is ranked 21 out of 26 specs.
Feral DPS is average or above average.

The only comp that makes feral DMG actually seem OP is Feral + Aug. And again it’s not burst, it’s ROT.

Just to prove my point I’ll share even more stats from WoW Arena Logs. This time I’ll be looking at 3v3 and only at comps that play with AUG.

Minimum burst for a comp that plays with AUG is around 300k.
Feral + Aug deals anywhere from 300k to 365k burst.
Max burst for a comp that plays with AUG is around 460k.

With these stats you can clearly see that Feral + Aug does not deal crazy amounts of burst, it’s actually at the lower side and with the best comp Feral + Aug is pretty avg when it comes to burst.

However when it comes to avg DPS most feral comps are at the higher end, proving yet again feral comps are more about ROT and not burst itself. How easy it is to spread feral DMG is why it’s so good with Aug. You basically press 3 buttons, which all are instant and you have almost 100% uptime on all your DoTs + Aug makes them hit harder.

If Feral damage and burst are average then I’m Santa Claus. Also it’s not what I think that’s what you can see in any rank 1 stream. I have a friend who is 2700+ in 3s on multiple H Priests and Feral/Aug/x is literally 2nd most broken comp in the top bracket.

I don’t know where you took these numbers from but it seems you need to practice your damage on dummies. 300 k you deal with a single application of 2 dots. Single Feral Frenzy button press on the Dummy is 200 k lol. Not to mention 150 k bites lol xD You’re absolutely delusional but what can I expect if you don’t even play 3s. You’re only solo shuffle player. I’m pretty sure you cannot even point best Feral comps.

I don’t know what is your understanding of burst. I believe you only count these Bites while you ignore the fact that all these dots are ticking on the target at the same time. Dots also contribute to damage and burst.

I’ll be sending you a letter before Christmas, I could really use a new PC this year Santa.

From 3v3 stats? Maybe first educate yourself and find out at least what are the stats and where you can find them, before you call someone delusional? I got stats, all you got is “BelIeVe mE bRo! IM 3v3 Pr0!”.

You have stats online on for example WoW Arena Logs mate. You can easily check which comps have the highest burst and Feral ain’t one of them. :smiley:
However Feral + Aug are 2nd place for AVG DPS, that means they don’t burst much, but they have one of the best ROT / AoE in the game.

Maybe you should lookup stats and spend less time hitting dummies and more time playing the game? Maybe then you wouldn’t have a 45% win rate on feral at 1500 rating? Yes you feel like a good player, but the reality is you just suck. Facts > Feelings.

You do not seem to understand the difference between BURST and DPS? Also you don’t seem to understand that you deal a lot more DMG to a dummy? Also you do know Bleeds are DoTs? So a DoT dealing 300k DMG does not mean it’s gonna be a lot of BURST? You don’t seem to understand anything, but what was I expecting from a 1500 rating feral with 45% win rate calling everyone else delusional. :smiley:

I’m only a solo shuffle player, but even I understand the difference between BURST / ROT / AVG DPS / TOP DPS and even I know where to get stats and how to understand them, you seem to not be capable of doing any of that.
Just shows you that playing 3v3 doesnt actually make you smarter or better at the game, it just makes your EGO go crazy on forum.

It’s pretty easy. It’s the TOP DPS your comp can do during their GO. It’s really just that simple. And Feral just ain’t a top spec or top comp for dealing BURST.

There are only 20 specs that do higher burst on average in solo shuffle and 3v3 arenas and there are only 20 other DPS + Aug combinations that do also more burst than feral + Aug and we got logs for all of this.

Why would anyone take your “feelings” over actually 3v3 arena logs that we have? It’s like saying you feel like Feral is the best PvE DPS in the game but on every boss the DMG meters show you to be at the very bottom, but you “feel” like the logs are wrong and everyone is “delusional”. :smiley:

You’ve never even been 2100 in neither 2s and 3s so why are you talking? You have 0 idea. And it’s not that everyone is delusional. You are delusional. Others are just not knowledgable enough if they say that PvE is a proof of something in arenas.

