I tried Feral myself and

No, it has one of the best. This window shows stun + Feral Frenzy and few bites window. While in fact Feral burst window lasts 30 sec. and it works great with Ebon Might. Compared to Destruction - you just need to stop 1 Chaos Bolt and it’s over. You cannot stop Feral damage. If he applies all bleeds with Feral Frenzy it’s already a big damage window on 45 sec. CD. It doesn’t have to 300 k dps if it’s enough to kill someone on window.

You can’t stop it? LoL? You only need to CC him, you bubble and all pressure disappears, you have evoker that can dispell all bleeds, you have hunters that can remove bleeds, you can evasion and not get a single bleed, you can fist as MW and stop all DMG for a few seconds, you can parry as warrior are stop all dmg and bleeds, you can iceblock to remove all bleeds, you can CC / kick cyclone casts making the feral lose half of it’s DMG and possible burst, all dwarves can click their racial and remove all those bleeds. You have so many ways to stop a feral go, you have classes that directly can remove bleeds, you have a racial that just removes all 10 bleeds with a single button. :smiley:

There is a reason why so many of these 2500+ Feral + Aug games last even up to 8mins. The reason is the win condition for Feral + Aug is not burst, it’s ROT and winning the mana / dampening game.


No disarm, Hex, Poly. Feral is one of the most CC resistant class.

Dude, literally during Breath of Eons you have to heal 3x someone’s health pool. That’s what you’re walling most of the times and the rest of Incarn is up to healer to heal through. What are you smoking? You literally drop low every Feral Frenzy.

Mate just look at the actual stats.
Feral + Aug games

2721 rating - 4min
2677 rating - 6min
2744 rating - 8min
2704 rating - 6.5min
2641 rating - 6min

Almost every single game is 4 - 8 mins long.

Now let’s compare a different comp Ret + Warrior. Almost every single game between 2500 - 2800 rating last’s between 1-4mins.

Let’s compare another popular comp - Mage + Rogue. Almost every single game last’s between 30sec to 3min.

A comp that require 2-3x more time to win is NOT A BURST COMP. How can you say a 8min game was a burst game? Burst games are like MAge + Rogue - 1min and the game is over. Burst games are Ret + War - 2min and the game is over. A 5-6min game is not a burst game, it’s a ROT game. Not only do the DPS numbers confirm Feral + Aug is about ROT, but also the game duration also confirms Feral + Aug is all about ROT and long games.


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