I’m honestly shocked by the lack of choice. I didn’t expect it to be so bad, but damn.
Even with my mail classes I can make do, but plate…Plate is beyond salvation, dear lord.
Strange, plate has some of the best diversity of sets, right behind leather.
But then again I have no idea what you expect to mog into.
I prefer simple looking sets, and most of them are over the top, super edgy with lots of bones, spikes and whatnot. They all look the same, and they’re all bland.
Outside of the fact that you want to mog a DK, which lends it’s class sets into a specific fantasy…
There are multiple clean and cross class mogs (or even sets) that you can use. You can use the wowhead listing for some ideas.
Edit: You are using ornate set with skulls on the hunter, so it is a bit wishy washy.
For DK I like the starter set you get when you create the character (core races) - the one with the “robes”. It’s simple looking and not too flashy/spikey.
Excuse me I look amazing
Citation needed for that one.
They’re barely noticeable. They don’t “make” the set.
I don’t like robes because they make your legs disappear when you jump or swim.
No offense, but your character looks like they have an OnlyFans link on their Twitter bio.
You can collect off sets from other classes if you wanted something different to the DK sets. Or you have to get creative and put your own sets together from what is available in plate and go farm it.
You might also find inspiration from transmog sites:-
There are also discords that are dedicated to transmogs.
I gave an example. Did you browse only the in game set listing? That shows around 10-20% of what DK can use.
If this was the case, would you subscribe?
Well first off, you playing something thats not a belf.
Thats is it though.
I’ve seen all of those. I remain unconvinced, and I don’t want to use the Alabaster set on all my plate characters either.

If this was the case, would you subscribe?
Well, if it involves a naked corpse, you can bet I’m in.

Well first off, you playing something thats not a belf.
The Nightborne look better, let’s be real. They nail the smug aristocrat looking down on filthy peasants fantasy much better than Blood Elves ever have.

The Nightborne look better

Global warming can’t exist because Blood Elves aren’t hot enough.
I think i saw Briggy in there somewhere

Excuse me I look amazing
Indeed, haven’t I seen you somewhere on r34?