I geared Feral in 3s from green gear and didn’t really play it more. I’m pretty sure that if I’d play it for 2-3 weeks non stop I’d beat your peak in any bracket but I don’t have Hunter/Mage or Evoker friend so I cba.

Also accusing me for botting is funny as I’m still here and I haven’t been banned. You’re mad cause bad and clueless on top of it. Feral has an insane burst potential which is far bigger than 300 k. Literally applying Rip with Tiger’s Fury and Feral Frenzy deal more damage than 300k. I don’t know what are you smoking. Watch some actually good Ferals and check how healers sometimes of Breath of Eons have to heal 3x their dps health bars. And yes 1 dot is not burst but 4 in the background of two 150 k bites also contribute to the burst. It can pick in 120 k dps while maintaining 60-70 k dps with Aug. Find me other spec that can do that.

What does me not playing 2v2 or 3v3 gotta do with anything? How much 2v2 / 3v3 rating does one need to be able to properly use Google and find arena logs? Seems like you didn’t hit that point yet.

How much 2v2 / 3v3 rating do you need to be able to sort a table that has “SPEC BURST” and count to 21 to find Feral? Seems like you ain’t got enough rating yet to know how to count to 21 on your own.

How much 2v2 / 3v3 rating do I need to be able to call someone with a 45% win rate at 1500 solo shuffle delusional?

I’d really love to see you just casually dealing 300k+ DPS easily in arenas. Come on mate install a DPS meter and show us how it’s done. You did so much practice on dummies right? You should be able to do 300k+ DPS in burst easily.

Seems like you didn’t hit the needed 2v2 / 3v3 rating yet to understand the difference between “DMG and DPS”.

Yeah that can be possible with around 360k DPS. Still below average of what other comps can deal during their burst windows.

You just don’t know what burst is, you dont know what dps is, you don’t know what rot is. You gotta play a few more 2v2 / 3v3 games, I heard that if you hit more rating you’ll get an achievement that makes you understand these terms.

If you’d be dealing 300 k dps you’d be killing through defs. I don’t know what you’re smoking but you’re so clueless that there is no point of discussing with you. You lack basic understanding of the game.

Seems you’re not the best in analysis if you come up with such conclusions. There is still a factor of player skill. Whaazz, Chanimal, Mehh and Raiku are two leagues ahead of anyone so the fact they are top of the ladder doesn’t mean their specs are the best. They don’t have to be. I have a friend who is playing against them in 3s and you can see a clear difference between them and others. Even roots are count to milisecond not to be overlapped. However Aug comps overall are stronger and perform very well in hands of way worse players. If you play on 2100+ mmr then you fight against meele/aug/healer every 2nd game. The best variants are Unh and Feral and that’s not a secret. People play if for a reason because it’s a low effort comp.

Feral is that strong with it as it covers it’s weakness - armor. With Aug Feral can tank way more and literally just deal PvE damage outdpsing anyone. Shuffle doesn’t have anything to do with arenas due to dampening and different meta. Also there is no glad mount in RSS for a reason.

And regarding my Feral. There is 1 week till the end of season so I cba playing it now. But we can make a bet for the next season. I can play it and beat you in any bracket if you want. I made one this season as I didn’t touch one since WoD so I wanted to check myself if it’s really that bad. No it’s not. It’s a bit harder than average spec but a rewarding one. Early season it was bad but since Aug was released it’s doing very good.

What have we been talking about in all of your comments? About AVG BURST DPS and AVG DPS. You slow mate? Don’t know what you are smoking, but if I were you I’d stop.

How else would you calculate the BURST of a spec or comp if not by looking at their peak DPS during a match? How the hell were you calculating BURST in all of your comments? Were you just adding up the total DMG of all DoTs and being like “Look that ALOT!”? By saying Feral can easily burst 300k did you mean Feral can easily deal 300k DMG in a match? Is something wrong with you man?

