I would like Classic gameplay but looks like The War Within

Just literally going on if you don’t ask, you don’t get. This is my personal opinion on what I’d like from WoW and if I never let Blizzard/The Devs/Whoever know, then it’s that tiny bit less likely to ever happen.

I don’t expect this to happen.

I am simply saying this is what I would pay a sub for every month of the year continuously. I.E. I would pay Blizzard for this.

That is simply:
-WoW Classic Vanilla gameplay, with no changes.
-WoW Classic Vanilla music, with no changes.
-Complete redesign and rework of the visuals so that this version of WoW Vanilla Classic looks to the standard in every way visually of the latest expansions of retail, such as Dragonflight and The War Within.

That’s what I’d like to see from WoW. I’d pay for it. Just my opinion.


Everyting actually same, stop cope, i played on Nostalrius, literelly no differece in gameplay. Its players that behave differently, you cant change that.
And what difference in music tf?) Cuz i never have music ON

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What I’d like:
A total, true to Vanilla server, warts, bugs and all and NO “QoL” updates of any kind. I still see them - every single time - and they bother me - yes all those nitty gritty teeny tiny small details. I am so happy they finally fixed the mount aboard ships and zeps error, but there are hundreds of same sort of errors small and big, that does not feel like Vanilla.

I would NEVER play your dream version, as I intensely dislike the new character models.

People are different, players are different.


Was thinking this the other day!

The no changes crowd, like myself, who want the game to simply be a canvas were people can create the World of Warcraft themselves, are seen as the devil by many.

You will not see many posts about guild drama, community, spontaneous initiatives, city invasions, dueling tournaments… all that fun would take time from optimizing efficiency!

And true Vanilla has, according to them, “bad game design”. Can you believe it? One of the arguably best games of all time if not the best?

The truth is, they don’t care about the game, you, me, or even themselves. Its all about a quick dopamine rush. Sad.


It would be hard and some people won’t like the model change Blood Elves, Zandalari Trolls (they use the regular troll model in Classic, some NPCs from the ZG isle are on retail with a Zandalari Model instead of a regular troll one), Dragonkin (they look beafier on retail), Dragons and other races suffered through the expansions.

Nonetheless, I’d like the option to play with the new models.

Like some of the posters above, all I want is an accurate, faithful mirror of the original Vanilla client. No QOL, no microtransactions, no shortcuts, no ‘streamlining of in-game systems’ no new tools, no Joyous Journey, no XP buffs of any kind.

People can have all of that in SoD and retail, it’s right there waiting for them. It depresses me to see people clamouring for all of the above in Classic Era - which is supposed to be a time capsule and the last remaining method of playing the original game before it was dumbed down and streamlined.


No thanks, the cartoon style Classic is exactly as it should be. I don’t like the retail graphics at all :frowning:


100% this with the option to move to a “phased server” to go through the expansions, but I know I’d love to just be on the Vanilla game.

Personal take: Everything was amazing up to WotLK, but Cata changed too much for my liking!

The expansions came too quickly; Blizzard played their Dark Portal and Arthas cards too soon. Deathwing could have come before Arthas and maybe even have Arthas resurrect him after he’s defeated - that would have been insane…

I’m also a fan of the SoD: Karazhan Crypts after seeing a YouTube stream from Xaryu. Love it! Just my point proven that the expansions came too early…

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I would love to have graphics updated.

But not to retail version. Just improve all textures. Improve models so they look 100% the same but with more polygons.

I don’t trust Blizzard to rework anything, they failed hard every time. They reworked hot pictures into some fruit nonsense. They reworked pants on beautiful Daisy, making her look weird. They’ll do the same with everything.

In the latest era update they replaced stone textures with different one. While I don’t see much difference, it’s obviously different and it might be an acceptable way to improve graphics (although I think that Era should not change, it was promised to be museum).


Me seeing that goofy human face and jumpy running Hell naw!

I like that raw and gloomy look of vanilla. They could just add some more modern graphic tweaks like those some private server with tortoise in name is trying to do.

To each his own.

I also would enjoy modern 2025 take on classic wow, while keeping the spirit and gameplay of classic.

For me, the spirit of classic reside in its gameplay and game design, not in low polygon count and janky animation.

Modern wow looks are garbage. I mean… Straight walking orcs?

I did indeed change for the worse with Cata, which was why I cancelled my sub.

I tried really hard to like it. I didn’t insta-quit, I gave it a few months but I found it to be a hollow, soulless experience with all of the charm and personality removed from the old world zones and quests - replaced by gimmicks and cheap pop culture references.

When I saw what they’d done to cherished zones like Darkshore and Ashenvale I nearly sobbed big, blubbery man tears.

I persevered for a while. I guess some of the dungeons were OK (at least prior to the nerf) and I didn’t mind the new underwater zone, that was quite fun. But none of that was enough to keep me engaged, as the game I’d fallen in love with in 2005 had been replaced by this new ‘modern audience’ version that largely left me indifferent.

Spent the last month of my sub just soloing heroics in TBC zones, getting my rep to exalted with the factions I’d missed the first time around. By that time my formerly active, lively guild had all quit the game and I felt like a stranger in Azeroth.

Then along came Classic, and I re-subbed…

But when the forced update to Cata hit Classic that was the ultimate low blow. It felt like all the effort I’d put in since 2019 was wasted. I actually felt angry at Blizzard.

If it wasn’t for Era realms I’d never play WoW again.