I was forced to buy a character transfer

A few months ago (or maybe a year or so) me and my girlfriend started playing Wow classic. We played together until summer arrived and we decided to take a break. Now when days are getting colder and the release of WOTLK we decided to get back into the game. After logging back into the game we both noticed our characters automatically transferred to different realms.

All of a sudden she was at: ‘Mograine’ and my characters where moved to ‘Firemaw’. I tried to use my free character transfer to move my characters to the same realm she was at (Mograine) but I was unable to do so. My realm ‘Firemaw’ is locked, so transferring her character to my realm was not possible. This led us to a point we both needed to do a character migration in order to play together, but there was no possible solution to transfer our characters to a same realm for free. For example: She could not do a free transfer to ‘Ashbringer’ and I could not do any free transfer to a realm where she was able to transfer to as well.

If we ever wanted to play together on the same server we where forced to buy a character transfer. Since I had a few characters, transferring my characters would be expensive and so we decided the following: I would do a free character migration to ‘Ashbringer’ and she was forced to buy a character migration to get from ‘Mograine’ to ‘Ashbringer’. Since I did a free transfer myself for multiple characters, options in choosing a realm was very limited. We ended up in ‘Ashbringer’ which looks dead and unbalanced.

Am I the only one thinking this is insane? I don’t mind paying for the game or anything like that, but this is ridiculous. Thank you Blizzard.


You welcome. I had few 80s in WOTLK, I have 60 in Shadowlands and if I want to play I have to pay for character upgrade:)

I would no play Shadowlands even if it was for free.

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This is clearly a bug, as you should both have been moved to Morgraine. I would try writing a ticket. It takes time right now, but you should try it.

I don’t think it’s a bug as ALL characters from realms that were closed down were moved to Mograine, not the locked realm of Firemaw. They were probably on there to start with or possibly moved them themselves.

Could the OP be trying to get free transfers to Mogriane?

You were not “forced”, you punish them buy quitting the game, instead you congratulated them by giving them money and all they understand is money.
So you just contributed to a future of more impossible decisions so they “force” you to give more money.
Do yourself and your girl a favor and play something else, the lack of your money is the only way they understand.

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No I did not, since I already payed for my transfer. No idea how this might have happened.

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