You call other people clueless and delusional and after 10 comments it turns out - I don’t even know what happened here, I’m really surprised that you were talking for so long about Feral Burst and it seems not once were you talking about DPS? How else do you wanna talk about how much DMG or burst a spec deals if not by looking at their avg DPS and peak DPS?

Seems like you got lost in kindergarten or something in this conversation mate. We’ve been sharing DPS meters and arena logs that show DPS and after 10 comments we find out you ain’t even using DPS to measure burst and spec DMG. :smiley: You using your own “math” and “bleeds number high! Burst high!”.

Really stop talking about PvP cause everyone that will read you’re last comments will end up dumber. Your comments are just bad for the whole PvP community in general, cause smart ppl will look at us and think “these ppl are dumb” and new ppl will actually know less about the game and end dumber.

But your dps meters are meaningless as your arena experience shows you cannot even deal damage properly so your data is not reliable.

You can say whatever you want but I can alt Feral next season and beat your peak achievments because you lack basic understanding of the game and you proved it multiple times. Your peak is duelist in solo shuffle playing the most broken spec for the first half of the season with solo shuffle being your main content. Your data is seriously not reliable. Most likely you don’t even have proper gear.

Calculating BURST and DMG without DPS meters. Amazing :smiley:
Just for clarification what do you use to calculate burst if not DPS meters and not arena logs?

Mathematicians all around the world would like to know how to calculate something without actually using math and numbers. You might be a prodigy, a genius or something. Or you might just not know what you are talking about, also very possible.

You can even have 10k rating on Feral, nobody really cares, we are not talking about rating right now, we are talking about math, arena logs and what websites like wow arena logs report as AVG burst and AVG DMG for specs / comps.

You think you know more than ppl at wow arena logs that actually have thousands of logs from arena games because you hit 1500 on feral in solo shuffle? :smiley:

And let’s not talk about peaks, cause youre hardstuck 2k on a spec that actually had a single macro for it’s whole rotation and let you do 80-100k DPS. We have people that press a single macro all game higher rating than you on elem.

I play all specs of my class both PvP and PvE, that is tank, healer, 2x DPS specs that I actually actively play, I don’t main any of them, I play all of them daily and I hit 2k on each one for fun. That is the difference between me and you, I hit 2k on each spec for fun, sometimes without items, sometimes playing troll builds like boomkin starfall. Just hit 2k on MM hunter again for fun in 3 weeks, without items, playing snipershot and no pet just for the big burst.

You are actually trying hard, you created 10 shaman alts hoping that you’ll get higher riding on the early high MMR and you are still peaking at 2k. :smiley:

It’s hard to peak at 2k when you have duelist achievment on 3 of them. Something you never reached outside of solo shuffle.

Anyway my point is that your damage matter is pointless as if you only play solo shuffle and your peak at Balance Druid is 2100 in Shuffle then you don’t even know how to deal damage. You most likely do multiple mistakes in your rotation as all the numbers you brought are far lower than these that are in arenas - even these I meet in 3s do more than you described.

Yes cause I can have more than you next week easily. We can even make a deal.

Also there is no such macro it’s third party software macro from apps like iCue or Razer Synapse and it’s bannable. Pokemons got banned exactly for it. As you can see I’m still playing. Also top elementals do 45-65 k dps on average depending on how many Flame Shocks they can apply and if there is H Priest in the enemy team. Pokemons was the guy who was doing 80 k and that’s how they figured out there something fishy going on.

Do you understand that I am not giving you my numbers? I am giving you numbers from WOW ARENA LOGS. A website that collects logs from ARENAS and later displays them for you so you can check what are the best specs, what are the best comps, what is the average DPS of a spec, what is the average burst of a spec. This is a website that collects ARENA LOGS.

And those logs show that Feral burst is one of the lowest in the game, but has one of the best sustained DMG when paired with Aug. So my rating, your rating, my feelings, your feelings are irrelevant. We have actual logs and numbers from thousands of games.

Stop talking about my rating our your rating cause NOBODY CARES and none of it matters. We have LOGS from THOUSANDS of games that we can look at and see you have no idea what you are talking about and you are just WRONG.

Do you know that the % of data on that website is extremely low and that barely anyone is recording logs there? It’s extremely nishe website among PvP community. It’s not raid logs basically.

What should give you more idea about what is going on then look - 3 Ferals in top 50 EU but there are no Hunters. It means jungle sucks and they had to play with someone else. Most likely they played with Augs or Mages as these are now the go to comps for Feral. If people played together they are usually close to each other in the ladder. Like Whaazz with Raiku and Mehh or with Kubzy (this top 1 Druid).

Most of the arenalogs games are between 2100 and 2400 while top players play at 2900+. Literally there is 500 cr of skill gap between players you compare and these who can play them to the full potential. Arena logs tell nothing.

Niche or not niche it still has data from probably 50k 3v3 games alone in the last 28 days. Similar amount of solo shuffle games in the last 28 days. We have data from around 2000 games with Ferals. I think this is a good starting point for any type of analysis.

You do know that you can search for games? Like you can specify that you want to see the logs for all feral games and you can actually go through them one by one.

Like I just now looked at a log from a 2721 rating 3v3 game.
Feral | Aug | Mist vs Destro | SP | Resto Druid.
Feral Top burst DPS - 142k DPS
Destro Top burst DPS - 200k DPS

Found another game at 2800 rating.
Feral | Aug | Mist vs Rogue | Boomkin | HPriest
Feral Top burst DPS - 150k
Boomkin Top burst - 140k

Another 2750 game
Feral | MM | Disc vs Destro | Spriest | RDruid
Feral Top burst DPS - 120k
MM Top burst DPS - 170k

Another 2704 game
Feral | MM | RSham vs Destro | Spriest | RDruid
Feral Top burst DPS - 150k
MM Top burst DPS - 175k
Destro Top burst DPS - 280k at the start of the game and 400k just before the end
Destro almost tripled the burst of feral this game. :smiley:

Feral has so much burst that specs without an Aug are doing more than Feral + Aug. :smiley:

WoW Arena Logs has all the data you need, you just need to know how to use it. Or are direct logs from 2800 rating 3v3 games not enough now?

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But do you understand that these burst might be count in specific way. What does it mean “Feral top burst” - how is it count. Incarn lasts 30 sec - Destru burst is literally 3 Chaos Bolts. Did you ever consider that? xD Anyway I’m not going to convince you that a spec with 4 players in top 50 EU is really good if you really prefer to whine on the forums.

My god… It’s the highest DPS you had during the game… How else would you calculate burst if not by saying what was the MAX DPS you were able to do in a match?

Did I not just in every single comment I made include average DPS right next to burst DPS? Please keep up my god… Also you claimed Feral had broken burst, now when I gave you stats that no it does not have broken burst you are moving more and more towards Feral has broken average DPS / sustained DMG.

What? Nobody said Feral is bad, I myself said that Feral + Aug is broken and the reason is it’s high ROT DMG. You are the one that keeps making false claims about how you think Feral has broken burst and you haven’t given a single number or stat to back that up.

You don’t even know what we are talking about anymore. We are talking about how Feral is only strong thx to Aug and thx to it’s high average DPS. And we are talking about how probably most ferals don’t like that type of gamestyle where you AFK spam Primal Wrath until 80% dampening hits. And there is a good solution for that - nerf Aug + buff Feral survi. This way Feral will be better in other comps and Feral + Aug wont be so dumb OP.

Feral maintains 110-120 k dps during Incarn

Yes Feral has one of the weaker bursts, but has above average average DPS. It’s not top, but it’s on the higher end when played with Aug. Not a single stat shows it to be OP, not a single stat shows it to be broken, not even 2700-2800 rating 3v3 games show it to be a lot higher than other comps. It’s strong with Aug, but not broken,